新世纪英语七年级第二学期 下载本文

46 . They had a wonderful time that day . ( 保持句意相同 ) They ___________ ____________ that day .

47 . Li Hui writes most carefully in my class . ( 保持句意相同 ) Li Hui writes __________ carefully __________ any other student in my class . 48 . Mr Brown comes home later than Mrs Brown . ( 保持句意相同 ) Mrs Brown comes home __________ than Mr Brown . 49 . Alice likes fruit very much . ( 保持句意相同 ) Alice __________ very ___________ ___________ fruit . 50 . Tom has been to London , _________ __________ ?

七年级下期中复习(Unit Two Lesson One - Lesson Three满天星、伴你成长 选择题

1 . Thank you very much __________ your help . A . of B . for C . to D . at 2 . He made them __________ day and night.

A . to work B . work C . working D . worked 3 . Please tell him the news when he ___________ back. A . gets B . get C . got D . will get 4 . After he took the medicine, he became ___________ . A . geed B . best C . worst D . better 5 . You’d better ____________ when you are eating.

A . to not talk B . not to talk C . not talk D . don’t talk 6 . Please wait and have some ____________ coffee. A . more B . much C . little D . many 7 . _____________ have you been to Beijing?

A . How often B . How many times C . How soon D . How long 8 . If it ___________ tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.

A . won’t rain B . rains C . doesn’t rain D . will rain 9 . There are still ____________ apples in the fruit bowl. A . few B . a few C . little D . a little 10 . The milk is ____________ hot for me ___________.

A . too, to drink B . too, to drink it C . so, to drink D . so, to drink it 11 . Shanghai is becoming ___________.

A . beautiful and beautiful B . beautifuler and beautifuler C . more beautiful and beautiful D . more and more beautiful

12 . Mr. Li will attend an important meeting _____________ he has lunch. A . when B . after C . before D . because

13 . We all like to share our secrets with our class teacher ___________ she is very kind to us. A . when B . after C . before D . because 14 . What does your father _____________ ?

A . look like B . look C . likes D . looking 15 . We are all familiar _____________ Bill Gates. A . about B . of C . with D . for

16 . A: There isn’t any ink in the bottle, is there? B:___________. A . Yes, there is B . Yes, there isn’t C . No, there is C . No it isn’t

17 . Let’s ___________ a big cake with flour, sugar, milk and eggs. A . to make B . make C . making D . to making 18 . Which do you like _________ , the green one or the blue one? A . good B . well C . nice D . better 19 . Jimmy did __________ in the school last week. A . anything wrong B . wrong anything C . something wrong D . wrong something

20 . You look pale, Mike. You’d better ____________ . A . to see a doctor B . see a doctor C . seeing a doctor D . not see a doctor 21 . Mr. Smith used _________ up early.

A . to get B . get C . to getting D . getting 22 . What’s ___________ your bicycle?

A . wrong B . the wrong with C . wrong with D . the matter 23. Jack looked ____________ after he said sorry to Mr. Smith. A . happy B . happily C . timid D . upset 24 . I _____________ write to my parents this evening

because I have been away from home for a few days. A . should B . may C . can D . need

25 . I happened ______________ Mr. Gray in Nanjing Road yesterday. A . to meet B . meet C . meeting D . met 26 . There isn’t ____________ in the box.

A . anything nice B . nice anything C . something nice D . nice something 27 . We will go camping _____________ it ______________ tomorrow.

A . if, won’t rain B . when, won’t rain C . if, doesn’t rain D . when, doesn’t rain 28 . Mary tried to go on with her work at home ______________ she didn’t fell well. A . when B . if C . although D . so 29 . Do you enjoy __________ pop music?

A . to listen to B . listening to C . to listen D . listening 30 . There are _____________ student’s in the playground.

A . thousands of B . tow thousand of C . two thousands D . thousands 31 . They will go for a walk __________ it doesn’t rain.

A . because B . while C . if D . until 32 . They made the girl _________ again

A . laugh B . laughed C . laughing D . to laugh 33 . ______________ the boys and girls went to the History Museum,

they got interested in history.

A . If B . While C . Before D . After

34 . My father got to Hangzhou ___________ the night _____________ Sept.29,1995. A . at, in B . at, of C . on, of D . on, in 35 . Tom _____________ worry about his marks.

A . doesn’t need B . needn’t C . don’t need D . needs 36 . Julia ___________- carefully as his brother.

A . works more B . works less C . doesn’t work as D . works so 37 A: __________ have you been in Beijing?

B: For about 5 years.

A . How long B . How often C . How many D . How soon 38 . Lilin is _____________ because he has just lost his watch. A . helpful B . interesting C . upset D . happy 39 . ____________ like to surf the Internet in their spare time. A . Yong B . Youth C . The young D . Younger 40 . There’s _____________ with the clock. So it doesn’t work. A . wrong something B . something wrong C . anything wrong D . wrong anything 41 . I prefer playing basketball to __________ .

A . play football B . playing football C . played football D . football 42 . The question is ___________ difficult ____________ him answer.

