学生宿舍管理系统毕业设计 下载本文


2011届毕业生 毕业论文

题 目: 学生宿舍管理系统 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称:

2011年 6 月 3 日

摘 要 当今大学校园内的学生公寓,其数据量大,各种信息管理内容复杂,查询和管理学生信息和校园内的公寓信息等工作由人工完成将是很累的,不仅浪费了许多人力物力资源,而且还很容易出现差错,有一个软件对学生公寓管理不仅节省了人力物力,而且对各种信息的把握和操作也更加方便。 该学生宿舍管理系统主要包括前台用户界面的开发和后台数据库的开发,对于后台数据库要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库。而对于前端应用程序的开发则要求应用程序能提供强大的数据操纵功能,界面友好、使用简单方便等特点。管理人员需要做的就是将数据输入到系统的数据库中去。经过分析,本系统运用了MySQL为后台数据库,以eclipse为前端开发工具,系统实现了房间管理、宿舍管理、信息维护、宿舍分配、信息查询等必需的功能,其操作简单,界面友好,运行比较稳定,适用于大学院校大学生宿舍管理。 关键词: 学生宿舍管理 java MySQL数据库 eclipse

Title student dormitory Management System Abstract Today's dormitory in the university campus in a variety of information was complex, so query and management of student information or dormitory information will be tired by people. Not only wastes a lot of and material resources, and very prone to error, there is a software to manage the student dormitory not only save the and material resources, but to grasp all kinds of information and operation is also more convenient. The dormitory management system including the development prospects of the user interface and the development of database, for the database we need to build a required consistency and integrity, data security database. As for the front-end application development requires the application provides powerful data manipulation features, friendly interface, easy to use and so on. Managers need to do is to enter data into the system's database. After analysis, the system uses MySQL as the backend database, eclipse as the front-end development tools, system management to achieve the room, dormitory management, information maintenance, the assignments, and other necessary information query functions, the operation is simple, friendly interface and stable operation for college students at the university dormitory management. Keywords Student Apartment Management java MySQL Database eclipse