上海市杨浦区2017-2018学年度高三第一学期期终调研测试英语试卷 下载本文


2017. 12

本试卷分为第I卷(第1-11页)和第II卷(第12页)两部分。全卷共12页。满分140分。考试时间120分钟。 考生注意:

1. 答第I卷前,考生务必将条形码粘贴在答题纸的指定区域内。

2. 第I卷(1-20小题,31---70小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡

上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案写在试卷上一律不给分。第I卷中的第21-30小题,IV. Summary Writing部分和第II卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在答题纸的规定区域内,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上则无效。

第I卷 (共100分)

I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A. In a professor's office. B. In a second-hand book shop. C. In a library. D. In a hospital. A. 10 yuan. B. 20 yuan. C. 30 yuan. D. 50 yuan. A. House agent and customer. B. Shop assistant and customer. C. Car mechanic and car owner. D. Employer and employee. A. The man doesn't believe what the woman says. B. The weather report spoils the man's good mood. C. They will cancel the hiking due to the bad weather. D. The man thinks it unnecessary to give up the adventure. A. She always talks bad about her colleagues.

B. She has a good reputation among her colleagues. C. She is good at handling complicated relationships. D. She has good relations with her colleagues and boss. A. Harmony in a community. B. Safety in the neighborhood. C. Preparation for Christmas. D. Ways to save electricity. A. Watching advertisements may help ease eyestrain(眼疲劳). B. It's a great chance to break the habit of watching TV. C. The advertisements are long enough for her to have a nap. D. Focusing eyes on the screen for a long time is harmful to eyes.


8. A. The man decides to go home by rail.

B. Most people travel by car during the festival. C. Most people arrive beyond the scheduled time. D. The man will have a sound sleep on the bus. 9. A. He is not a bit overweight. B. He likes his fitness instructor.

C. She has set too many rules for him. D. She should talk with his personal trainer.

10. A. Greeks are not allowed to get married before 18. B. Greek kids are not as independent as American kids. C. American parents don?t pay for children's wedding.

D. Greek parents will take care of children until they are 18.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. The burn is 20 millimeters across. B. The burn is small but very painful.

C. The burn takes away the victim's feeling. D. The burn is small but the skin is damaged. 12. A. Use a clean plastic bag to keep warm. B. Bind up the burn with bandage or cloth.

C. Treat the burned area with cold running water.

D. Flush(冲洗)the burn with ice water for several minutes. 13. A. To avoid infection. B. To ease pain. C. To speed recovery. D. To reduce stickiness. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. A cell phone. B. A leather wallet. C. A mini camera. D. An alarm clock. 15. A. The wallet will sound an alarm.

B. It will track the thief with GPS system. C. It will contact the bank to block balance. D. Its owner will receive a picture of the thief. 16. A. It's out-dated in this digital age. B. It can text messages automatically. C. It is a multifunctional wallet.

D. It is unique in appearance and function.


Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. The concert is beyond her curfew(宵禁).

B. She can?t go out on school night. C. Her mother is not available. D. She doesn?t like the band.

18. A. His parents set a strict rule for him. B. His parents don?t care when he is back. C. He is self-disciplined and trustworthy. D. He envies those who have curfews. 19. A. Promoting maturity. C. Improving sense of responsibility. 20. A. It?s a severe punishment. C. It?s a ridiculous practice. II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

B. Giving sense of security. D. Discouraging independence. B. It?s for her good.

D. It?s an exceptional case.

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. It?s interesting when you think about how Japan is a nation (21) ______ appreciates the virtues of silence and good manners, and yet when it comes to eating noodles, Japanese people can be (22) ______ (loud) in the world.

According to lifestyle website grapee.jp, slurping (发出\哧溜\声) when eating noodles (23) ______ (encourage) in Japanese culture. It?s believed that taking air into your mouth (24) ______ enhance the flavor of the noodles, and that it helps cool down the noodles. It?s also considered to be a way to show appreciation for the dish. Sometimes, just making the noise alone seems to make the noodles more enjoyable. It wasn?t until a new expression – “noodle harassment(骚扰)”-- came out last year on social media (25) ______ Japanese people started to realize that the slurping noise is making some foreign visitors uncomfortable.

(26) ______ a response, Japanese instant noodle maker Nissin introduced a so-called noise-canceling fork last month. The fork, which looks like an electric toothbrush, is connected wirelessly to a smart phone. When the person using the fork starts to slurp, the fork sends a signal to the person?s phone, (27) ______ (make) it play a sound to mask the slurping noise.

