2018年广东省中考英语试题及参考答案(word解析版) 下载本文



【解答过程】考查情态动词.A能,可以.B不能.C必须.D不允许.结合语境\如果农民__开始在咸水中种植水稻,中国的粮食供应肯定会增加.\.可知,应该是\可以\. 故选:A.


42.After long years of war, many people in Syria are homeless. I think it important_____ a peaceful world.

A.build B.not build C.to build D.not to build 【知识考点】固定句式.

【思路分析】经过多年的战争,叙利亚的许多人无家可归,我认为建立一个和平的世界是很重要的. 【解答过程】根据I think it important_____ a peaceful world此题考查固定句型 认为干某事是重要的,think it+形容词 +to do.其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的to do 不定式. 故选:C.


43.Many shops in China_____to shut down as a new law against ivory(象牙)trade came into effect on January 1st, 2018.

A.ordered B.didn't order C.were ordered D.weren't ordered 【知识考点】一般过去时的被动语态.

【思路分析】随着一项针对象牙贸易的新法律于2018年1月1日生效,中国许多商店被勒令关闭. 【解答过程】根据题意:随着一项针对象牙贸易的新法律于2018年1月1日生效,中国许多商店被勒令关闭.可知主语是动作的承受者,结合2018,可知是一般过去时的被动语态were/was+过去分词. 句子是肯定句. 故选:C.

【总结归纳】熟悉一般过去时被动语态的基本结构和用法,结合题意,给出答案. 44.-Could you tell me_____you'd like me to pay you?

-You'd better use mobile payment. I don't care____it is Ali Pay or WeChat Pay. A.how, whether B.how, why C.what, whether D.what, why 【知识考点】连词辨析.

【思路分析】--你能告诉我你要我怎样付给你钱吗? --你最好使用移动支付,我不在乎是阿里支付还是微信支付.

【解答过程】how如何,what什么,whether……or是…还是.结合句意:--你能告诉我你要我怎样付给你钱吗?--你最好使用移动支付,我不在乎是阿里支付还是微信支付. 故选:A.

【总结归纳】本题考查连词的辨析,熟记词的用法及结合语境是解答本题的关键. 45.-Would you mind my turning up the TV? The New Year concert has just begun. -_________.Just go ahead.( )

A.Please don't B.Better not C.I'm afraid not D.Of course not



【思路分析】你介意我打开电视吗?新年音乐会刚刚开始. 当然不介意.打开吧.

【解答过程】考查情境对话.A.Please don't请不要这样;B.Better not最好不要;C.I'm afraid not我恐怕不能;D.Of course not当然不介意.根据题干Just go ahead.可知应说当然不介意. 故选:D.

【总结归纳】首先迅速的浏览一遍对话,仔细的分析,Just go ahead.结合选项作答. 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


A wealthy man love his son very much. As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.

When the old man learnt about his 46 , he handed the boy an empty bowl and said. \river miles away and 47 it with water. I will tell you about it 48 no water is spilt(酒) when you reach here.\, he had no choice but to 49 this task. The boy 50 on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, \?\The boy could say nothing about them because he gave his 51 attention to the bowl in his hands. The old man smiled and said, \ 52 bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well.\

When he returned, the boy was able to 53 everything he had seen to the old man. But when he looked down at his bowl, he found 54 that most water was gone. He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road.

\, young man,\. \, but never forget the water in your bowl. This is the 55 of happiness.\

46.A.research B.promise C.purpose D.experience 47.A.wash B.fill C.compare D.connect 48.A.if B.until C.unless D.while 49.A put ou B.pick out C.point out D.carry out 50.A.set off B.paid off C.got off D.kept off 51.A.public B.weak C.quick D.full 52.A.any B.every C.another D.the other 53.A.change B.imagine C.examine D.describe 54.A. lazily B.sadly C.luckily D.excitedly 55.A.result B.cause C.secret D.decision 【知识考点】记叙文.

