浙江省温州市2017-2019年三年中考英语试题分类汇编全集 下载本文

—______, Marry.

A. Here we go B.Wait a moment C.My pleasure D.Have a nice day


1~5 CADBB 6~10 DABCD





请你以A New Use of the Mobile Phone为题,写一篇110词左右的英语短文介绍手机买菜带来的便利,让外国朋友了解中国人民生活中的这个新变化。

A New Use of the Mobile Phone





_______________________________________________________________________________ 【小词典】

acknowledge v.承认,认可 部

cipher n. 标记 选

franc n. 法国法郎

invisible ad. 不可见的 radio telescope射电望远镜 stimulate v. 刺激

muscle n. 肌肉 reflect n. 反射

toe n. 脚趾

crowd n. 大众

elect v. 选举,推

bone n. 骨骼

chest n. 胸

profound adj. 深刻的 signal n. 信号

五、书面表达(本题有l题,共20分) 参考例文

A New Use of the Mobile Phone

Preparing for meals is tiring. You may have to spend hours getting everything ready for cooking. Now in China, new mobile apps are here to help.

These apps provide you with meat, fish, and vegetables, almost everything you need for a meal. You ,an order whenever you like and decide on the time for them to arrive. If you like. they can be washed, cut and packed for a certain dish. Some apps even guide you to cook step by step, making cooking easier.

Compared with the traditional way of going to the market, mobile apps save your time and energy. With such a new use of the mobile phone, you can enjoy a more relaxing life.




56.如今,国内外很多孩子在父母的安排下没有了自己的周末,如下图中的Jack。请分析图中的这种现象并谈谈你的看法,以 Weekend or Not?为题写一篇约110词的英语短文向 Parents杂志投稿,让父母们通过阅读你的文章能有所启发。


Weekend or Not?





小词典 第13页(共41页)

assistant n. 助手 blood vessel n. 血管 complication n. 并发症 entrance n. 人口 force n. 力 gravity n. 重力 handrail n. 栏杆 metabolic disorder 代谢素乱 screw n. 螺丝钉 stare v. 注视 telescope n. 望远镜 vision loss 视力衰退 五、书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分 参考例文:

Weekend or Not?

Jack has to attend lots of classes at weekends. He has little time for his favorite sport-soccer. Still, his parents are pushing him to do more math exercises, which worries him a lot.

Nowadays, many students are under much pressure like Jack. Their parents believe it necessary for them to make full use of the weekends and learn as much as possible. As a result, some students are stressed out and therefore lose interest in learning anything. What is worse, they may not be able to learn to manage their own life.

I do hope all the children can have the freedom to choose what they like to do and enjoy their weekends.



56.假如你是李华,就读于Wenzhou Tanghe Middle School。你想去美国的Washington International School ( WIS)读高中。现在你需要给对方学校写一封简明扼要、有说服力的自荐信,争取让学校录取你。 参考要点: ●个人信息 ●学习成绩 ●爱好、能力 ● ……


(2)词数:110词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam,


I am looking forward to your kind reply. Yours

Li Hua

小词典 applicationn.应用 array n.(太阳能)板blossom v.开花 breathev.呼吸 championship n.锦标赛desire n.欲望 outhouse n.屋外厕所 permission n.许可 possess v. 拥有 psychologist n.心理学家 ventilated adj.通风的 sincercly,

五、书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分) 56. Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua from wenzhou Tonghe Middle School. I wish to get an opportunity to study at WIS. Like many other boys,l enjoy doing sports,but maths and science are my favourite Ilike Chinese,English and music as well. I have won several prizes invarious competitions, including a second prize inan international maths competition.

Ihave joined in three ane-month-tour-study programs in the US,learnt a lot about American culture and made many friends there. So WIS is my frrst choice to study abroad.

Although I am not the best now, I will make every effort to become a top student and I believeyou will be proud of me.

I am looking forwctrd to your kind reply.





