2014年山东高考英语考试说明仿真模拟试题2及答案 下载本文


第I卷 (共105分)


1.The teacher praised me for progress I?d made,which was great encouragement to me. A.the ; 不填 B.the ; a C.不填;a D.不填;不填 2. The car, roof was totally out of shape, had to be sent to the garage. A. of which B. which C. when D. whose 3. ——Did you enjoy the party last night?

——Believe it or not, when I to the restaurant,all my friends had left. A. has got B. had got C. would get D. got 4. He lost his computer whi1e shopping, away aIl his seeret photos. A. gave B. to give C. giving D. having given 5. ——Where shall we go for the holiday, to the beach or into the mountains?

—— I don?t really mind.

A. Forget it! B. Why not? C. What?s the point? D. It?s up to you! 6.---Anna,where you with so many things in your hands? -----To my office. It has been moved to the third floor.

A. are ; heading B. will; head C.have;headed D. do; head

7.Maria the interviewers with her knowledge and experience,and as a result she was offered the job. A.provided B.inspired C.persuaded D.impressed[来源:学科 8.----Is Julie coming?

----Well, it all depends on she?s got the time. A.that B.how C.what D.whether

9. you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened to her family. A.Since B.Once C.Unless D.Until

10. is known to us is that tobacco contains nicotine and other harmful products, so you should give up smoking. A. As B. It C. What D. Which


阅读下面2篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 第一节:(10个小题,每题1分)

Yesterday I was returning from Boston by bus. My wife was planning to leave the work to __11__ me up from the bus station. I called her to say not to bother. I would just take the local bus to see her.

While I was sitting on the bus a young woman with a dog __12__.She was carrying several bags of heavy books. I noticed the dog was an emergency dog,one that was trained to warn the owner of a possible seizure(抢夺).

I heard the young woman mention to someone else that she still had two miles to walk with


the __13__ books after she got off the bus. I thought maybe I should ask if she wanted a ride but I wasn't sure at which __14__ she was getting off so I hesitated and didn't ask. I got off the bus at the stop where my wife was __15__.As we were driving home,all of a sudden I saw the same young lady with her dog.

I asked my wife to pull over and I asked the young lady if she would like a __16__.She said she would love a ride but she was __17__ about the dog who was quite big. I asked if the dog could get in the __18__.He tried to do it by himself but in the end I had to lift him in. By the way,the dog's name was Sam.

The young lady got in and I looked back. There was Sam,sitting very proudly in the back seat with his __19__.It was quite a sight!

We took them both home and the lady was very appreciative.

When reflecting on this experience,I was a little sad that I didn't act the first time on the bus.But I was very happy to have had the second __20__ to do what I should have done the first time.

11. A.cut B.pick C.turn D.bring 12. A.relied on B.put on C.got on D.got in 13. A.interesting B.heavy C.useful D.important 14. A.door B.stand C.stop D.direction 15. A.waiting B.building C.working D.repairing 16. A.solution B.helper C.ride D.reminder 17. A.depressed B.relaxed C.puzzled D.concerned 18. A.horse B.train C.bus D.car 19. A.friend B.owner C.mother D.bags 20. A.method B.approach C.luck D.chance


My life as a little person is filled with stories. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents.It has taken many years of 21 my confidence to be able to do that.

I didn?t 22 how short I was until I started school.As time went on,I just tried to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be 23 my whole life.I was determined to make my 24 an advantage rather than a disadvantage.My friends became increasingly 25 .They?d help me up the bus steps.If people were cruel,they would take them aside and 26 them.

27 I lacked in height,I 28 in personality my ability to laugh,even at myself.For example,one time I was 29 the washing machine at my parents?house to grab the wet clothes.I fell 30 in and yelled for Mother,who was sitting nearby reading the paper.Watching feet 31 everywhere,she laulghed and said,“I should leave you in there.”I 32 her. I?m 47 now,and the 33 have not reduced as I?ve grown older.People ask my friends if I live in a dollhouse.They look 34 when they see me get out of my car on the driver?s side.During those times,I try to keep a good 35 .When people are rude,I 36 myself,“Look what else I have-a great family,nice friends.”

And it?s the children?s questions that make my life 37 .“Why are you so short? How old are you? Are you a mommy?” When I talk with children,they are left 38 that their questions have been answered.My hope is that in taking time with them,I will 39 them to


accept their peers,whatever size and shape they come in, 40 treat them with respect. 21.A.developing B.recognizing C.regaining D. fulfilling 22.A.think B.realize C.mind D.feel 23.A.looked B.laughed C.noticed D.remembered 24.A.appearance B.character C.age D.uniqueness 25.A.protective B.angry C.bored D.friendly 26.A.correct B.punish C. beat D.push 27.A.When B.As C.What D.Though 28.A.made up for B.made up of C.made a mistake D.made my way 29.A.reaching into B.reaching for C.reaching out D.reaching at 30.A.down and over B.all the way C.completely apart D.almost alone 31.A.flying B.floating C.shaking D.dancing 32.A.laughed with B.got angry with C.made fun of D.looked down upon 33.A.height B.words C.children D.stares 34.A.in dishonesty B.in disbelief C.in satisfaction D.in horror 35.A.relationship B.impression C.attitude D.image 36.A.ask B.recall C.remind D.teach 37.A.special B.miserable C.uncertain D.changeable 38.A.content B.happy C.surprised D.curious 39.A.force B.encourage C.keep D.make 40.A.then B.so C.yet D.and




One day while shopping in a small town in southern California,it was my misfortune to be approached by a clerk whose personality conflicted with mine. He seemed most unfriendly and not at all concerned about my intended purchase. I bought nothing,and marched angrily out of the store. My hostility toward that clerk increased with each step.