【思路分析】这是一篇记叙文,主要介绍一个富有的人非常爱他的儿子.当他想要儿子过上幸福的生活时,他决定送他去见一个聪明的老人,向他提出幸福的忠告.老人通过一个测试,告诉他享受世界的美丽的同时,也别忘了自己的应该做的事情(文中是碗里的水),这是幸福的秘密. 【解答过程】46.C.考查名词.A调查.B承诺.C目的.D经历.句意\老人得知他的__后,递


给男孩一个空碗\.根据上一句he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness他决定送他去见一位聪明的老人,向他提幸福的忠告.可知,应该是\目的\.选C.

47.B.考查动词.A洗.B充满.C比较.D连接.句意\到河边去,把它__水\.根据上一句he handed the boy an empty bowl 他递给男孩一个空碗.可知,应该是\装满\.选B.


49.D.考查搭配.A扑灭.B挑选.C指出.D进行; 执行; 完成.句意\尽管男孩对此感到非常惊讶,但他别无选择,只能__这项任务.\.可知,是\完成\.选D.

50.A.考查搭配.A出发.B付清.C下车.D(使) 不接近.句意\那男孩步行___去河边,过了一会儿又带了一碗水回来了.\.可知,应该是\出发\.选A.





55.C.考查名词.A结果.B原因.C秘诀.D决定.句意\这就是幸福的__\.根据第一行 he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.他决定送他去见一位聪明的老人,向他提幸福的忠告. 可知,应该是\秘诀\.选C.




BIPC would like to invite beekeepers to the World Bee Day Activities

9:00am- 4:00pm, Sunday, May 20th 2018 Landhill Hall, Cornwall

Bees are now in danger and its number is going down every year largely because of human activity, while a third of the world's food production depends on this yellow and black insect(昆虫) and other pollinators(传授花粉者).

May 20th this year is the first World Bee Day. It was created last year by the UN, after Slovenia put forward the idea, to draw people's attention to the important role of bees and other pollinators in keeping


the planet healthy.

A day for all those who are interested in learning to improve the quality(质量) of their bees! A day also for those who want to know more about bee keeping!

Bring your family with you and have fun! Let's celebrate everything connected with bees and the coming of spring!

Activities for the whole family: talks on bees/bee products for sale/wax(蜡) & candle-making lessons Bee Communication:

Dr Gavin Ramsay will explain the dances of bees, telling you about what smart behaviors bees have. Cleaning beeswax & candle-making: Classes will be given by Kate Black. Cafe: Lunch and tea/coffee/cakes are available at the cafe.

These activities are held by BIPC, the Bee Improvement Program for Cornwall. Tickets are 8formembersofBIPCand10for non-members. Half price for a child. All the money will go to the City Bee Protection Project. Book your place by emailing bengreen@hotmail.com

56.The danger that bees are facing is caused by .

A. beekeepers B. food production C. human activity D. other pollinators 57.The World Bee Day was created . A. to advise people to keep healthy B. to help beekeepers sell more bee products C. to celebrate the coming of spring

D. to make people know the importance of bees

58.During the activities, you can learn all the following EXCEPT . A. to make a candle B. to improve the quality of bees C. to make tea and coffee D. to understand the dances of bees

59.Bill, a member of BIPC, and his 5-year-old son will pay for tickets to the activities. A. 10dollars B. 12dollars C.l6dollars D. l8dollars 60.The money from the sales of tickets .

A. will be used to protect bees B. will make BIPC very rich C. will be given to beekeepers D. will be spent on the celebrations 【知识考点】广告布告类阅读.


【解答过程】56.C 细节理解题.根据第二段句子Bees are now in danger and its number is going down every year largely because of human activity,蜜蜂现在处于危险之中,它的数量每年都在下降,主要是因为人类活动.可知蜜蜂所面临的危险是由人类活动引起的.故选C.