人教新起点2019-2020学年四年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 及答案 下载本文



分数:100分 时间:45分钟

检测等级 书写等级

Amy: I'd like some and . What would you like

题for dinner, Bob?

Bob: I'd like and . What about you, Tim? Ⅰ

Tim: I'd like some and . Would you like some Ⅱ 得分 for dinner, Kate? 听力部分

Kate: Yes, I'd like some , too.

Ⅰ.Listen and order.听音,根据听到的顺序给句子标号。


( )The sofa was under the shelf. Now it's under the window. ( )Look at the living room. It looks different.

Ⅳ.Read and classify.选出与其它划线字母发音不同的单词。

( )The clock was on the shelf. Now it's on the small table.

1.( )A.duck 2.( )A.subject 3.( )A.just ( )The mirror was behind the chair. Now it's next to the small table. B.fun B.use B.duck ( )There are some changes in my flat. C.cute C.student C.useful

D.run D.excuse D.cup Ⅱ.Listen and choose. 听音,根据所听内容选择合适的答语。

4.( )A.bed 5.( )A.these 6.( )A.fever B.email B.dress B.green 1.( )A.I have a table and a chair. 2.( )A.It’s in the kitchen. C.get C.Chinese C.Wednesday B.They’re in the living room. B.It’s on the fridge.

D.tender D.Steven D.bean C.I can see a sofa and a TV. C.It’s in the study.

3.( )A.It’s OK. 4.( )A.They’re in the door. B.It’s black. B.They are near the phone.

V. Read and connect.连词成句。(填序号)

C.I don’t know. C.They are in the desk. 1) 1.can 2.knife 3.and 4.I 5.use 6.a 7.fork

5.( )A.I like some soup. 6.( )A.Pass me the food,please. __________________________________________________________. B.Five yuan,please. B.Help yourself. 2) 1.ready 2.is 3.dinner

C.I’d like some bread. C.It’s on the desk. __________________________________________________________?

3) 1.has 2.where 3.the 4.gone 5.phone

Ⅲ.Listen and complete.听音,补全四线三格里的单词。

__________________________________________________________? 4)1.you 2.would 3.lunch 4.vegetables 5.like 6.for

John: Hello. I am John. I have 4 good friends. They're Amy, Bob, Tim and Kate. __________________________________________________________?

I'd like some and for dinner. What would you like for dinner, Amy?

VI.Read and choose.单项选择

( )1.Pass _____ the knife.


Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ 总分 A.I B.me C.my

( )2.John: I can use chopsticks. Mike: _____ A.Let’s try. B.Let me try. C.Let’s me try. ( )3.—Can I have some rice, please? —_____.

A.Sure,here you are. B.Thank you. C.Everything’s ready. ( )4.Lin Tao is _____Chinese boy and Jim is _____American boy. A./;a B./;an C.a;an ( )5.Here _____ today’s special.

A.are B.is C.am

( )6.—Is this your pencil ? —_______.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. It’s my pencil.

Ⅶ.Read and find.从方框中找出答案。 ( )1. What colour is your schoolbag? A. No, I don’t. ( )2. What’s her name?

B. She is Miss White. ( )3. What’s your mother’ s job? C. Black and white. ( )4. Is it in your desk?

D. She is a nurse. ( )5. Who’s that woman? E. Yes, please. ( )6. Where are the books? F. They are on the desk. ( )7. Do you like sports?

G. Her name is Lily. ( )8. Would you like some eggs? H. Yes, it is.

Ⅷ.Read and judge.阅读理解,根据对话内容判断正T误F。Mike: Mom, I'm hungry. What's for dinner? Mom: Wait and see. What would you like?

Mike: I'd like some noodles, some beef, some fish and soup. Mom: What would you like for dinner, Amy? Amy: I'd like some fish and vegetables, please. Mom: What would you like, dear?

Dad: I'd like some noodles and some fish. Mom: Everything's ready. Amy: Thank you, Mom. Mike: Great! Dad: Thanks.

1.( )Mom: What would you like?

Mike: I'd like some noodles and some vegetables.

2.( )Mom: What would you like?

Amy: I'd like some fish and vegetables. 3.( )Mom: What would you like?

Dad: I’d like some rice and some fish. 4.( )Mom: Everything's ready.

Mike: Great.

5.( )There are five people in Mike’s family.

Hello, everyone. My name is Sarah. I’m ten. I am a student. I have a happy family. Look, this is a photo of my family! The old man is my grandfather. He’s sixty-three. He likes noodles. He’s a football player. My grandmother is

fifty-eight. She likes fish. She’s a doctor. Look at this woman. She’s my mother. She’s thirty. She’s a nurse. She likes vegetables very much. And this man is my father. He’s thirty-two. He likes soup. He’s a driver. Sunny is my baby brother. He is a quiet but clever boy. They love me. I love them. ( )1. My mom likes beef. She’s a nurse. ( )2. My dad is 32. He’s a farmer.

( )3. There are six people in my family. ( )4. I’m Sarah and my sister is Sunny.

( )5. My grandfather is a driver. He likes noodles.

IX.Read and correct.找出句子里的错误序号并改正。

( )1. He’s glasses are brown. ______________


( )2. It have a blue bed and pink chair. _______________ A B C D E F G H ( )3. Let change our tables.



( )4. You living room isn’t nice.



( )5. Would you like some soup and juices? ______________




5.( C )A.I like some soup. 6.( B)A.Pass me the food,please.


B.Five yuan,please. B.Help yourself. 分数:100分 时间:45分钟

C.I’d like some bread. C.It’s on the desk.

检测等级 书写等级 Ⅲ.Listen and complete.听音,补全四线三格里的单词。(每题2分) 听力部分

John: Hello. I am John. I have 4 good friends. They're Amy, Bob, Tim Ⅰ.Listen and order.听音,根据听到的顺序给句子标号。(每题2分)

and Kate. I'd like some noodles and chickens for dinner. What ( 3 )The sofa was under the shelf. Now it's under the window. would you like for dinner, Amy?

( 2 )Look at the living room. It looks different.

Amy: I'd like some rice and vegetables . What would you like for ( 4 )The clock was on the shelf. Now it's on the small table. dinner, Bob?

( 5 )The cake was behind the chair. Now it's next to the small table. Bob: I'd like bread and soup. What about you, Tim?

( 1 )There are some changes in my flat.

Tim: I'd like some beef and juice . Would you like some fish Ⅱ.Listen and choose. 听音,根据所听内容选择合适的答语。(每for dinner, Kate?


Kate: Yes, I'd like some milk , too.

2.( B )A.I have a table and a chair. 2.( C )A.It’s in the kitchen. 笔试部分

B.They’re in the living room. B.It’s on the fridge.

Ⅳ.Read and classify.选出与其它划线字母发音不同的单词。(每题

C.I can see a sofa and a TV. C.It’s in the study. 2 分)

3.( C )A.It’s OK. 4.( C )A.They are in the door. 1.( C )A.duck 2.( A )A.subject 3.( C )A.just B.It’s black. B.They are near the phone.

B.fun B.use B.duck C.I don’t know. C.They are in the desk. C.cute C.student C.useful 第3页(共6页)

题得号 分 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ 总分