人体热释电红外传感器PIR原理. 下载本文

1. 人体热释电红外传感器PIR原理详解

在电子防盗、人体探测器领域中,被动式热释电红外探测器的应用非常广泛,因其价格低廉、技术性能稳定而受到广大用户和专业人士的欢迎。 被动式热释电红外探头的工作原理及特性:

人体都有恒定的体温,一般在37度,所以会发出特定波长10μm左右的红外线,被动式红外探头就是靠探测人体发射的10μm左右的红外线而进行工作的。人体发射的10μm 左右的红外线通过菲涅尔滤光片增强后聚集到红外感应源上。红外感应源通常采用热释电元件,这种元件在接收到人体红外辐射温度发生变化时就会失去电荷平衡,向外释放电荷,后续电路经检测处理后就能产生报警信号。

(1)这种探头是以探测人体辐射为目标的。所以热释电元件对波长为10μm 左右的红外辐射必须非常敏感。





被动式热释电红外探头的优缺点: 优点:

本身不发任何类型的辐射,器件功耗很小,隐蔽性好。价格低廉。 缺点:


◆被动红外穿透力差,人体的红外辐射容易被遮挡,不易被探头接收。 ◆易受射频辐射的干扰。

◆环境温度和人体温度接近时,探测和灵敏度明显下降,有时造成短时失灵。 抗干扰性能: 1.防小动物干扰

探测器安装在推荐地使用高度,对探测范围内地面上地小动物,一般不产生报警。 2.抗电磁干扰



探测器在正常灵敏度的范围内,受3米外H4卤素灯透过玻璃照射,不产生报警。 红外线热释电传感器的安装要求:



2.红外线热释电传感器远离空调, 冰箱,火炉等空气温度变化敏感的地方。 3.红外线热释电传感器探测范围内不得隔屏、家具、大型盆景或其他隔离物。

4.红外线热释电传感器不要直对窗口,否则窗外的热气流扰动和人员走动会引起误报,有条件的最好把窗帘拉上。红外线热释电传感器也不要安装在有强气流活动的地方。 红外线热释电传感器对人体的敏感程度还和人的运动方向关系很大。热释电红外传感器对于径向移动反应最不敏感, 而对于横切方向 (即与半径垂直的方向)移动则最为敏感. 在现场选择合适的安装位置是避免红外探头误报、求得最佳检测灵敏度极为重要的一环。






2.2 作用






3. How Infrared motion detector components work

Infrared Radiation_____________

Infrared radiation exists in the electromagnetic spectrum at a wavelength that is longer than visible light. It cannot be seen but it can be detected. Objects that generate heat also generate infrared radiation and those objects include animals and the human body whose radiation is strongest at a wavelength of 9.4um. Infrared in this range will not pass through many types of material that pass visible light such as ordinary window glass and plastic. However it will pass through, with some attenuation, material that is opaque to visible light such as germanium and silicon. An unprocessed silicon wafer makes a good IR window in a weatherproof enclosure for outdoor use. It also provides additional filtering for light in the visible range. 9.4um infrared will also pass through polyethylene which is usually used to make Fresnel lenses to focus the infarared onto sensor elements. Pyroelectric Sensors_____________

The pyroelectric sensor is made of a crystalline material that generates a surface electric charge when exposed to heat in the form of infrared radiation. When the amount of radiation striking the crystal changes, the amount of charge also changes and can then be measured with a sensitive FET device built into the sensor. The sensor elements are sensitive to radiation over a wide range so a filter window is added to the TO5 package to limit detectable radiation to the 8 to 14mm range which is most sensitive to human body radiation.

Typically, the FET source terminal pin 2 connects through a pulldown resistor of about 100 K to ground and feeds into a two stage amplifier having signal conditioning circuits. The amplifier is typically bandwidth limited to below 10Hz to reject high frequency noise and is followed by a window comparator that responds to both the positive and negative transitions of the sensor output signal. A well filtered power source of from 3 to 15 volts should be connected to the FET drain terminal pin 1.

The PIR325 sensor has two sensing elements connected in a voltage bucking configuration. This arrangement cancels signals caused by vibration, temperature