北京市东城区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版 下载本文

Lasrys’ apartment.

“It’s a very nice and harmless snake,” the doctor said. “It lives with our family all the time.”

David Lasry said he believed the pet was simply hungry after two weeks of travelling. “I told Teddy it’s a pretty snake and a nice pet snake.” Evelyn Lasry said. “But he asked, ‘Why did he bite my hand, Mamma?’ And I said, ‘Because he saw that you are a big boy and it got scared.’” 43. What did the baby-sitter do?

A. She took the snake away. B. She called for some help. C. She shouted and ran away. D. She waited for Teddy’s parents. 44. Who took Teddy to the Medical Center?

A. The police. B. Teddy’s parents. C. The doorman. D. The cleaners. 45. What do we know about the snake? A. It was harmful.

B. It was a nice pet snake. C. It traveled for two hours. D. It always lived with the Lasrys.


Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best way. Is it better to study abroad(在国外) or to study in your own country?

The advantages of going to Britain seem clear. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time when you are in the country. English will be around you wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. In China, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Chinese if you want to and the learning is slower.

On the other hand, there are also advantages to study at home. You don’t have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in China, I think you can learn in a more concentrated(专注的) way than being in Britain without going to a school.

So I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in China


is the only choice. The most important thing to do in this situation is to make good use of every chance: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class.

46. What is the advantage of learning English in Britain according to the passage? A. You can make more friends. B. You can learn English slowly.

C. You can make big changes to your life. D. You can get more chances to practice English.

47. If you don’t have enough time and money, you can improve your English by ____________. A. finding a foreign teacher B. spending some time in the UK C. speaking English as much as possible D. studying at home without going to school 48. Why did the writer write the passage? A. To advise people to go abroad to study. B. To encourage people to learn English. C. To help people decide where to learn English. D. To tell people how to save money on English learning.


What should I say now?

“Hi, my name is Sara.”

“I’m Frank. Nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you, too.”

Now what do you say? If you want to hold a good conversation, what comes next is very important.

Introductions, like the one above, are a great way to begin. When you introduce yourself, be confident and comfortable. That will make others comfortable, too. After the introduction, wait a bit. If the other person doesn’t ask a question or make a comment(评论), you make


one. Starting with a question shows interest in the other person. You could ask, “What do you do?” or “How do you know our host?” Of course, it’s a good idea to ask something a little different. “What did you do last weekend?” or “Have you seen any good movies recently?” are two topics you could ask about. Another good statement (陈述) to start with is “Tell me about yourself.” Most people love talking about themselves.

As the other person begins to answer your question, look for common ground. If you ask about last weekend, the person could talk about a bike ride he took. When the person finishes his comment, you could talk about an experience you had with biking. You can then move on to discussing other sports the person may be interested in.

When the other person is talking, it is very important to be interested in them. Listen carefully to their answers. Don’t allow yourself to look around the room. That gives the other person the message that you are not really interested in them. On the other side, if you are answering the question, don’t go on and on. Answer the question and then stop. A good conversation is like a tennis game where the ball goes back and forth.

With some practice, you’ll be able to start and keep a conversation going with anyone! 49. What should you do after the introduction? A. Tell the other person more about yourself.

B. Keep silent until the other person asks a question. C. Say goodbye to the other person as quickly as possible. D. Ask the other person some questions about himself or herself. 50. What does the phrase “common ground” mean?

A. New ideas. B. The same interests. C. Popular sports. D. Wonderful experiences. 51. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. How to get on well with other people. B. How to be confident during a conversation. C. How to have a good conversation with other people. D. How to make other people comfortable while talking.


What exactly is British teatime?

Do the British really get together every afternoon at 4 to sit and drink several cups of tea? Ask any Chinese student and they will say “YES!”

But it’s simply not true. We drink over 150 million cups of tea a day in Britain, but


there is no special time for the nation’s favorite drink. British people drink tea all day—morning, noon or night. There are reasons for the confusion(困惑) about “teatime”.

“Tea” is widely used as a name for the evening meal. This is more common in Scotland and the north of England, but you can hear it all over the country. Usually teatime refers to the main meal of the day between 5 and 7. In the south, the evening meal is often called dinner, while dinner in the north is the midday meal. In general:

North: Breakfast-Dinner-Teatime South: Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner

What about tea breaks? Surely this must be a special time for tea? Wrong again, I’m afraid. A tea break is just a short time for people to have a rest from work for around 10 minutes. In this time you can drink whatever you like. This is usually with a small snack, like biscuits. The best time for a tea break is mid-morning around 11 or mid-afternoon around 3.

But what about tea rooms? Can I drink tea there? Yes! A tea room is the perfect place to go with friends and family to enjoy tea, cakes, sandwiches and pastries. This is known as afternoon tea. In Devon and Cornwall, people have afternoon tea with scones and locally made cream and strawberry jam—we call this a cream tea. Tea rooms are very popular with tourists.

Teatime, tea breaks, afternoon tea, cream tea... are you clear about all these? 52. Is there a special time for the British to drink tea? 53. What does teatime refer to in the north of Britain? 54. What do people drink at a tea break? 55. When is the best time for a tea break? 56. Where do tourists like to drink tea?





57. —这本书很有趣。给汤姆买一本怎么样? —好主意!

—This book is very interesting. ________________________ one for Tom? —Good idea!

58. 你不能在骑车时听音乐。

You __________________________ while you are riding a bike. 59. 为了照顾妈妈,她总是放学后尽快回家。

She always goes home as soon as possible after school ____________ her mother. 60. 一你怎么了,李明?

一我跑步时摔倒了,伤了右脚。 —________________________, Li Ming?

—I fell down while running and hurt my right foot.



61. 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Amy寒假要到中国来,除了北京,她还想去别的地方旅游。请你为她推荐一个地方并简单介绍这个地方,内容包括它的地理位置、天气状况、景色(景点)或特色等,同时告诉她去那儿需要带些什么东西。

提示词语:south, sunny, fresh air, beach, swimming clothes

提示问题:● Where is the place and what’s the weather like there? ● What’s the place famous for? ● What should Amy bring? Dear Amy,

I’m glad to hear that you are coming to China during the winter vacation! I suggest you



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I hope this helps you.

Yours Li Hua