高级英语2-1课外练 下载本文

补充练习题 Lesson One

Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

I. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow:

1. lash

A. strike violently B. pass by

C. move slowly D. stride

2. pummel

A. push forward B. punish severely

C. hit with repeated blow D. beat heavily

3. gruff A. serious

B. grievous C. rough D. Gentle

grievous adj. (formal)(of something bad) very severe or serious (正式)(坏事,灾祸)极其严重的,剧烈的

4. elevate

A. put down B. lift up C. face to D. push down

5. demolish A. destroy B. reduce C. increase

D. beat

6. scud

A. go smoothly

B. go straight and fast C. go up and down D. go violently

7. interior

A. situated inside B. situated outside C. interrelate

D. internecine两败俱伤的

8. ferocity A. capability B. fierceness C. impediment D. ferment

9. shudder A. shuffle in B. walk out C. curl up D. Shake

shuffle [???f(?)l] verb [no obj., with adverbial]walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground 拖着脚走

10. sanctuary A. a warm place B. shelter

C. a clean place D. a harm place

11. maroon

A. stay brave and along B. leave hopeful

D. leave helpless and alone

12. vantage

A. variable situation B. comfortless position C. advantage D. disadvantage

13. debris

A. small individual parts B. completely good places C. well preserved pieces D. scattered broken pieces

14. implore

A. request earnestly B. inform eagerly C. ask for leave D. ask for leave

15. skim

A. hit violently