201101青浦初三期末试卷 - 图文 下载本文

69. Recently, people found a huge egg in a chicken house in England. (改成被动语态) Recently, a huge egg ______ ______ in a chicken house in England. 70. Peter will go to jail. John will not go to jail. (合并成一句) Peter will go to jail ______ ______ John.

Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三卷 阅读和写话)

VIII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解):(共56分)


True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(7分)

Why do they wear uniforms?

Just as students must wear school uniforms when they go to school, many people also must wear uniforms while working. Why do they wear uniforms? Do they like their uniforms? Daniel, policeman Many boys want to become a policeman when they grow up. How cool it is to put on the police uniform! I was one of them when I was a little boy. Now, I have worked as a policeman for thirty years. I feel confident and even proud to wear the uniform. If anyone needs help, they can easily recognize(认出) us. And criminals will feel afraid if they see us. I am a firefighter. When we receive a call for help, we will quickly put on our uniforms and rush to the place that caught fire. Maybe our uniform is not good-looking, but it is very important to us. It is made of special material and can protect us in a fire. Fred, firefighter Teavor, doctor I work as a doctor in a hospital. Actually, all doctors and nurses wear uniforms every day. I think they make it easier for us to work. Patients can easily know whom to ask for help. We wash our uniforms every day to make sure they are clean and tidy. In my opinion, the uniform makes us stand out from others. All the time it reminds me that I am a doctor and I should fulfill(履行) my responsibility. When I work in my kitchen. I wear a uniform. It consists of a coat, pants, and a hat. The coat and pants are made of heavy cotton. Kitchens are hot places, and the heavy cotton helps keep us from the heat of stoves and ovens. Cotton also absorbs(吸收) liquids. We are taught to quickly put off our coats if we spill hot oil on ourselves, because the coat absorbs the hot liquid instead of letting it pass through to the skin. A chef hat is part of our uniform. It covers the whole head to prevent David, chef hair from falling into dishes.

九年级英语 (第5页) 共9页

71. Daniel wanted to be a policeman when he was a little boy. 72. Daniel's uniform is made of special material. 73. Fred has worked as a firefighter for thirty years.

74. Teavor's uniform should be clean and tidy, so he washes it every day. 75. Heavy cotton can absorb liquids and protect people from heat. 76. A chef hat can protect hair from the heat of the stoves and ovens.

77. The four men in this passage think their uniforms are important and useful.


Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (7分)

First time dog owners may meet many problems and get to know how to train their pets. Sometimes a puppy, or even an older dog, will chew(嚼) their fingers or bite them. Even in play, this can really hurt. Unfortunately, many pet owners tolerate(容忍) this in a young dog. However, when the dog gets larger, it is not fun to be bitten by it. Training a dog never to place his teeth on human

skin or clothing is an important lesson. From now on, if you feel your dog's teeth while you are playing with him, say \he bites, you will not play with him any more.

Many people have another bad habit. They tend to(有??倾向) allow their pets to bite and hold on to clothing. Don't let your dog do this to you. When he does something you want him to do, praise him and tell him he's a good dog. You can also give him a treat(款待) at the same time he performs the good behavior(行为). Eventually he will learn which kind of behavior is acceptable and which is not. Remember that reward is more effective than punishment(惩罚). If you reward your dog when he does what you want him to, he will become very well-behaved. Also remember that puppies need to chew on something. So give him a tied stocking or an old shoe. If he chews the wrong thing, take it away while saying \be your friends for a lifetime.

78. It is important for pet owners to train dogs ______. A) not to place their teeth on human skin C) to know how to play with another dog A) go on to play with him

B) not to chew an old shoe

D) to put their teeth on clothing B) tolerate this in a young dog

D) say \ B) be too rough to their dogs

D) allow their dogs to behave(举止) badly B) praise him for his good behavior D) never give him anything to chew

79. If you feel your dog's teeth, you should ______. C) tell him to move away from you A) never play with their dogs

80. According to the passage, many people may tend to ______.

C) never give their dogs treats

81. The author thinks that a better way to train a dog is to ______. A) punish him for any mistake he has made C) let him do anything he likes

九年级英语 (第6页) 共9页

82. The underlined word \reward\ A) return

B) reply

C) award

D) advice D) Human skin

83. Which is the right thing for the dogs to chew? ______. A) Your finger

B) Your clothing

C) A tied stocking B) How to train a dog D) Dogs are our friends

84. Which is the best title of the passage? ______. A) Some tips for puppies C) To be a good owner


Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): (14分)

For most of the people, the Olympic Games are exciting and unforgettable. You might have known quite a lot about the modern Olympic Games, (85) the Summer Games, which began in Greece in 1896. But how much do you know about Special Olympic Games for the disabled(残疾人)?

