北师大大学英语四在线作业一答案 下载本文

作业题目列表 单选 1.-You've been busy, haven't you? - __________. A. I was busy last week B. Yes, I've been working hard on my paper C. I will get busy with my English studies D. I'd like to get busy like our teachers. 参考答案:B.Yes, I've been working hard on my paper 2.-Would you please hold these bags for me? - _____ A. That's very kind of you indeed. B. What are these bags? C. Yes, with pleasure. D. Are these bags very important to you? 参考答案:C. Yes, with pleasure. 3.请点击此链接查看题目 30 A. for B. at C. in D. with 参考答案:B.at 4.请点击此链接查看题目 29 A. work as B. to go C. to have been D. become 参考答案:C. to have been 5.请点击此链接查看题目 28 A. about B. after C. at D. for 参考答案:B.after 6.-Is it all right that I go home early tonight? - _____ A. There's no worry. B. Yes, go ahead. C. No, not at all. D. Is that so? 参考答案:B.Yes, go ahead. 7.-What's after the play? - _____ A. Is it very interesting? B. I don't mind watching this play. C. That's all right. D. I'm not sure. May be it's a football match. 参考答案:D. I'm not sure. May be it's a football match. 8.-Here's my car. Do you want a ride? - _____ . A. That's possible B. Not at all C. That's very kind of you. Thanks D. I think so 参考答案:C. That's very kind of you. Thanks 9.Passage 1 How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage? A. Talk to friends. B. Just ignore it. C. Go to see a doctor. D. Ask your teachers for guidance. 参考答案:B.Justignore it. 10.Passage 1 \ A. temporary loneliness B. situational loneliness C. a family problem D. sleeplessness 参考答案:B.situational loneliness 11.Passage 1 The topic of the fourth paragraph is that ______ . A. one problem of loneliness is a person's social contacts. B. we depend on various people for different reasons C. lonely people don't have many social problems D. lonely people don't have many friends 参考答案:A.one problem of loneliness is a person's social contacts. 12.Passage 1 Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people? A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problems. B. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness. C. Chronic loneliness can not be overcome. D. Chronic loneliness is a harmful to society. 参考答案:B.Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness. 13.Passage 1 What is the best tile for the passage? A. Three Kinds of Loneliness. B. Loneliness and Disease. C. Loneliness and Social Contacts. D. Chronic Loneliness. 参考答案:A.Three Kinds of Loneliness. 14.Passage 2 The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about ____ . A. visiting teams B. famous players C. things to do for the weekend D. prices to pay for the sports events 参考答案:C.things to do for the weekend 15.Passage 2 If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for ____. A. 35 kilometers B. 55 kilometers C. 75 kilometers D. 110 kilometers 参考答案:D.110 kilometers 16.Passage 2 The underlined word \