2014年山东高考英语考试说明仿真模拟试题2及答案 下载本文

A.How P2P renting works online. B.Why P2P renting should be encouraged. C.How credit cards are used in P2P renting.D.Where the lenders and borrowers meet. 54.According to Ali Hart, the greatest benefit of P2P renting is . A.making a considerable sum of money B.saving money and protecting the environment C.making the Internet convenient and safe D.keeping the people in the community connected 55.What might be the purpose of the passage? A.To teach people how to rent idle things.

B.To encourage people to do P2P renting online. C.To explain why the Internet changes our life.

D.To guide people to be fashion consumers.


Our particular parenting style reflects our own way of “looking”. Here?s a great piece of writing reflecting parent?s particular ways on the parenting style that have become known humorously as helicopter parenting and submarine (潜水艇) parenting.

Helicopter parents hover over their children, managing every aspect of their child?s life. On the contrary, submarine parents remain “hidden” coming to the surface when guidance is needed.

While helicopter parents may have the best intentions, in reality, they are raising children with few problem solving skills. Children with hovering parents never get the chance to face disappointment and build up their ability to recover from misfortune.

Think about your typical submarine. Submarines usually remain underwater. In case of a need for emergency surfacing, submarines can rise so quickly they are driven partially out of the water. Submarine parents also remain out of sight, yet able to pop up in the case of an emergency.

I admit I?m a submarine mom. My job as a parent is to have fun with my daughters while letting them explore and learn natural consequences.

My older daughter found herself acting in commercials and making more than minimum wage as a teen. To give her a sense of the real world, I insisted she spend three weeks every summer, picking strawberries and earning $3.50 on a good day.

When my youngest daughter Sondra was six, she wanted a very expensive American Girl Doll. I cut the full color 18\压膜). “Here?s your American Girl Doll.” I said “When you turn nine, I?ll buy you the 3D doll on your birthday.” Sondra played with her flat doll for months, making clothes and furniture for her. She learned creativity. I saved $88.00. 56. What is the text mainly about?

A. Various means of transportation. B. Funny experiences of a mom. C. Humorous stories about parents. D. Different styles of parenting.

57. The underlined phrase “hover over” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “___________”. A. leave behind B. run around C. watch over D. set aside 58. Which of the following is true of helicopter parents? A. They give their children proper guidance. B. They try to do everything for their children. C. They teach their children how to face failures. D. They help their children explore by themselves.


59. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that Mom ___________. A. has good parenting skills B. is always making promises C. is strict with her daughter D. tries her best to save money 60. The author supports her point of view mainly by___________.

A. stating facts and offering advice B. using figures and giving evidence

C. analyzing data and drawing conclusions D. making comparisons and giving examples


On a recent trip to California, I stopped by Natural Bridges,

where the monarch butterflies overwinter(过冬).Many years ago, I lived close enough to it that I could walk there regularly and study their gatherings-the most memorable experiences when living in California,

This visit, however, turned out to be disappointing.Though the way to the protected monarch garden looked just as I remembered it, I

spotted only a few butterflies there.So I had to drive about a mile south to Lighthouse Field, a more open area visited by large numbers of bikers, dog walkers and tourists.Many monarchs--at least several hundred -- gathered in a small forest of pines there.Why had they moved to this less hospitable habitat?

John Dayton, a biologist from San Jose provided an answer.During the 1990s, a deadly disease killed off most large pines sheltering the monarch habitats at Natural Bridges, forcing monarchs to seek shelter elsewhere.Still, since the mid-1990s, the number of overwintering monarchs in California has declined by nearly 90 percent.Butterfly populations at Santa Paula alone, for example, have dropped from about 120,000 to less than 1 ,000--the lowest figure in two decades.

In California, coastal development has reduced the area suitable for overwintering monarchs. Illegal logging(砍伐), poorly regulated tourism and water withdrawals near the butterfly habitats are also endangering the butterflies.

