Unit 1 where did you go…(第3课时) 教案1 下载本文

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

第三课时 Section A Grammar Focus-3c

Teaching goals:

一 功能:Review the simple past tense。

二词汇和常用表达:学习复合不定代词 someone/body anyone/body no one nobody everyone/body something anything nothing everything 的用法。

三 文化知识:通过有关度假的话题,让学生了解谈论度假的句式结构,很自然地导入代词用法, 通过听,说,读,写的训练,培养学生的语言运用能力。 Teaching and learning steps Step 1 Lead in

Can you write down the past forms of the verbs.

1.stay_____ 2. study_______3.stop_______4.decide_______5.write_______ 6.feel_______7.find________8.come______9.spend______10.wear________

Write down some phrases about vacation activities using the past forms of the verbs.

T: When you were on vacation , you would go somewhere or do something interesting . Now , let’s talk about it .You can talk with your partner like this: A: Where did you go on vacation ? B:

A: Did you…? B:

设计意图: 由动词的过去式入手,引出假期活动的短语,并通过对话的训练,让学生复习并掌握对过去事情问答基本句型结构,并灵活运用于与他人进行交流。 Then what about your last vacation .


First make a sentence with the picture. Then contact the sentences into an article.

设计意图:通过造句,再连成文章,用过去时态和不定代词的句子引出各种复合不定代词的构成,并试着运用各种复合不定代词。 Step2. Presentation and cooperation

To give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled manner. Show the indefinite pronouns forms and read them out . Work in groups and find out the regularity, then ask several students to show their group’s answers.

At last, ask someone to sum up how to use the indefinite pronouns. Then make sentences with the words in the circle. Find out the best group. 设计意图:通过控制性的练习复合不定代词在句子中的运用,进一步的熟悉复合不定代词的一般用法,自己总结归纳用法,然后小组汇总,最后比较全面了解复合不定代词的各种用法。然后全班分享成果。让学生在探索中激发自学的欲望,在合作中分享自学的喜悦。