On the outside,standing by the road,was a dark-skinned young man in his early twenties.

His expressive brown eyes met and held mine,and in the next instant a beautiful, dazzling smile covered his face. I gave way immediately. The magnetic power of that smile dissolved all bitterness within me,and I found the muscles in my own face happily responding.

“Beautiful day,isn't it?”I remarked,in passing. Then,I turned back.“I really owe you a debt of gratitude,”I said softly.

His smile deepened, but he made no attempt to answer.A Mexican woman and two men were standing nearby.The woman stepped forward and volunteered, \but he doesn't speak English.Do you want me to tell him something?\.The young man's smile had made a big person of me.My friendliness and good will toward all mankind stood ten feet tall. \.

I gave her arm a friendly pat as I turned to leave.\tell him that,\I insisted.%understand.I am sure !\


Oh, what a smile can do! Although I have never seen that young man again, I shall never forget the lesson he taught me that morning.From that day on, I became smile-conscious, and I practice the art anywhere and everywhere, with everybody. 41.Why did the author leave the store angrily? A.He couldn't buy what he wanted.B.The clerk treated him unkindly. C.The clerk didn't speak English. D.The store's goods were too dear.

42.The underlined word “dissolved” in the second paragraph probably means . A.caused B.relieved C.applied D.sensed

43.By saying \(in Paragraph 2), the

author means _ _. A.he smiled back at the young man B.he did not want to smile C.he would thank the young man D.he was still in a bad mood

44.The author asked the woman to say \you!\to the young man because the young

man . A.had helped the author before B.taught the author how to smile C.taught the author a valuable lesson D.was a kind employee of the store 45.In the passage, the author seems to suggest that we should __ ___. A.be generous to strangers B.practice smiling every day C.help people in trouble D.smile at other people


I was going to die in Antarctica, I was certain.An image of my frost-covered body, pale and lifeless, filled my mind as I glanced around.In all directions the empty wilderness of Antarctica stretched away from me, the only feature on the landscape was the division between snow and sky.I gazed sadly at my team.They were rapidly disappearing over the horizon.

I was leading an expedition (探险) attempting to reach the south pole.The team was made up of ordinary women from all around the world----from Jamaica, India, Singapore and Cyprus-many of whom had never seen snow, or spent a night in a tent, before we set off.Our aim was to be the most international all-female team to reach the South Pole.

As I watched, the rest of the team had marched on, unaware that I was not with them.By the time I realized that my sledge(雪橇) was firmly trapped, the team were already a long way ahead of me.I called out to Era, my teammate,\

Getting no response I called again, but my shouts were carried away in the opposite direction by the wind.Seconds passed.Nothing.I was gradually being left alone, completely defenseless against the low temperatures of Antarctica.

My strength increased when I thought of a cold, lonely death.I pulled again my sledge, which moved a little.I removed the ice with my ski-pole(滑雪杖) and boot, desperately trying to break the sledge free.The sledge shot forward, knocking me off balance.I struggled to my feet and set off after the team.

I caught up just as Reena, my teammate from India, looked behind her and noticed there was one person missing.She swung around on her skis in shock and spotted me in the near distance.

As we continued, my panic slowly faded.For the rest of the day, each of the team was glancing over their shoulder every few minutes.They were not going to risk losing me again. 46.From the first paragraph we can safely infer that the author . A.disliked her team B.got seriously ill C.was in panic D.lost her way


47.What is special about the expedition team? A.They were all female. B. They were all professional. C.They made the longest expedition. D.They had been strictly trained. 48.What made the author get her sledge out of the ice was . A the shouts from her teammates B.her strong desire to live C.the sudden change in wind direction D.the natural beauty ahead 49.At last, each of the team members kept looking back . A.to avoid being attacked from behind B.to make sure that none fell behind C.to check the distance they had covered D.to keep a record of the route they took 50.Which may be the best title of the passage? A.How to survive in Antarctic. B.A mysterious trip to the South Pole. C.A female expedition team. D.Being left behind in the snow.


You're happy to let your best friend borrow your mountain bike, but would you be willing to loan it out to a total stranger if you could make some money off the arrangement?

That's the idea behind peer-to-peer (P2P) renting, a new model conducted by sites such as eBay and Craigslist.Instead of selling an idle (闲置) thing, you loan it to people in your town, get paid a small rental fee and get it back when the borrower's done with it.In the past few years, almost a dozen websites have popped up piwmsing to connect lenders and borrowers.For instance, you can use GetAround to rent out your car or motorcycle, SnapGoods to rent out electronics and gadgets(小装置), ToolSpinner to rent electric drills and lawnmowers, Zaarly and Knb to rent out a little bit of everything else.

Old as it may sound, P2P renting is more high-tech than before, with websites that avoid cash for credit cards.A user creates an online listing for the item she wants to rent out, choosing her own rental fee.When someone wants the item, he keeps it on an online calendar, and the two arrange a time and place for pickup.Each site operates a little differently, but all use technology to make renting easy, safe and relatively inexpensive.

Why rent your stuff? You may not make a ton of money, but it is a good way to get some use, out of idle things.The people who rent those goods are able to save thousands of dollars by renting instead of buying new.

There may be other benefits.\JustSharclt's spokesperson.\more important, we're really connecting people and building community, too.\ Get to know your neighbors and make a few bucks (dollars) in the process? Sounds like a

good deal.

51.The new model of peer-to-peer renting helps people ______. A.make better use of their idle things B.share ideas on the Internet C.keep up with high-tech trend D.earn tons of money in a special way 52.GetAround, SnapGoods, ToolSpinner, Zaarly and Krrb are all . A.the companies selling idle things B.the special people good at P2P renting C.the websites for P2P renting D.the courses to teach people to do P2P renting 53.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?