quiz for unit 1 Book 2 综合教程 下载本文

I. Choose one word that best completes the sentence.

1. She hurried up a _____ of stairs and down a long corridor. A. step B. flight C. cluster D. row 2. A mirage is a(n) _______ caused by hot air conditions.

A. allusion B. elusion C. delusion D. illusion

3. He lashed _____ at the rotten system of the department.

A. out B. over C. down D. off

4. The tree is a treasure, of which the ______, bark, and leaves are common ingredients of local herbal remedies.

A. liquid B. sap C. saliva D. juice

5. He had drunk so much that his body ____ as he walked.

A. shook B. shuddered C. stiffened D. swayed

6. I have to wade _____ this boring and thick reference book before the examination.

A. across B. through C. into D. over 7. The silence of the night was punctured by the distant _____ of gunfire. A. roar B. rumble C. sound C. shriek 8. Pandemonium means _____.

A. remedy B. chaos C. demon D. Panda-house

9. I’am afraid my strength has been ____ by the sickness.

A. enhanced B. destroyed C. sapped D. sunk

II. Fill in the blank with a word or expression given, changing its form where necessary.

bolt, confusion, devastate, dilemma, gasp, guinea pig, pandemonium, purgatory, sway, wade into

1. Human beings were thrown into _______ when God confounded their language.

2. _________ erupted in the football stadium as the underdogs scored and got an unexpected victory in the final seconds.

3. Mr. Grandet clasped the gold coin at his last _______.

4. Silas believed that such a _______ agony would purify his soul and lead him to Heaven. 5. His resolution is _______ by the difficulty of the task.

6. Students of this school are going to act as _______ for the new textbooks.

7. Like a _______ from the blue, she found that her boyfriend had betrayed her.

8. Being attacked on both the left and right flanks, the army was in a ______.

9. Thousands of people were killed by the _______ plague.

10. There was not much time left so he _________ the work immediately.


I. BDABD BBBC II. confusion, Pandemonium, gasp, purgatorial,

swayed, guinea pig, bolt, dilemma, devastating, waded into