卡梅伦深情挽留苏格兰 演讲稿 下载本文

We meet in a week that couldchange the United Kingdom forever. Indeed, it could end the United Kingdom aswe know it。

这一周可能永远改变英国,还有可能让我们所有人熟知的“United Kingdom”不复存在。 On Thursday, Scotland votes, and the future of ourcountry is at stake. On Friday, people could be living in a different country,with a different place in the world and a different future ahead of it。Thisis a decision that could break up our family of nations, and rip Scotland from therest of the UK. And we must be very clear. There’s no going back from this. Noreturn. This is a once-and-for-all decision。If Scotland votes yes, the UKwill split, and we will go our separate ways forever。Whenpeople vote on Thursday, they are not just voting for themselves, but for theirchildren and grandchildren and the generations beyond。So Iwant to speak directly to the people of this country today about what is at stake。


I speak for millions of peopleacross England, Wales and Northern Ireland and many in Scotland, to who wouldbetterly heartbroken by the breakup of the United Kingdom。


Utterly heartbroken to wake up onFriday morning to the end of the country we love, to know that Scots would nolonger join with the English, Welsh and Northern Irishin our Army, Navy and AirForce, in our UK-wide celebrations and commemorations, in UK sporting teamsfrom the Olympics to the British Lions。The United Kingdom would be nomore. No UK pensions, no UK passports, no UK pound。

在周五早晨醒来,我们伤心,因为我们所深爱的国家已经不再,苏格兰将不再与英格威尔士和北爱尔兰在三军中携手,不再参与联合王国在世界上的光荣活动,不再是英国奥林匹克代表团成员。从此失去联合国王国的养老金,不再持有联合国王国的护照,不再使用英镑。 The greatest example of democracythe world has ever known, of openness, of peopleof different nationalities andfaiths coming together as one, would be no more。It would be the end of a countrythat launched the Enlightenment that abolished slavery that drove theindustrial revolution that defeated fascism. The end ofa

country that peoplearound the world respect and admire the end of a country that all of us callhome。


And we built this home together.It’s only become Great Britain because of the greatness of Scotland。Because of the thinkers, writers,artists, leaders, soldiers, inventors who have madethis country what it is。It's Alexander Fleming and DavidHume; J.K. Rowling and Andy Murray and all the millions of people who haveplayed their part in this extraordinary success story, the Scots who led thecharge on pensions and the NHS and on social justice。We did all this together。

这是我们共同的家园。它之所以成为大不列颠是因为有伟大的苏格兰,是因为它的思想家、作家、艺术家、发明家,大家创建了这个国家。亚历山大?弗莱明、戴维?休谟、 J.K。罗琳、安迪?穆雷,以及百万人民成就了我们国家的伟大事业,以及领导和负责养老金和国家卫生医疗和社会正义的苏格兰人民。 我们一起成就了一切。

For the people of Scotland towalk away now would be like painstakingly building ahome – and then walking outthe door and throwing away the keys。SoI would say to everyone votingon Thursday, please remember. This isn't just any old country. This is theUnited Kingdom. This is our country。


And you know what makes us trulygreat?It's not our economic might or militaryprowess, it's our values。British values. Fairness.Freedom. Justice。The values that say wherever youare, whoever you are, your life has dignity and worth。The values that say we don't walkon by when people are sick, that we don't ask for your credit card in thehospital, that we don't turn our backs when you get old and frail。That we don't turn a blind eye ora cold heart to people around the world who are desperate and crying out forhelp。This is what Britain means。This is what makes us thegreatest country on earth。And it's why millions of us couldnot bear to see that country ending – for good,for ever – on Friday。



NowI know that there are manypeople across Scotland who are planning to vote Yes。I understand why this might soundappealing。It's the promise of

somethingdifferent。I also know that the people whoare running the Yes campaign are painting a picture of a Scotland that isbetter in every way, and they can be good at painting that picture。But when something looks too goodto be true – that's usually because it is。And it is my duty to be clearabout the likely consequences of a Yes Vote。Independence would not be a trialseparation; it would be a painful divorce。And as Prime Minister I have totell you what that would mean。 现在我知道苏格兰有很多人打算投票支持独立。我理解它的吸引力所在。他会给人们一些不一样的期待。我也知道推动独立的人把苏格兰独立之后的方方面面都描绘得比现在好,他们很擅长描绘这幅场景。然而看上去美好的东西往往难以成真,现实往往就是这样。我有责任说清楚苏格兰独立之后可能出现的后果。独立不是一次短暂的分居试验,而是一次永久的痛苦离婚。作为首相,我必须告知你么这意味着什么。

