中国科学院化学研究所高分子物理实验室之Beowulf 下载本文


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9. Benchmarks


The benchmark summarized below is designed to reflect the typical range of simulations undertaken by the molecular dynamicist. It includes 6 calculations carried out using the DL_POLY molecular dynamics code, and includes the following functionality

Benchmark 1: Simulation of a sodium-potassium disilicate glass (1080 atoms, 300 time steps);

Benchmark 2: Simulation of metallic aluminium with Sutton-Chen potential at 300K (256 atoms, 8000 time steps);

Benchmark 3: Simulation of valinomycin in 1223 water molecules (3837 atoms, 100 time steps);

Benchmark 4: Dynamic Shell model water structure (768 atoms, 1024 sites, 1000 time steps);

Benchmark 5: Dynamic Shell model MgCl2 structure (768 atoms, 1280 sites, 1000 time steps);

Benchmark 8: Simulation of a model membrane with 2 membrane chains, 202 solute molecules and 2746 solvent molecules (3148 atoms, 1000 time steps).

******** SYSTEM 1 *********************************** Hardware

Machine Name --

3 Master Nodes and 39 Compute Nodes Beowulf Cluster with a total of 84 Processors

Tyan Thunder MP Motherboard

Dual AMD Athlon 1600+ 1.4GHz MP Processor 2GB DDR RAM on each node

20GB EIDE Hard Drive for Operating System Myrinet Fiber PCI Adapter with 2MB

Master nodes installed with RAID 5 SCSI Controller connected to 3 76GB Hard Drives

Myrinet Switch with 64 port enclosure Operating System

RedHat Linux 7.2 with XFS File System 2.4.9-13SGI_XFS_1.0.2smp Kernel absoft ProFortran Compilers

FORTRAN 77 (f77): Absoft FORTRAN 77 compiler version 5.0 FORTRAN 90 (f90/f95): Absoft Fortran 90/95 compiler version 3.0

Number of Processors 1 2 4 8 16 ------------------------------------------------------ Benchmark 1(seconds) 112.5 56.5 31.6 22.5 17.7 Benchmark 2(seconds) 111.9 59.8 37.0 30.5 33.8 Benchmark 3(seconds) 111.2 56.5 32.6 18.8 13.9 Benchmark 4(seconds) 100.3 49.6 32.8 26.6 30.4 Benchmark 5(seconds) 179.9 62.2 39.8 33.6 37.5 Benchmark 8(seconds) 112.5 56.5 31.6 22.5 17.7 ------------------------------------------------------

******** SYSTEM 2 *********************************** Hardware

Machine Name --

1 Master Nodes and 32 Compute Nodes Beowulf Cluster with a total of 33 Processors

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1700MHz 1GB DDR RAM on each node

20GB EIDE Hard Drive for Operating System 100 M ether PCI Adapter Operating System

RedHat Linux 7.1 Fortran Compilers

FORTRAN 77 (f77): GNU Fortran 0.5.26 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81) (g77)

FORTRAN 90 (f90): VAST/f90 compiler (works with g77)

Number of Processors 1 2 4 8 16 ---------------------------------------------------- Benchmark 1(seconds) 142.0 85.4 61.5 71.4 87.0 Benchmark 2(seconds) 168.0 122.0 122.1 -- -- Benchmark 3(seconds) 160.0 87.8 61.5 -- -- Benchmark 4(seconds) 131.0 123.7 128.0 -- -- Benchmark 5(seconds) 212.0 131.7 158.2 -- -- Benchmark 8(seconds) 121.0 98.9 115.7 -- -- ---------------------------------------------------

******** SYSTEM 3 *********************************** Hardware

Machine Name -- ding.simugroup

1 Master Nodes and 6 Compute Nodes Beowulf Cluster with a total of 8 Processors