(完整版)基于Web的选课系统设计与实现毕业论文设计 下载本文

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毕 业 论 文

姓 名: 班 级: 系 部: 专 业:

论文题目:基于WEB的选课系统设计与实现 指导教师: 职 称:



本论文主要论述的是基于web的选课系统的系统维护模块的设计和实现设计学生选课系统维护模块系统的目的是对选课信息进行管理。学生选课系统维护模块主要完成的是系统管理与维护功能。课题研究过程中,首先对系统管理模块进行了详细的需求分析,经分析得到系统管理模块主要完成如下的功能:用户基本信息,选课信息录入,查看,修改,删除,从而实现能够在线选课,在线添加课程,在线查询课程等功能。系统管理模块是整个系统的指挥中心,保证整个系统在校园网上安全有效的运作。之后跟进需求提出了系统管理模块的总体设计方案。并进行了详细设计和编码实现,系统使用ASP。NET作为开发语言,SQL Server 2000作为数据库。代码中通过使用进行中的Session,尽量使用存储过程和尽量减少数据库连接的打开时间等手段来提高性能。

论文中对课题的设计和开发进行了完整地论述。系统开发完成后,对课题要求的功能设计出测试用例,进行功能测试,测试结果证明学生选课系统的维护模块实现了对该模块的功能需求,完成了课题的主要任务。 关键词:自动化;性能;SQL


This thesis investigates the elective system of the web-based system maintenance module design and design student elective system maintenance module system is elective information management. Student elective system maintenance module of the completion of system management and maintenance functions. The research process, the system management module, a detailed needs analysis, analysis of system management module mainly performs the following functions: basic user information, course selection information input, view, modify, delete in order to achieve that online elective add courses online, online query features such as curriculum. The system management module is the command center of the whole system, to ensure the safe and effective operation of the entire system in the campus network. After follow-up demand for the overall design of the system management module. And detailed design and coding system to use ASP. NET as a development language, the SQL Server 2000 as database. By using the code in the Session, to make use of stored procedures and to minimize the database connection open time means to improve performance.

The paper integrity of the design and development of the subject. System development is completed, the subject of the functional design requirements of the test cases for functional testing, test results prove that the class selection system maintenance module to achieve the functional requirements of the module, completing the main task of the subject.

Keywords: automation; performance; SQL