201101青浦初三期末试卷 - 图文 下载本文


英 语 试 卷




Part 1 Listening (第一卷 听力)

I. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)




(D) (E) (F) (G)

II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分) 7. A) Their visit. 8. A) At 6:00. 9. A) By bike.

B) Their holiday. D) The film. C) At 7:00. C) By bus.

D) At 7:30. D) On foot.

C) The Science Museum.

B) At 6:30. B) By car.

10. A) She'll go with the man. C) She will stay at home. 11. A) It's sunny.

B) She won't relax herself. D) She won't phone him. C) It's snowy.

D) It's windy.

B) She hurt her leg and couldn't walk. D) Her bike was stolen by the thief.

B) It's rainy.

12. A) Something was wrong with her bike. C) She lost her money on the way.

九年级英语 (第1页) 共9页

13. A) At the post office. 14. A) Black.

B) At the airport. D) In the shopping mall. C) Green.

D) Brown.

B) Mother and son. D)Teacher and student. C)Linda's.

D) John's.

C) At the supermarket. 15. A) Father and daughter. C) Doctor and patient. 16. A) Judy's.

B) Yellow.

B) Frank's.

III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共7分) 17. Sometimes Tom watches cartoons on TV until late into the night. 18. Tom is often late for school because he goes to bed late. 19. This morning Tom wanted to watch a TV play after getting up. 20. Tom didn't receive the programme he wanted to watch this morning. 21. After school Tom hurried home because he was hungry. 22. Tom's mother was cooking in the kitchen when he came back. 23. Tom thought the cartoon would begin as soon as he finished supper.

IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文填空,每空格限填一词):(共7分) 24. After a long journey, the guests will go to the ______ Inn in Pudong New Area first. 25. They will visit Jinmao Building which is the ______ in Shanghai. 26. They will have some ______ on the 54th floor of Jinmao Building. 27. The guests can fly kites and ______ pigeons on the People's Square. 28. At noon, the guests will have lunch at a ______ restaurant.

29. At ______ p.m. , they will start to visit Yu Garden and No.1 Silk Factory. 30. In the evening, they will go sightseeing along the Huangpu River by ______.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二卷 词汇和语法)

V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案,用A、B、C或D表示,填入空格内): (共26分) 31. A British man collected 120,000 plastic bottles, and he built ______ island in a lake with all the bottles.

A) a A) at A) ourselves A) 14 years old A) The other

B) an B) on B) themselves B) 14-year-old B) The others

C) / C) in C) herself C) 14 years C) Another

D) the D) to D) himself D) 14-year D) Others

32. The opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Guangzhou were held ______ November. 33. Because they couldn't afford the expenses, the boy's mother had to teach him ______.

34. A ______ Chinese girl got the first prize in the 19th international Children's Painting Competition. 35. There are only two students in the classroom. ______ have gone to the playground.

九年级英语 (第2页) 共9页

36. The three brothers tried to build their house with less ______.

A) trees A) well

A) exciting

B) stones B) pretty

C) people C) lovely

D) wood D) nicely

D) the most exciting

37. Granny Li looks ______ again, and she can even have a walk with her dog after supper. 38. The football match between these two countries is one of ________ matches I have ever watched.

B) much exciting C) more exciting

B) dream of D) show off

B) turned over

C) went out

D) went over

39. Many young people ________ being famous overnight. In fact, it needs a lot of hard work.

A) consist of C) keep off A) turned out

40. A car ______ on the highway this morning because of the heavy snow. 41. -- I haven't finished the book yet. Can I ______ it for another two days? -- Of course you can. But you must return it next Monday.

A) borrow A) can’t 拉星球) ocean.

A) will tell A) is learning

B) has told B) will learn

C) would tell C) has learned

D) is telling D) had learned

44. It is said that David ______ Kung Fu(功夫) from an elderly Chinese man for several months. 45. You will know its meaning if you ______ it up in the dictionary.

A) look B) looks C) will look D) looked

46. Mr. Brown told the detective that he remembered ______ the window when he left the room.

A) to close B) closed C) closing D) close

47. The environment in that area is worse and the smoke from the factories makes people ______ sick.

A) to feel A) pull A) calls C) will call ―______‖.

