最新版2019-2020年仁爱版八年级英语上册Unit4单元综合练习及答案-精编试题 下载本文

58. Don't be afraid of new words. You can in the dictionary.

A. look at them C. look them up

B. look for them D. look them over

59. The animals and plants are . We should do something to help.

A. dangerous

B. danger

C. in danger

D. endanger

60. Xi'an is one of______ capital ______ in China.

A. older; city C. oldest; cities

B. the older; city D. the oldest; cities

61. --- Miss Lin my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.

--- She is really a nice teacher. A. helps

B. is helping

C. was helping

62. --- Please us as soon as you get to London.

--- No problem. A. hear from

B. write to

C. look for

D. listen to

63.My mother looks very young. Most of my classmates her my sister.

A. look; as

B. regard; to

C. look; to

D. regard; as

64. --- Steve is good at writing short stories.

--- So he is. But he writes than us. So he can't get good grades in writing. A. most carefully C. less carefully

B. more carefully D. least carefully

65. My friend Lily likes to her food me.

A. share; with

B. share; to

C. have; to

D. have; for

66. It takes ten minutes on foot.

A. my; to get to school C. my; going to school

B. me; to get to school D. me; going to school

67. Let us clean the classroom, ?

A. shall we

B. will you

C. do you

D. do we

68. Our teacher always our lives pleasure.

A. fills; with

B. fills; of

C. full; with

D. full; by

69. Lisa what to do next. Please help her.

A. knows

B. answers

C. wants

D. wonders

70. Today we are going to learn Lesson Nine. Let's an English song.

A. learn from

B. begin with

C. study with

D. start


Look at the koala! It is 71 lovely that I want to touch it. How much do you know about koalas, especially a baby koala? Let's look at it.

A newborn koala is smaller than a peanut. For the first few months the baby 72 inside its mother's pouch(育儿袋), and drinks its mother's milk.

By the age of 5 73 , its eyes are open and it can look out 74 the pouch. It still stays there.

About six months after the baby is born, it leaves its mother's pouch for the 75 time for a short time, but it hangs onto its mother's back.

It is now about 500g. It comes in and out of the pouch. It keeps very close to its 76 and returns to the pouch within a few minutes. Gradually the baby will stay out longer.

By 12 months old, the baby wants to eat only eucalyptus(桉树) 77 , no more its mother's milk. The mother koala begins teaching her baby which eucalyptus leaves are 78 to eat.

A one-year-old koala can 79 on its own, 80 it doesn't often do that. Most young koalas stay with their mothers until they are two or three years old. 71. A. so 72. A. runs 73. A. days 74. A. of 75. A. third 76. A. father 77. A. leaves 78. A. beautiful

B. such B. jumps B. months B. off B. first B. brother B. fruit B. good

C. what C. shakes C. years C. under C. fourth C. sister C. flowers C. cheap

D. how D. stays D. weeks D. on D. second D. mother D. roots D. interesting

79. A. eat 80. A. and

B. work B. but

C. live C. or

D. cook D. for



There are two deserts(沙漠) in Namibia. They are the Namib Desert and the Kalahari Desert. In the deserts, there was little water before scientists found clean and sweet groundwater.

The water is about 10,000 years old. People can drink it. In fact, it is cleaner than any other water. There is so much water that it can provide water for the 800,000 people in the north of the country for about 400 years. The water is used for (用于) drinking and it is also good for farming. It helps people in Namibia a lot, so people can live better lives.

Before they found the water, people got water from two rivers. They used the water for everyday activities such as taking showers, washing clothes and most importantly-drinking. So there wasn't enough water for farming. This underground water can provide more water for farming on the farms of Namibia. It can also provide water during times of drought(旱灾) for 15 years! 81. What did scientists find in Namibia?

A. Deserts.

B. Groundwater.

C. Rivers.

D. Farming.

82. What does the underlined word \

A. 农民

B. 农场

C. 农耕

D. 农具

83. From the passage we know the groundwater is .

A. expensive

B. interesting

C. kind of dirty

D. helpful

84. Which of the following is true?

A. There is much groundwater. B. There is much water in the two rivers. C. There isn't enough water now. D. People can't drink any groundwater.

85. The best title of the passage is .

A. The Two Deserts C. The Two Rivers

B. The Water under Namibia D. The Water for Farming


Backpackers usually carry big bags on their backs. They wear jeans and T-shirts. They don't join tour groups. They use a guidebook (usually the Lonely Planet) and a map. They spend the least money to visit the most places.

Backpackers do lots of homework about their destination(目的地) before setting out: food, hostels(青年旅舍), things to buy and so on. They also have to know where to catch a train.

In their big bag they put things like clothes and medicine. A tent and a sleeping bag are also necessary when they have to camp outside.

Most backpackers choose hostels to stay in because they are cheap and convenient. Hostels are like dorms(宿舍). There are usually six or eight beds in each room. People from different countries meet here and make friends.

Backpacking lets travelers see and experience more. American Charles Veley was the world's most traveled backpacker. He went to over 190 countries in ten years! And he will travel on.

\86. Lonely Planet is a name of .

A. a backpacker

B. a map

C. a guidebook

D. a hostel

87. Which of the following is true?

A. Backpackers can experience more than other kinds of travelers. B. Charles has been to so many countries that he will stop traveling. C. Backpackers have to know where to set up a tent before traveling. D. The largest room in a hostel is usually for no more than six people.

88. The writer mainly tells us .

A. what backpackers are

B. where backpackers stay in

C. how backpackers do their homework D. who is the most traveled backpacker


Cye is said to be the best and cheapest home robot on the market. It can't make the bed or take out the trash, but it can carry things, clean the house and find a charger when its battery is flat! The most advanced robot in the world is Honda's famous \Sony's \ What can home robots do now? Here are some examples:

Cleaning—Home robots can vacuum your house even if you're not at home. Carrying—Some home robots can carry dishes and other small things. A friend of mine isn't able to walk because of disease. He uses a home robot to carry food from the kitchen to the living room, and to take dishes back into the kitchen.

Entertainment—Robotics is an exciting hobby for many people around the world. There are a lot of clubs, websites, newspapers and books for those who are interested in the topic. Home robots can play games, tell jokes, sing songs and even dance to music.

Danger detection—It will be easy to connect fire, smoke and other detectors to a home robot. Every night the robot can \the rounds\to make sure that everything is OK.

89. According to the passage, Cye can't .

A. carry things

B. make the bed or take out the trash C. clean the house

D. find a charger when its battery is flat

90. The most advanced robot in the world .

A. can walk like a human being

B. can walk up and down stairs