疯狂英语之口语突破句型(23) 下载本文


23. what kind of...? 什么样的……? ◆ 最常用的三个句子

top 1: what kind of person do you think you are? (你以为你是什么样的人?)

top 2: what kind of fool do you think i am? (你以为我是什么样的傻瓜?)

top 3: what kind of movies do you like? (你喜欢什么样的电影?) ◆ 疯狂实战

a: what kind of girl do you like?

b: i like a loving, considerate, intelligent girl who is confident and knows what she wants to do with her life. a: 你喜欢什么样的女孩?

b: 我喜欢有爱心、善解人意、聪明的女孩,要有自信,懂得生活。 a: what kind of girl do you like?

b: oh, i like fat, black girls. the fatter the better! i like a really big, fat girl that i can really hold on to. you know what i mean? that’s sexy!a: 你喜欢什么样的女孩? b: 哦,我喜欢身材肥胖的黑人女孩,越肥越好!我喜欢一个又高又胖的女孩子,那样有一种实实在在的感觉。你知道我是什么意思吗?那样的女人性感!

a: what kind of food do they serve at the new restaurant? b: they serve western food and chinese food, but the chinese food is much better! a: 新餐馆有些什么菜式?

b: 有西餐和中餐,但是中餐要好得多! ◆ 疯狂情景会话

a: what kind of job do you prefer?

b: i like a job that is challenging and exciting. i like to push myself. i like to use my ability. a: what kind of job do you prefer?

b: i prefer a job where i am the only guy in the office. a: you mean you like to work with all women?

b: no, i mean i don’t like anyone to be around me. i

don’t like any interruptions while i’m sleeping or chatting on the internet.

a: 你喜欢什么样的工作啊?

b: 我喜欢具有挑战性、刺激的工作。我喜欢进取,喜欢发挥自己的潜能。

a: 你喜欢什么样的工作呢?

b: 我喜欢我工作的办公室里只有我一个男的。 a: 你的意思是你喜欢跟一帮女的一起工作?

b: 不,我的意思是,我不喜欢周围有任何人。我不喜欢睡觉或在网上聊天时有人来打搅我。