2018年秋牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit7集体备课教案表格式 下载本文

2. Try to write a report about the film guide. 教学难点 1. To finish a report about the film guide. 2. Try to write a report about the film guide. 教学过程 集 体 备 课 Step 1 Lead-in Watch a video Interstellar and tell the students this is a science fiction film—a three-hour film. Then review different kinds of films. Step 2 Make up some dialogues Let Ss talk about films with partners. Make up some similar dialogues and act them out. Useful expression: I like / don’t like … I love / dislike … … makes me laugh / cry. … is my favourite / least favourite. I like / don’t like … films because … I’m not interested in … I find … very boring / interesting. … is stupid / exciting. Step 3 Presentation 1. Say: There are many famous film festivals around the world. People can enjoy different types of films at these film festivals, such as Shanghai International Film Festival; Venice Film Festival; Cannes International Film Festival; Berlin International Film Festival; Toronto International Film Festival. 2. Tell the students: There is a film festival in Sunshine Town. Sandy wants to write about some of the films. Help her complete part of her notes according to the guide. Step 4 Listening 1. Read the film guide and finish some blanks: 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14. 2. Predict and listen to the tape to finish Part A1. If necessary, listen more. Then get 3 students to read Sandy’s notes. 3. Complete Part A3 according to Part A1 and Part A2. After checking the answers, ask the students to read the report together. Step 5 Writing 1. Show the students the film guide in Jin Yi cinema, Zhongshan Road. 2. Group work: write a report according to the film guide. Use Sandy’s report as a model.

备 课 札 记 3. Emotion: Enjoy films, enjoy life! Step 6 Language points 1. be on 上映 show放映 A new film at that cinema next Sunday. They a new film at the cinema next Sunday. 2. special offer 特价优惠 (有特价优惠)in Jiadefu Supermarket every Wednesday. (有特价优惠)in Taobao on December 12th. Step 7 Exercise 选用所给词组并用其正确形式完成下列句子。 be chosen to be be suitable for fall in love with the ticket price a special offer bring sth. alive 1. Tales of Old Beijing ___________ all ages. 2. The film is about a woman who ___________ a man. 3. He _____________ our monitor last term. 4. There is ____________ (特价) on Tuesday. 5. ____________ (票价) is¥15. 6. The World of Dinosaurs ____ dinosaurs ______ on screen. Step 8 Homework 1. Remember the new words and expressions in this lesson. 2. Recite the conversation on page 102. 3. Preview Study skills. 板书设计 教学反思 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 9A Unit 7 Study skills 1. To talk about the types of films. 2. To learn how to read a play. To learn how to read a play. To learn how to read a play.

课型 New 教学过程 集 体 备 课 Step 1 Revision 备 课 札 记 Translate some sentences. 1. 这里是影院正在上映的影片信息。 2. 它是一部适合于各个年龄段的记录片。 3. 一个女人当她在船上旅行时爱上了一个男子。 4. 它讲述的是曾经住在胡同里的一家人的故事。 5. 票价是60元,但是星期天有优惠。 Step 2 Free talk Work in groups, talk about a play you know. We’ve learnt in this unit that the French writer Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi. Gigi is a famous play. Have you ever seen a play in a theatre? What do you know about a play? Step 3 Study skills 1. Explanation A play has several parts not found in other kinds of literature. 2. Ask and answer in pairs. 1) Where does this scene take place? It takes place in a garden behind a house. 2) Which month is it? In July. 3) What is Miss Prism sitting under? Miss Prism is sitting under a large tree. 4) What is Cecily doing? Cecily is at the pack watering flowers. 5) Why does Miss Prism call Cecily? Because Cecily hasn’t reviewed her German grammar yet. Step 4 Exercises 一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. The talk on films has been ________(取消) this Saturday. 2. The girl is ______ (愚蠢的) . 3. The accident is _________(可怕的)because five people lost their lives.

4. The young man f_____ in love with the kind girl at the first sight. 5. Although the car hit the dog, people found it was still a______. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I don’t think this jacket is ____(suit) for me. It’s too short. 2. The baby dinosaur ___(choose) to the future king of the family. 3. There have been great ________(change) in the play. 4. He lost his wallet yesterday. ________(luck), there wasn’t too much money in it. 5. You’d better _____(not hurry). There is still enough time to go. Step 5 Homework Recite the play you like, then act it out with your partner. 板书设计 教学反思 课 题 教学目标 教学重点 9A Unit 7 Task 1. To read about a famous film star. 2. To write a fact sheet about a favourite film star. 3. To write an article about a favourite film star. To write an article about a favourite film star.

课型 New