A . to, for, too B . for, to, too C . too, for, to D . too, to, for 43 . Who will teach ___________ English, Miss Li or Miss Wang? A . our B . their C . us D . your

44 . You will feel ____________ to go to work the day after tomorrow.

A . enough well B . good enough C . well enough D . enough good 45 . Jane is prettier than ______________ girl in her class.

A . any B . other C . the other D . any other 46 . A: _____________ do you go to the cinema?

B: Once a week.

A . How long B . How many C . How soon D . How often 47 . The cinema is about tan ___________ walk from here.

A . minute’s B . minutes C . minutes’ D . minute

48 . A: There’s going to _________ a party tomorrow. Are you going to ________ it?

B: Certainly

A . have, join B . have, take part in C . be, join D . be, take part in 49 . Only ______________ of the boys in our class are good at English.

A . tow-three B . two-third C . two-thirds D . second-fifths 50 . A: Would you like to borrow this novel? B: ______________ .

A . Yes, I’d like to B . No, I don’t like C . That’s right D . Yes I do

51 . The computer is _________________ the TV.

A . so cheap as B . as cheaper as C . as cheap than D . as cheap as 52 . You’d better _______________ so early.

A . no to get up B . to not get up C . not get up D . not getting up 53 . ______________ it ____________ tomorrow, we won’t go on trip.

A . If, will rain B . When, will rain C . If, rains D . When, rains 54 . Mary is not here. She _________________ the reading room.

A . went to B . gone to C . has been to D . has gone to 55 . The teacher mad the boy ______________ the text again. A . read B . to read C . reading D . to reading

56 . If you ______________ to the fitness camp this coming summer,

you __________ how to choose healthy foods.

A . will go, will learn B . go, learn C . go, will learn D . will go, learn 57 . She makes me _____________ a book every week.

A . reading B . read C . to read D . readed

58 . You ______________ play video games because there is a test tomorrow.

A . had not better to B . had not better C . had better not to D . had better not 59 . Mother was ill, so I ________________ look after my little brother. A . have to B . had to C . must D . has to 60 . I’m going to ________________ the sports meet next week.

A . take part in B . take in C . join D . took part in 61 . Tom draws as ______________ as Peter.

A . better B . good C . well D . best 62 . Will you buy the pen ________________ me, Mum? A . to B . for C . at D . in 63 . I have _____________ to do.

A . something important B . important something C . anything important D . important anything 64 . There is ______________ university near our neighbourhood. A . a B . an C . the D . / 65 . The two girls know ________________ .

A . another B . the other C . other D . each other 66 . I met Miss Smith on my way to ________________ exhibition. A . / B . the C . a D . an

67 . Li Hong studies English _______________ to talk with foreigners.

A . well enough B . good enough C . enough well D . enough good 68 . Mr. Green’s late for meeting, _____________?

A . has he B . hasn’t he C . is he D . isn’t he

69 . He has _______________ the exciting detective story for two weeks. A . bought B . had C . borrowed D . lent

70 . _____________ Peter didn’t catch the first bus, he is late for school. A . Although B . When C . After D . Because

71 . Tom wants to be a basketball player ________________ Michael Jordan. A . as B . like C . with D . of

72 . _____________ did you visit the day before yesterday? A . Where B . When C . What D . Which 73 . Look! The snow _________________ .

A . has stopped B . is stopping C . stops D . stopped 74 . I ______________ my key everywhere, but _______________ nothing. A . am looking for, find B . am looking for, finding C . am finding, looking for D . find, look for 75 . Help ______________ to the fruit, everyone.

A . yourself B . yourselves C . himself D . them selves 76 . Wang Hai is _____________ honest boy. A . / B . an C . a D . the

77 . Thomas Edison ______________ the light bulb.

A . fond B . discovered C . invented D . saw 78 . He looks ______________ at the picture.

A . carefully B . careful C . friendly D . careless 79 . My mother often nags ______________ me. A . to B . at C . with D . for

80 . The girl is becoming _____________ .

A . lazy and lazy B . more and more lazy C . much and much lazy D . lazier and lazier 81 . _______________ a teacher, she should love her student’s. A . So B . But C . As D . And

82 . Uncle Cheng’s job is to cook for the people. He must be ____________ . A . a cook B . an actor C . a diplomat D . a fireman 83 . A: Where is Mary?

B: She ______________ to the library.

A . has been B . has gone C . went D . was 84 . A: May I speak to Linda?

B: Yes. ___________ is Linda speaking. A . It B . She C . He D . I 85 . A: Will he be absent today?

B: _______________ .

A . I think so. B . I don’t think so. C . I hope so. D . I hope not. 86 . I picked up a watch on my way ____________ home. A . an B . a C . the D . /

87 . We visited Jinmao Building ____________ the after noon of 9 July, 2003. A . in B . on C . at D . to

88 . Mrs. White ________________ drives to work every day. A . she B . her C . herself D . hers 89 . My friends started a company __________ Litian. A . called B . calling C . call D . calls

90 . ____________ Tim tried to practise more, he failed in the PE examination.