A) extend A) surprising

B) lend B) couldn’t

C) keep C) mustn’t

D) buy D) needn’t

42. You ________ worry about your son. His teachers can help if it is necessary.

43. Avatar II will be in cinema soon. This time, Cameron ______ a new story about Pandora's(潘多

B) felt B) pulled

C) feeling C) pulling B) is called D) will be called

D) feel D) to pull

48. The captain ordered the soldier ______ the wooden horse into the city. 49. Lin Dan, the famous badminton player, ______ \

50. \you want to make your grade better, you must work harder.\The underlined part means

B) explore B) wonderful

C) improve C) interesting

D) include D) unusual

51. ―O. Henry's stories often have unexpected endings‖ The underlined part means \‖.

九年级英语 (第3页) 共9页

52. ________ exciting it is to skate on the ice with friends on Christmas Day!

A) What A) but A) since

55. Tom asked ______.

A) if he could join us C) when could he join us

56. – Happy birthday! Here's a present for you. – ___________

A) You’re welcome. C) Thank you.

B) The same to you. D) Happy birthday! B) that he would join us D) when he can join us

B) What a B) and B) if

C) What an C) so C) while

D) How D) or D) until

53. These boys tried to play a trick on Tom, failed.

54. Don't forget to make a phone call to us ______ you get some new information.

VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适


57. At last the police made a ______ to search the house for the suspect at once. ( decide). 58. Finally, the clever boy found a much ______ way to weigh the big elephant. ( good )

59. The Spring Festival usually ends in the middle of the ________ lunar(农历) month every year. (one )

60. After a two weeks' travel in space, the team came back to the earth ______. (safe)

61. It is said that ________ has become the winner of the bidding(申办) for the 2018 World Cup. (Russian )

62. The young lady has a special way to __________ all her new students' names. ( memory ) 63. The old woman feels ______ because only a few young people would like to learn paper cutting. (happy)

64. In many western ______, children often do some housework for their parents on holidays. (family )

VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子, 每空格限填一

词) :(共12分)

65. Both of the twins like pop music. (改为否定句) ______ of the twins ______ pop music.

66. People must keep quiet in the library. (改为反意疑问句)

People must keep quiet in the library, ______ ______? 67. Their new company is 15 miles from the city center. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ is their new company from the city center? 68. Can you tell me how I can make a comic strip? (相同意思转换) Can you tell me ______ ______ make a comic strip?

九年级英语 (第4页) 共9页

69. Recently, people found a huge egg in a chicken house in England. (改成被动语态) Recently, a huge egg ______ ______ in a chicken house in England. 70. Peter will go to jail. John will not go to jail. (合并成一句) Peter will go to jail ______ ______ John.

Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三卷 阅读和写话)

VIII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):(共56分)


True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(7分)

Why do they wear uniforms?

Just as students must wear school uniforms when they go to school, many people also must wear uniforms while working. Why do they wear uniforms? Do they like their uniforms? Daniel, policeman Many boys want to become a policeman when they grow up. How cool it is to put on the police uniform! I was one of them when I was a little boy. Now, I have worked as a policeman for thirty years. I feel confident and even proud to wear the uniform. If anyone needs help, they can easily recognize(认出) us. And criminals will feel afraid if they see us. I am a firefighter. When we receive a call for help, we will quickly put on our uniforms and rush to the place that caught fire. Maybe our uniform is not good-looking, but it is very important to us. It is made of special material and can protect us in a fire. Fred, firefighter Teavor, doctor I work as a doctor in a hospital. Actually, all doctors and nurses wear uniforms every day. I think they make it easier for us to work. Patients can easily know whom to ask for help. We wash our uniforms every day to make sure they are clean and tidy. In my opinion, the uniform makes us stand out from others. All the time it reminds me that I am a doctor and I should fulfill(履行) my responsibility. When I work in my kitchen. I wear a uniform. It consists of a coat, pants, and a hat. The coat and pants are made of heavy cotton. Kitchens are hot places, and the heavy cotton helps keep us from the heat of stoves and ovens. Cotton also absorbs(吸收) liquids. We are taught to quickly put off our coats if we spill hot oil on ourselves, because the coat absorbs the hot liquid instead of letting it pass through to the skin. A chef hat is part of our uniform. It covers the whole head to prevent David, chef hair from falling into dishes.

九年级英语 (第5页) 共9页