The first Special Olympic Games were held in Rome in 1960. Now soon after every Summer Games, the host City holds a Special Olympic Games, (86) the Games in Barcelona in 1992 and in Atlanta in 1996. Over the years, it has (87) into one of the largest sporting events for the disabled in the world. Many people who watched the Games said that they were greatly impressed by the effort(努力) and courage(勇气)shown through the Games.

All the sportsmen and sportswomen who took part in the Games had a(n) (88) goal: They wanted to prove to themselves and to the world that they were (89) life and hope, and that they were willing to try and eager to learn.

The Games (90) offer the rest of the world a chance to learn more about the disabled by watching them competing against each other. Their beliefs, their dreams and their efforts are all on show for the world to see. “The World Games are much, much more than a just sports competition.”Said Special Olympics Chairman, Tim Shriver.

Shanghai hosted the 12th Special Olympics, beating over 13 other applicants(申办方),marking the first time the games held in (91) at the beginning of October last year. 85) A) finally 87) A) thrown 88) A) common 89) A) full of 90) A) never 91) A) Europe

B) especially B) for example B) carried B) usual B) also B) Africa

C) unluckily C) such as C) fallen C) easy C) proud of C) only C) America

九年级英语 (第7页) 共9页

D) probably D) according to D) grown D) different D) good at D) just D) Asia

86) A) because of

B) famous for


Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

On two wheels in a green land

It’s often said that the best way to see a country is to use the method of transport which is traditional in that place. So people should see Australia on horseback, Nepal(尼泊尔) on foot and the US by car. If this is true, then a bicycle is the p (92) way to visit Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡). Although the 18-speed mountain bike I used is not an everyday sight, more traditional types can be seen all over the c (93) .

Sharing the same kind of transport as local people changes the way you see the place. You are traveling at a speed that fits the environment. It is not so slow that you only see a s (94) area each day, and not so fast that the details(细节) of the countryside are missed. Better still, you can stop whenever you want to listen to the birds or the sound of water, you can talk to people, smell their cooking or take a photo. H (95) , this doesn’t mean that cycling in Sri Lanka is relaxing. If you want to see the whole country, you have to leave the towns and villages and cycle through forest—where the temperature is 37oC, cross rivers, climb hills and go over paths (小路) which are made of mud, rock or sand.

The most pleasant paths in the forest follow the irrigation canals(灌溉渠). T (96) carry water into the bright green rice fields. During the afternoon, groups of children, farm workers and water buffaloes(水牛) all come to s (97) in canals. Then, when you climb up the hills in the centre of the country, you see that the side of every hill is covered with rows of trees in another lovely green. In fact, the whole country is covered in more different and beautiful shades(层次) of green t (98) I've ever thought.

Now I’m wondering where to ride my bike next — perhaps along the canals of the Netherlands, or through the city streets of China… .


Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(14分)

Leadership in a time of trouble

The Chilean (智利的) mine collapsed (倒塌) on August 5, 2010. There were thirty-three men trapped at the bottom of the mine(矿), 700 meters below the surface of the earth. The men knew they were in big trouble. Would they be rescued, or would they be forgotten and remain buried(埋) alive? It was a time of despair (绝望). Luckily, though, there was one man who did not despair, one man who rose to take charge of their dangerous situation. He was their leader: Luis Urzua.

Urzua was a miner and he had the experience and knowledge gained from working underground for thirty years. He immediately took charge of the situation. He organized the men into three groups to give them a team spirit. He kept the men busy. He gave them jobs to do and kept them working at regular hours. This gave the men a structure and a sense of order. In the end, this \正常)

九年级英语 (第8页) 共9页