湖南省益阳市2020届高考英语专题复习 状语从句学案(无答案) 下载本文


1. The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times ______ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant”. A. before B. after C. since D. while

2. Lessons can be learned to face the future, _____ history cannot be changed.

A. though B. as C. since D. unless

3. ________ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.

A. As B. When C. Even though D. In case

4.____ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.

A. Unless B. Although C. Before D. Once

5. Cathy had quit her job when her son was born ________ she could stay home and raise her child.

A. now that B. as if C. only if D. so that

6. You will never gain success ________ you are fully devoted to your work.

A. when B. because C. after D. unless

7. I don't really like the author,___ I have to admit his books are very exciting.

A. although B. unless C. until D. once

8. The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left __ I could ask for their names.

A. while B. before C. after D. since

9. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn't get a taxi ___ the bus had

dropped her.

A. until B. when C. although D. where

10. Children, when ______ by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.

A. to be accompanied B. to accompany C. accompanying D. accompanied

掌握状语从句的关键是要掌握引导不同状语从句的常用连接词和特殊的连接词。近年来的高考主要侧重对让步状语从句中的while, though/as; 时间状语从句中的before, since;目的状语从句中的so that等考查。另外,与其他从句和并列句的区别也是高考中的关注点。

要点储备一:九大状语从句 种类 连接词 例句 (1) when, while, as He fell when he _________(ride) his bike. (2) before, after (3) until, till (4) by the time (5) 时间状语 hardly...when/before =__________________ =__________________ =__________________ = The children sang ____ they danced. His mother won't go to bed _____he comes back. By the time you get there, he ______(receive) the parcel. No sooner ____ he ___(come) back than the phone rang. = _______ had he come back when the phone rang. ____________ I saw her, I told her about your arrival. = Directly / As soon as I saw her, I told her about your arrival. Every time I saw him, the man _____ always_______(read) a newspaper. _________________ (6)every/each/the You________(shall) the book once I have read it. You have been reading to me ever since James first/the next time _______(go) out. (7) once (8) since 地点状 语 where, wherever/anywhere ________ there is a will, there is a way. We youth will go where/wherever we are most needed. It's spring now because the winter is over. (because表明_______________) It's spring now, for the flowers are out. (for原因状语 (1) because, as, since, now (that) (2) seeing that-clause 为______连词,表_________) Now that / Since we are all here, let's begin at once. (表示大家都______的原因) He didn't come here ___ because he was ill ___ because he didn't want to. 注意:because表明____________的原因;回答_____-?;可用于强调句型;可用于not because...but because...结构;引导表语从句 (1) if, unless = I won't go to the party unless I am invited. =条件状语 ______, except when I won't go to the party_____ I am ______ invited. (2) once, in case Once you have promised, you should carry it out. long as you don't lose heart, 注意:主句表示将来意义时,从句须用一般______时 (3) as/so long as = As _________ (4)provided/providing that you_______(succeed) in time. I ___________(lend) you the money on condition that you repay it to me.