北京市东城区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版 下载本文





1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B


9. In the park. 10. Tennis. 11. By horse. 12. May. 13. Because he was riding too fast.


14. clean 15. dance 16. run 17. children 18. cakes 19. 9 pm



20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. A


30. C 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. D



40. A 41. A 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. C

七、阅读短文,回答问题。 52. No, there isn't.

53. It refers to the main meal of the day between 5 and 7. 54. They drink whatever they like.

55. Mid-morning around 11 or mid-afternoon around 3. 56. In tea rooms.




57. How / What about buying

58. mustn’t / can’t listen to music 59. (in order)to look after

60. What’s wrong with you / What’s the matter with you


61. One possible version. Dear Amy,

I’m glad to hear that you are coming to China during the winter vacation! I suggest you go to Hainan Island. It’s in the south of China and the weather is sunny and warm. It is a very beautiful place with a lot of trees and flowers. It’s especially famous for the fresh air and clean beaches. There you can eat delicious seafood and many different kinds of fruit. Remember to bring your swimming clothes because you may want to swim in the sea.

I hope this helps you.

Yours, Li Hua


1. W: Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Tom?

M: We may go to Europe. My parents want to go to England, and I’d like to go there too.

W: Will you travel by ship or by plane?

M: I think we’ll travel by plane. It’s faster.

W: Yes, and it’s more comfortable. Hope you enjoy yourselves. 2. W: Are you a football fan, Steve?

M: Yes, I go to the stadium whenever there’s a good game. And if I can’t buy a ticket, I watch the game on TV.

W: Is the ticket expensive? How much for one? M: I paid $ 25 last time. W: That’s not very expensive.

M: Yeah. There will be a football game on Thursday evening. Would you like to come? It’ll be fun!


W: I’d love to. What time will it start?

M: At 7∶30 pm. Let’s meet at the south gate of the stadium at 7∶10. W: All right.

3. M: The weather is terrible.

W: Yeah. It has been raining a lot these days. M: I watched a lot of TV at home because of the rain.

W: Do you know when the weather will get better? I’m looking forward to sunny days. M: I saw the weather report, and it said it will still rain tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it will be cloudy.

W: That’s too bad! What shall we do tomorrow?

M: I’m getting very bored. We should do something fun. W: Yes. What do you have in mind? M: How about watching a movie?

W: We always watch movies. Let’s watch a play this time. M: Good idea! What plays are on these days? W: I don’t know. I will check on the Internet.

4. I use a very traditional way to improve my English. I write letters! Yes, real letters with stamps. My friends say that I’m living twenty years ago and that it’s boring. But I like it. I have pen friends in the USA, Canada and Australia. Every week, I get a letter from one of them and I write a reply right, away, the same day. If I write an e-mail, my computer corrects my spelling and my grammar—it’s like cheating. But with a real letter, you must think more. And it’s special to write and read a real letter. It’s something that takes time and a lot of thinking. I love my letters and I love my pen friends. It’s a very successful way for me. 5. M: Nice day today, isn’t it?

W: Yes, it’s beautiful weather! Why don’t we take a walk in the park? M: Good idea!

6. W: Sam, what’s your favorite sport?

M: Hmmm ... it’s hard to say. I like football a lot, but I guess I like tennis better. W: Do you play much tennis?

M: Yes, I play on Wednesday and Saturday.

7. W: Did you watch the TV program \M: No. What was it about?

W: As we know, most students go to school by bus, by bike or on foot.


M: Yes.

W: But a US student Kobe goes to school by horse. M: By horse? It sounds interesting.

8. W: Stefano, when is the best time to visit Italy?

M: Well, most people come in July or August, but I think the best month is May. W: Why?

M: Because it’s warm but not hot. The temperatures are about 24 or 25 degrees, and that’s nice. In summer, it gets very hot and there are a lot of storms. 9. W: Oh, Tom, what’s wrong with you? M: I fell off my bike and hurt my leg. W: How did it happen? Did a car hit you? M: No. I was just riding too fast.

W: Let me take you to the hospital now. And you mustn’t ride too fast next time. 10. Hello everybody. Welcome to the Sports Center. Well, as you can see, this is quite a big center and we offer a lot of different activities. On the first floor you can see the main rooms on your left. They are bright and clean with pleasant temperature. Here we have classes of different sports and different kinds of dance. On your right are exercise machines. You can run, do sit-ups or other things to keep fit. On the second floor is a large swimming pool. It has a special area for children. Oh, and I must mention the café on the third floor. That’s very popular. You can enjoy fresh juice, tea, cakes and sandwiches there. The Sports Center is open from 7 am to 9 pm the whole week. I hope all of you can enjoy yourselves here.