Throughout the butterflies' North American range, declines in milkweed plants--which monarchs need to reproduce--are also knocking down the insect's numbers.Chemicals are widely applied, wiping out the milkweed once growing in the agricultural land.

Climate change may worsen the monarchs' situation.As atmospheric levels of CO2 continue to rise, milkweeds are likely to produce fewer toxic compounds(有毒化合物) that protect both butterflies and caterpillars (幼虫) from their enemies.Milkweed leaves also may get tougher. Caterpillars will have a harder time chewing the leaves.

61.Why did the author feel disappointed during his revisit to Natural Bridges? A.Because it had been overpopulated with Monarchs. B.Because the monarch's living habit was changed a lot. C.Because fewer monarch butterflies overwintered there. D.Because the people there were not so hospitable as before. 62.Where did the author find those monarchs moved? A.Natural Bridges B.Lighthouse Field C.San Jose D.Santa Paula 63.What caused a sharp decline of overwintering monarchs according to Para 3? A.The loss of large pines. B.A disease of monarchs. C.Water pollution. D.Too many caterpillars.

64.According to the passage, the decline of the milkweeds is connected with .


A.coastal development B.illegal logging C.poorly regulated tourism D.the abuse of chemicals

65.Which diagram shows correctly how the passage is developed? (P= paragraph)

第II 卷(共45分)

第一节 阅读表达(每题3分,满分15分)


The Japanese love to give gifts. This habit is not practiced only special occasions, but it’s widely accepted as social duty and responsibility. Because gift-giving is an important social aspect of Japanese life. It?s important to be aware of some key factors.

Devalue the gifts you give. The important thing is to act and seem modest. You don?t want the receiver to think that you are arrogant or proud. Denigrate(贬低)your gift as much as possible. It doesn?t matter if the label on the box bears the symbol for a famous brand, The Japanese value the appearance of a modest gift-giver who tries to stay from praise.

Praise the gift you receive. Although praising may seem obvious, overpraising the gift is the key. It?s also important to praise the fine taste of the gift-giver in making that particular choice for you. And don?t forget to give a thousand and one thanks.

unless you are urged to do so. And when you do, you must take the utmost care in unwrapping it. Don?t look eager, and be careful that you don?t tear the paper or cut the ribbon. After observing, praising, and thanking, be sure to rewrap the gift as if it had never been opened. Try to appear as if you take great pride in the value of it the gift.

Choose gifts with practical value. In general, don?t buy things such as ornaments, vases, and kitchenware, it?s already assumed that everyone has these things. To do so may suggest that you don?t approve of the other person?s taste. Also, most Japanese houses are very small and don?t have extra space for useless junk.

66. What is the best title for the passage?(no more than l0 words)。

67. Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words.(no more than 6 words) 68. List three kinds of things you?d better not buy for a Japanese friend. 69.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese. ? 70. What do the Japanese usually do when they receive a gift? (no more than l0 words)



答 案 卷



1-5______________________6-10_________________________ 二.完型填空1(每题1分)

11-15______________________16-20______________________ 三.完型填空2(每题1.5分)

21---25_______________________26-30_______________________ 31-35______________________36-40_______________________ 四.阅读理解(每题2分)

41-45______________________46-50____________________________ 51-55______________________56-60______________________ 61-65______________________ 五.阅读表达(每题3分)










答 案


1-5 BDDCD 6-10 ADDCC 二.完型填空1(每题1分)

11-15 BCBCA 16-20 CDDBD 三.完型填空2(每题1.5分)

21---25 ABCDA 26-30 ACAAB 31-35 AADBC 36-40 CAABD 四.阅读理解(每题2分)

41-45 BBACD 46-50 CABBD 51-55 ACADB 56-60 DCBAD 61-65 CBADD


66. Some key factors for gift-giving in Japan. 67.Do not /Never open/unwrap the gift. 68.(1)ornaments (2) vases


69. 不只是特殊场合才有送礼的习惯,很多日本人已经把送礼看作一种社会责任和义务。 70.Praise the gift they receive and give thanks.