Unit 2 What a day 教案 下载本文

6A Unit2 What a day! 设计题目 教学内容 教学对象 教学目标 6A Unit2 What a day! storytime 六年级学生 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, weather, became, flew, bought, clouds, rained, wet. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型:It was… We saw many interesting parrots. We flew kites. I/ He/ She bought some… 3. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论天气。 4.初步了解日记的格式,并能自己尝试用英文记日记 教学重、难点 1. 四会句型It was sunny/ cloudy/ windy. I/ We brought/ saw/ flew… 2. 一般过去时陈述句 教学过程(可续页) 所 用 时 间 教学策略 教学步骤 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计说明 1. Free talk: 让孩子初步认 Free talk: 1) Self-introduction Self-introduction 识动词过去式 2) What day is it today? What day is it 的不规则形式。 3) Today is the … of today? September. Today is the … o Read: September 2. While-reading: Step2. 1) Watch the cartoon Watchthe cartoon 天气是和孩子While-reading: 2) Fast reading. Read the Fast reading. 的生活息息相 story individually and try 关的,所以通过 to find out: 学习能让孩子 a. the weather: What 用英语根据不 was the weather like? 同的天气情况, (Learn: sunny) 安排不同的活 b. the main characters: 动。在指导学生 What did Yang Ling 朗读的基础上 T do ? 初步掌握其意 3) Paragraph 1: show 义,给过去式语 picture 1 and learn. 法的学习打下 a. Listen to the story and 一点基础。 answer: What was the weather like this morning? Step1.


Step3. Post-reading:

What did the children do? How did they go there? What did they see? Then, what did they do? Why? Teach: weather, cloudy, windy, b. Read it together. (pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: became flew.) 4) Paragraph 2: read and learn. a. Listen and repeat. b. Let some students try to act. c. Try to say some sentences like these. 5) Paragraph 2: read in pairs/groups and act. a. What was for lunch? Learn: honey. b. Could they eat them? Why? Try to act and say (pay attention to the pronunciation of the 学生自读,并能根据所学句型,words: could, brought). 以及以前学习c. What was the weather 的积累,举一反like in the afternoon? 三,尝试说一说d. How was the day? 6) Read and finish the Read and finish the 自己过去的某一天的活动。 exercise. exercise. a. Read and do the 学习cartoon exercise. time时,一定要b. Check. 让孩子观看光c. Read the whole story 碟,让孩子初步together. 感知文章,并且3. Post-reading: 通过生动的画1) Try to retell. 面让孩子体验2) Try to say something about 出有趣之处,并themselves. 且带着老师提出的问题去感2

知文章,通过有效性的问题,能更加简单的了解课文,学习课文,并运用课文。 。 教学反思

6A Unit2 What a day! 设计题目 教学内容 教学对象 教学目标 6A Unit2 What a day! Grammer time Fun time 六年级学生 1、The students can master the rules of the verbs in past forms (学生掌握动词过去时的不规则形式) 2、The students can say and act the story by using the simple past tense. (学生能用一般过去时进行对话和表演) 3、The students can try to talk about past events. (学生能谈论过去的经历。) 2.进一步掌握一般过去式,能熟练运用一般过去时的陈述句表述自己的教学重、难点 1.熟练掌握规则动词过去式的变化及读音规律。 3