新概念第一册121-130课测验 下载本文

NCE1 L120-130测试卷


1. __________ 经理 2. ___________认出 3. ___________ 在。。。期间 4. ___________ 非常 5. ____________ 意外的事,惊喜 6. ___________ 立即地 7.____________女演员 8. ___________ 英里

9. ____________ 罚款 10. ___________ 标记,牌子 二、根据汉语填写词组

1.时速70英里 2.想要某人做某事 3.接受某人的意见 4 .至少 5.以。。。而著名 6.再看一眼

7.不得不 8.另某人惊讶的是 9.提供某人某物 10.某人随身携带某物 三、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词

forget ________ ___________ find_________ _________ take _________ _________ hear_________ _________ serve_________ _________ make_________ _________ drive_________ _________ tell_________ _________

read_________ _________ meet_________ _________ 四、单项选择

1. Is this the shop ________ sells children’s clothes?

A. which B. who C. in which D. where 2. She is the girl ______met me yesterday.

A. who B. whom C. which D. what 3. Would you please________?

A. put on it B. put it on C. to put it on D. to put on it 4. My father often drives me________ school.

A. to B. for C. with D. in 5. Is there ________ at home?

A. somebody B. anybody C. something D. somewhere 6.I am the person ________wrote to you.

A. whom B. who C. when D. who 7. This is the ship _______ we travelled_______.

A. that, on B. which, at C. that, at D. who, on 8. ________fine weather!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 9. Let him ________.

A. to go home B. goes home C. go home D. went home 10. He ________a beard during his trip last year.

A. grew B. grow C. grows D. growing 11. The women ________ Standing outside is my aunt.


A. whom is B. that C. whom D. who is 12. I’ll have to wait ________.

A. by me B. by myself C. in me D. in myself 13. ________ you_______ go now?

A. Do, have to B. Have, to C. Have, / D. Do, had to 14. Hasn’t your teacher arrived ________?

A. already B. still C. yet D. too 15. —Do you have to walk to the station? —No, we don’t ___.

A. need to B. need C. needed to D. needed 16. He was a famous writer when I was _____.

A at the school B. at school C. in school D. for school 17. I _____think you _____ right.

A. don’t, aren’t B. don’t, are C. X, aren’t D. didn’t, weren’t 18. You’d better______.

A. listen my advice B. take my advices C. hear my advice D. take my advice 19.A: He must be fifty.

B: No. He__________ be fifty.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t 20. He was doing his homework______ his mother came in. A. when B. if C. after D. because 五、完成下列句子

1. 刚才我买了一件很贵的衬衫,但是我忘记拿走了。

I bought ___________ _______ shirt just now, but I __________ _________ take it_________ me.


This is a photo ________ he________ during his trip________ Japan. 3. 你得等他多久?

________ ________ ________ you________ to wait ________ him? 4. 我认为你不对。

I__________ think you __________right. 5. 这次我就不罚你款了。

I won’t_______ you _______ _________. 6.半小时前,你接待过这位先生吗?

Did you_______ the gentleman _______ _________ _________ ago? 六、翻译或连词成句

1. 他是经常帮助我的那个叔叔。

___________________________________________________________. 2. 这是一张多么漂亮的图片啊!

___________________________________________________________. 3. I, invited, man, to, that, house, my, yesterday

___________________________________________________________. 4. 难道你没认出来我吗?



5. 她没去过北京,是吗?

____________________________________________________________. 6. 她不可能是你的朋友,她一定是你的老师。

____________________________________________________________. 七、按要求完成下列句子

1. We have to walk to the station.(改为否定句)

2. He has to wait for three days.(对划线部分提问)

3. This is the film. I saw it yesterday.(将两个句子用that合并成一个句子)

4. She is the girl which I served.(改错)

5. Do you know the teacher whom taught us English last year? (改错)