仁爱版八年级英语下册教案Unit6Topic1SectionB教案 下载本文

基于“课程标准、中招视野、两类结构” 八(下)Unit6 Topic1Section B教案设计 (新授课) 设计:王仲杰 一、 学习目标确定的依据: 1、课程标准相关要求:《英语课程标准》(2011年版)要求学生能够会读会写知汉意的单词和短语 单词:hotel pay single air conditioning fridge 短语: a standard room a single bed 2、教材分析: 本课是为仁爱英语八年级第六单元第一课题的第二课时。本课围绕着学生们决定坐火车去泰山旅行并为这次旅行做准备:预定火车票和宾馆的情节而展开对话与听力训练。 3、中招考点: 人际交流的对话训练 4、学情分析: 学生的英语发音不是很正确,要在音标的辨识方面下点功夫,同时要求学生在日常口语中反复地能正确地表达不确定观点,这一点难以把握。 二、学习目标 1.能准确识读并正确运用 P29—30 的新词汇. 2.能听懂P29—30的交际用语和术语,并能运用它们来预订车票和房间. 3.能正确辨读Part 3 &4中的关键词语和句子. 三、评价任务 1、针对目标1,通过学习,学生能准确快速识读新词 2、针对目标2,通过熟读1a,能够说出1a的知识点,并能正确运用预定车票和房间的交际用语和术语. 3、针对目标3,通过跟听录音及语音规则的学习来正确听读. 四、教学过程 学习教学活动 评价要点 要点归纳 目 标 目标自学指导1 1:能1.自学内容:课本P131-132单词表中的相关通过学1. standard 准确生词. 习,让学2. single 识读2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正 生并能熟3.sleep与sleeper 并正音. 练说出、3.condition与确运3.自学时间:5分钟 并能准确conditioner 用 4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思,并了用词 P29—解其词性,能够运用. 30 的自学检测1 新词 Fill in the blanks with the given words. 汇. 目标2:能听懂P29—30的交际用语和术语,并能运用它们来预订车票和房间. (condition, hotel, fridge, standard, single, sleeper, comfortable) 1. I want to book a _______ room with two _______ beds. 2. It’s too late. Let’s find a _______ to live in. 3. Excuse me, do you have any hard _______ tickets to Beijing? 4. The living _______ in the mountain village is very terrible. 5. You can put the food in the _______ to keep fresh. 6. I think going by plane is more ________ than going by bus. (Answers :standard / single / hotel / sleeper / condition / fridge / comfortable) 自学指导2-1 通过熟读1.自学内容:课本P29的1a. 1a,能够2.自学方法:听录音扫读. 说出1a3.自学时间:6分钟 的知识4.自学要求:①听1a,完成1b. 点,并能 ②读1a,完成1c. 正确运用自学检测2-1 预定车票1. Listen to 1a and fill out the table and then 和房间的check the answers.(1b) 交际用语2. Read 1a and fill in the blanks based on 1b, 和术语. and then check the answers. (1c) 拓展&应用 1. We have tickets at ¥145 for the hard sleeper and ¥224 for the soft sleeper. 我们票价是硬卧145元,软卧224元. 介词 at 意思为“在…,以…”,一般用于表示价格、比率、年龄、等词的前面. e.g. at a good /high/low price at a high /low speed ①she began to go to school at the age of 6 (在六岁时). ②At your age (在你这种年龄), I could play basketball well. ③The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour (以900公里/小时) ④This kind of shirts sells at ¥100(以一百元出售) 订去泰山的火车票 book some tickets to Mount Tai 到达 get to/ reach / arrive in (at) 一些硬卧票 some tickets for the harder sleeper 预定房间 book a room/ make a room reservation 计划做某事 plan to do sth. 带空调的房间a room with an air conditioner 有两张单人床的标准间a standard room with two single beds 以好的价格 at a good price 2. I’d like to book 21 tickets for/to the hard sleeper. 句中的book 是动词, “订票, 预定”的意思。如: 订房间book a room=make a room reservation 我们想预定14号那天的一个房间。 We want to book a room for the 14th. We want to make a room reservation for 14th. 自学指导2-2 1.自学内容:课本P30的 2 . 2.自学方法:扫读 3.自学时间:5分钟 4.自学要求:①独立完成填空. ②两人一组进行对话练习. 自学检测2-2 1.学生独立完成,核对答案. ( CDAB) 2.两人一组进行对话练习 Clerk: Good morning, Lantian Hotel. ________________ Maria: Good morning , I want to book some rooms. Clerk: OK. We have rooms with a bathroom, TV, refrigerator and air conditioner. ________________________ Also, from the windows you can see the mountains. Maria: ________________________ Clerk: A standard room with two single beds costs ¥100 and a room with one single bed costs ¥80. Maria: OK, I want to book 10 standard rooms with two single beds and one room with one single bed. Clerk: ____________________ And how long do you plan to stay? Maria: Two nights, from March 13th to 15th. 145元的硬卧票A ticket at 145 yuan for the hard sleeper 这张票多少钱? What’s the price of the ticket? (由个人或小组来归纳)