It would mean we no longer sharethe same currency。It would mean the armed forces wehave built up together over centuries being split up forever。It would mean our pension funds being sliced up – at some cost。It would mean the borders we havewould become international and may no longer be so easily crossed。It would mean the automaticsupport that you currently get from British embassies when you’re travellingaround the world would come to an end。It would mean over half ofScottish mortgages suddenly, from one day to the next,being provided by banksin a foreign country。It would mean that we no longerpool resources across the whole of the UK to payfor institutions like the NHSor our welfare system。It would mean that interest ratesin Scotland are no longer set by the Bank of England – with the stability andsecurity that promises。It would mean – for any banksthat remain in Scotland – if they ever got introuble it would be Scottishtaxpayers and Scottish taxpayers alone that would bear the costs。This is not guesswork. There areno question marks, no maybe this or maybe that。The Nationalists want to break upUK funding on pensions, the UK funding of healthcare,the UK funding andcomprehensive protection on national security。These are the facts. This is whatwould happen。An end to the things we sharetogether。And the people of Scotland mustknow these facts before they make this once-and-for-all decision。To warn of the consequences isnot to scare-monger it is like warning a friendabout a decision they might takethat will affect the rest of their lives – and the lives of their children。Is ay all this because I don'twant the people of Scotland to be sold a dream that disappears。


NowI know that some people say:we've heard about the risks and the uncertainties but we still want change。Look.The United Kingdom is not aperfect country - no country is。Of course we must constantlychange and improve people's lives。No one is content while there arestill children living in poverty。No oneis content while there arepeople struggling, and young people not reaching their potential。Yes,every political party isdifferent。But we are all of us –Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems, Nationalists – on aconstant mission to changeour country for the better。The question is: how do you getthat change?For me it's simple。


You don't get the change you wantby ripping your country apart。You don't get change byundermining your economy and damaging your businesses anddiminishing your placein the world。But you can get real, concretechange on Thursday: if you vote No.’Businessas usual' is not on theballot paper. The status quo is gone。This campaign has swept it away。There is no going back to the waythings were。


A vote for No means real changeand we have spelled that change out in practical terms, with a plan and aprocess。If we get a No vote on Thursday,that will trigger a

major, unprecedented program of devolution with additional powers for the Scottish Parliament.Major new powers over tax,spending and welfare services。Wehave agreed a timetable forthat stronger Scottish Parliament: a time-table tobring in the new

powers thatwill go ahead if there is a No vote...a White Paper by November, put into draftlegislation by January。This is a time table that is nowagreed by all the main political parties and set instone and I am prepared towork with all the main parties to deliver thisduring 2015.So a No vote actually meansfaster, fairer, safer and better change。And this is a vital point:Scotland is not an observer in the affairs of this country。Scotland is shaping and changingthe United Kingdom for the better – more so today than at any point in the lastthree hundred years and will continue to help shape the constitution of ourcountry。And Scottish people can enjoy theadditional powers its Parliament gives without losing the UK pension, the UKpound or the UK passport。Real change is Scotland's for thetaking。The power to set your own courseand make your own decisions with the security of being in the UK without therisks of going it alone。

对独立说“不”意味着真正的变革,并且先前我们已经宣布了会发生什么样的变革,我们有计划,有流程。假如周四反对独立获得胜利,那我们将启动一项重大、前所未有的权利下放计划,给予苏格兰议会额外的权力。在税收、支出和社会保障方面的重要新权力。我们已经通过一个给苏格兰议会更多权力的时间表,否定独立,这个时间表将会启动,为苏格兰带来新的权利:11月将出台白皮书,明年一月将进入立法程序。现在主要的政党都已经同意这个时间表,一切已经准备就绪,而我也做好准备,与所有主要政党合作,在2015年完成相关立法。对独立说“不”意味着更快、更公平、更安全和更美好的改革。这里有一个重点,在国家大事上,苏格兰不是旁观者。苏格兰一直在塑造和改变着联合王国,让它向着更好的方向前进,比起过去三百年,如今更是这样,而且苏格兰还将继续帮助我们塑造国家的宪法。同时,苏格兰人民可以享有国会带来的额外权力,但不会失去联合王国的养老金、货币和护照。真正的变革就在苏格兰眼前。你们将有权力制定自己的进程和自己的权力,并保有留在联合王国的安全性,不必独自去面对孤身前行的危险。 It's the best of both worlds。 对于我们双方,这是最好的。

Scotland’s identity is already,strong Scottish culture, strong Scottish arts, a strongChurch of Scotlandand in the last 15years you have built a strong Scottish Parliament not afleeting institutionbut a permanent one。
