熔焊原理复习 试卷三 下载本文

★编号:重科院( )考字第( )号 第 6 页



专业班级: 姓 名: 学 号: ★编号:重科院( )考字第( )号 第 7 页 1、焊接热影响区- 2、热输入- 3、焊条电弧焊- 4、焊后热处理- 5、熔滴过渡- 6、焊接电流- 7、夹渣- 8、焊接裂纹- 9、焊接缺陷- 10、熔敷金属- 密 封 线 七、英译汉:(本题共1小题,共5分) In C-Mn steels, because there is a greater risk of forming a brittle microstructure in the HAZ, most of the hydrogen cracks are to be found in the parent metal. With the correct choice of electrodes, the weld metal will have a lower carbon content than the parent metal and, hence, a lower carbon equivalent (CE). However, transverse weld metal cracks can occur, especially when welding thick section components; the risk of cracking is increased if the weld metal carbon content exceeds that of the parent steel.