外研版高中英语必修一同步优选试题精练:Module5 A Lesson in a Lab SectionⅠ 含答案 下载本文


1When the iron is heated,it e______,while most substances will ______ when it gets cold in winter.

2Man can't e______ without food and water. 3Air is a m______ of gases. 4They came to a c______ that a new hospital should be built in this city. 5The hunter a______ his gun at the bear carefully. 6These are new ______ (科学上的)discoveries.


7I found it hard to keep my b______ on the icy path. 8The increase in electricity costs has a______ to our difficulties. 9The cooker isn't working because of an e______ fault. 10There is a lot of modern ______(设备)in our school lab.


at the bottom find out leave make sure add to keep out of 1He has a lot of things to____________ before he leaves. 2____________that no one finds out about it. 3____________ that dog ____________ my study. 4Don't____________ her waiting outside in the rain.

5He started his life ____________ and worked his way to the top. 6The inflation has ____________ our difficulties.



Try to______ Tom ______ ______ the room while I wrap his present. 2很快房子里就挤满了小孩子。

The house was soon______ ______ children. 3他在楼梯底部摔倒了。

He fell down ______ ______ ______ ______ the stairs. 4你妈妈对这条消息有什么反应?

What's your mother's ______ ______ the news?ks5uks5uks5u]


Your room is very untidy;go and ______ it ______ ______. 6这种烟是三种不同的烟叶混合而成的。

This tobacco is______ ______ ______three different sorts. 7你又犯了和上次同样的错误。


You've made ______ ______ mistakes ______ last time.


We ______ ______ ______ going to the West to work. 9老师发现那个学生作弊后极为气愤。

The teacher was very angry when he ______ ______ that the student had been cheating. 10万物充满生机。


Everything is ______ ______new life. Ⅳ.单项填空

1Add some oil ______ the water.This will ______ air out of the water. A.to;make B.to;keep C.with;keep D.in;get


2I thought hard but I just couldn't ______ his name at the moment. A.think over B.think about C.think of D.think out

3All different kinds of living costs ______more than $1000. A.were added up to B.added up C.added up to D.added to

4The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ______ the desert. A.covering B.covered C.cover D.to cover

5He ______his father's influence by running away. A.reacted to B.reacted with C.reacted by D.reacted against

6My remarks ______ at you at all.That is to say,I didn't aim my words ______ you at all. A.didn't aim;to B.doesn't aim;on C.were not aimed;at D.were not aiming;for 7The terrible flood ______ several days' heavy rain. A.resulted B.resulted in C.resulted from D.caused

8Parents should ______ their small children ______rivers.A.keep;away B.keep;away from C.keep;off D.keep;out

9The bird ______ its wings and flew away. A.spread B.expanded C.extended D.scattered

10The ______,I think,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific. A.charge B.conclusion C.promise D.relation



Chemical Change and Physical Change

There are two kinds of changes—chemical change and physical change.

In a chemical change,there is always a new substance formed.Breaking up water into hydrogen and oxygen is a chemical change.In each of the chemical change at least one new substance is formed.A change is not a chemical change if it doesn't form a new substance.

Physical changes are very common,too.There are many examples.You can make a physical change by tearing a piece of paper in two,or by cutting a piece of iron with lathe.Here paper is still paper,and the iron is still iron.

Another way of making physical change is dissolving something in water.When you dissolve salt in water,the salt disappears.You may think that a new substance has been formed.But really there is no new substance.The salt is still salt.You can still taste it.So the dissolving of anything is a physical change.

When water freezes,the change is also a physical one.The water changes from liquid to solid.But it is still the same substance.That is why the freezing of anything is a physical change.

1It is not ______ if a new substance is not formed in the change. A.a physical change B.a chemical change C.change of state D.a change 2The dissolving of salt in water is ______.

A.a physical change B.a chemical changeC.hydrogen and oxygen D.breaking up 3The change of the three states of water is______. A.a chemical change B.different substances C. a physical change D.the same state
