高一牛津英语(译林版)模块三第一单元教案 下载本文

4. observed what 5. was observed to sight

(page 2,line 20)

There was no one in sight.

热身练习:将下列各句中sight的含义与相应的中文译义相搭配。 _____1.Some famous musicians have had little or no sight. a _____2.What a sad sight it was after the war! c

_____3.It was a fine chance to see the sights of the city. d _____4.She would faint at the sight of blood. b 链接:sight的常见搭配 In sight 在视野之内 catch sight of 一眼看见

at first sight 乍一看;初看时

lose sight of sb / sth 再也见不着某人或物 out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不想

巩固练习:选择链接中适当的搭配完成下列各句,使其意思完整。 1. My parents fell in love with each other ________________.

2. There was no one _______________ in that large desert and it made me really frightened at that


3. On entering her room, I __________________ a big picture on the wall that her bed faced.

4. After saying goodbye to my parents, who came to see from my hometown, I didn’t return to my

room until I _____________________ them at the end of the street.

Keys: (One possible version)

1. at first sight 2.in sight 3.caught sight of 4.lost sight of

reduce However, your chances of being attacked by a shark can be reduced if you follow the advice below.

(Page 18,Line 35)将中文短句与英文表达配对,并尽量将这些常用搭配记下来。 1.reduce costs A.减肥

2.reduce one’s weight B.减少数量 3.reduce the pressure C. 减轻压力 4.reduce the number of D.降低成本 5.reduce the price of E. 降价 活用reduce to

1.reduce sb to sth / to doing sth

使某人陷入某种境地;使某人(沦落到)做某事 2.reduce sth / wh-clause to sth


1、我认为我们可以把他说的内容归纳为两个要点。 I think we can reduce what he said to two key points.

2、最后他们沦落到沿街乞讨。They were reduced to begging along the street in the end. 3、她的话让他一言不发。Her words reduced him to silence. 4、我们可以把这个问题简单地看成钱的问题。 We can reduce the problem to one of money.

5、她很容易就被弄哭了。She is easily reduced to tears.

Step 4. Talk about the weather.

don in the mist.)

Sunny cloudy overcast fog/mist storm lightning snow drizzly

Step 5. Finish the related exercises in Students’ book. Page 7 Part B Answers:

(1)warm (2) fine (3) sunny (4)cloudy (5) cooler (6) overcast (7) rain (8) cold (9) thunder (10) lightning (11) storm

Step 6. Discussion.

1.What kinds of weather do you prefer? 2.Please forecast the weather of tomorrow.

Step 7. Exercises

Decide the correct part of speech1.Doctors often sense uneasiness in people. 2.your senses are the physical abilities of sight,smell,hearing,touch and taste. 3.I looked at the printed page but the words made no sense. desert

1.All his friends have deserted him.

2.On his return from his office, he found the house deserted. 3.They were lost in the desert. time

1.It’ll take you a long time to learn English well. 2.I have seen the movie three times. 3.He timed her as she swam a mile. present

1.The present situation in Middle East is very dangerous.

Which city is it?(Lon

2.The chairman himself presented the first winner the prize. 3.The child received a lot of presents in the Spring Festival. deal

1.They learned to deal with unexpected situation. 2.The workers are hoping for a better pay deal. 3.A great deal of work needs doing.

Period 4: Grammar and usage: Noun clauses

Goals: To learn the usages of the noun clauses and practise using them. Procedures:

Step one: Brief introduction to Noun Clauses.

subject clause、object clause、 predictive clause and appositive clause Step two: Functions of Noun Clauses. Step three: Consolidations Step four: Assessment

Period 5: Task

1. Let students know how to plot a story , prepare a surprise ending and improve the language for


2. To improve students’ language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing

Plotting a story

Step 1: Lead-in

1.Retell the story Fog

What kind of story do you like to read? What is a plot? The three parts.

Do part A and B on page 12 Listening

Analyze the plot of the story Fog

Identifying different elements of a comic strip

How can we tell a story?

speech bubble, thought bubbles, sound bubbles and caption

Preparing a surprise ending

Step1: Check the homework

Step2: Lead-in

.Talk about the endings of the students’ stories. Step3: Practice

1. Do part A and B on page 15

2. Ask students to add a surprise ending to the given passage.

Using adjectives and adverbs in stories

Step1: Lead-in

Talk about the words in red and blue in the given passage. Step2: Talk about adjectives and adverbs Step3: Practice Step4: Homework.

Period 6: Project Producing a TV show

Teaching aims:

1. Help students fully understand the text.

2. Master the meaning and usage of some of the words and phrases. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Discussion:

How much do you know about sharks?

Step 2. Read the article quickly and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Step 3: Ask students to answer some questions according to the text. Step 5 Summary Step 6 Project

Make a TV show about how animal uses its senses


A. Get into groups(4-6)

B. Decide which topic your group will prepare.


Visit a zoo , watch an animal documentary,look at books, surf the Internet……to find information about the animal. b.Producing

1. Focus your research on how your animal uses its senses.

2. TV is very visual so pictures should be presented in an easy to see way.

3. Each member must work on different part of the show, keeping in mind the overall design.

4. Each member has to proofread the writing at least once, correct mistakes if there are any, and add any new ideas they can think of.

Homework . Finish the project.