【优质文档】聊聊弹幕那些事儿-优秀word范文 (1页) 下载本文



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& nbsp ;

Sitting in a dark movie theater , leaning forward with your eyes fixed on the screen and hands clenching the edge of the seat , you hear the couple behind you & ldquo ; whisper : & ldquo ; Is that Matt Damon ?

坐在漆黑的电影院里,双眼紧紧盯着前方的屏幕,双手紧握座椅的把手,你听到你身后的一对& ldquo ;窃窃私语:& ldquo ;那是马特& middot ;达蒙吗? & ldquo ; Who is Matt Damon ? & ldquo ;马特& middot ;达蒙是哪只?

& ldquo ; The guy who played in the Bourne series ! & ldquo ;《谍影重重》里的那只啊!!

Most of the time you roll your eyes , hating them for ruining your experience . But somewhat bizarrely , these interruptions have

themselves become a form of entertainment & ndash ; though at least , the creators of these & ldquo ; interruptions have the good grace to do them in text form .

大多数你会白他们几眼,好讨厌他们毁了你的观影过程。但是有点奇特的是,这些打断观影成为了一种娱乐形式& mdash ;& mdash ;虽然至少,这些个& ldquo ;打断的字眼的创始人以文字的形式玩的乐此不疲。

Video streaming websites in China have proven to be fertile ground for a giant community of & ldquo ; subtitles shooters who revel in the creation and spread of memes , slang terms , and pop culture references , which find their way onto screens during movies , in subtitle form .