But is it really necessary? Dining traditions do vary. (28) ______ is considered to be proper table manners in one country is likely to be seen as rude in another. In India, people eat with their hands (29) ______ they think in this way they build a connection with the food. However, people who are used to eating with forks might find it uncomfortable to get their hands (30) ______ (cover) in oil and bits of food. But this eating method is part of Indian's culture, just like Japan's slurping is part of its own. “So, if your are eating noodles, whether that?s ramen, uudon, or soba, please slurp,” wrote reporter Brian Ashcraft on blog Kotaku. “If anyone gets annoyed while


you are doing that, pay them no mind because they're missing the point entirely.” Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. tissue B. treated C. potential D. engineering E. environment F. limited

G. procedure H. commercial I. promising J. expanding K. internal

Scientists have developed a new surgical glue that could transform emergency treatments by sealing up critical wounds in the skin or the organs, without the need for staples or sutures(钉合或缝合).

It?s called MeTro. It was developed by researchers from both Harvard Medical School and the University of Sydney, led by Nasim Annabi, an assistant professor of chemical __31__. The glue is made from a modified(改良的)human protein that responds to UV light, allowing the application and drying of the gel-like substance in just a minute.

According to the international team of researchers behind the glue, it could quite literally be a lifesaver, sealing up wounds in 60 seconds without stopping the natural __32__ and relaxing of the organ or the skin it?s applied to. Wounds __33__ with MeTro can heal up in half the time compared with stitches or staples, the researchers claim, and if surgery is required then MeTro can simplify that __34__ too. It's also one of several ways researchers are exploring to engineer our body's own natural substances to help repair it when needed.

The __35__ applications are powerful – from treating serious __36__ wounds at emergency sites such as following car accidents and in war zones, as well as improving hospital surgeries.

MeTro is simple to apply, can be easily stored, and works closely with natural __37__ to heal a wound. What?s more, it degrades without leaving any kind of poisonous leftovers in the body.

For now the trials are __38__ to animal models. But human trials are in the works, and the results to date are incredibly __39__. If the MeTro can be further developed into a __40__ product, it could become an essential part of a first responder?s toolkit. III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Competition is good for businesses. In the world of navigation(导航) systems, however, competition is also a necessity --- it may not be wise to rely on foreign systems for positioning and tracking services. Now, ___41___ remarkable accuracy and reliability, China?s BeiDou system has made its presence felt.

The BeiDou project was set up in 1994. The first BeiDou satellite was not launched until 2000. Now, ___42___, there are already more than 20 BeiDou satellites in orbit (轨道) . They form a ___43___ network that provides positioning,


navigation and timing services for China and several other Asian countries.

This “home-grown\two BeiDou-3 satellites, the first of China?s most powerful ___45___of navigation satellites, were launched into space. The launch marks the beginning of the global ___46___ of the BeiDou navigation system. Over the next three years, China plans to send up 30 more BeiDou-3 satellites; The expanded navigation system will ___47___ create a network that is able to support military and civilian applications around the world.

Scientists involved in the project said the new system would give civilian users an accuracy of 2.5 meters to five meters, overtaking that of the ___48___ positioning technologies. BeiDou?s chief designer said the new satellites would be able to __49___ which lane a car is using on a motorway and __50___ the swing of a building in high winds. It will also be able to guide fire trucks to the nearest water hydrant (消防栓).The Chinese military, meanwhile, will be able to use coded signals for millimeter(毫米)___51___ .

China is only the third country in the world to develop a navigation system on its own, after the United States (GPS) and Russia (GLONASS). Developing BeiDou is a necessity. The system __52___ national security by ending a reliance on foreign systems. Moreover, it enhances China?s international reputation for technological ___53___.

For most of us, the benefits of the new satellite system will be felt in a couple of years when more phones are ___54___ with BeiDou chips (芯片). Many smartphones today still use GPS and GLONASS. That?ll soon change with the development of BeiDou. One product manager ___55___ most smartphones to be able to receive BeiDou signals. He says: “In three years? time, people may still say ?I?m using GPS?, but in fact, their phone is tune in to BeiDou. ” 41. A. dominating B. boasting C. shifting D. inputting 42. A. however B. afterwards C. moreover D. therefore 43. A. continental B. local C. domestic D. regional 44. A. enduring B. encountering C. undergoing D. processing 45. A. generation B. information C. examination D. revolution 46. A. extension B. expansion C. interaction D. invasion 47. A. objectively B. eventually C. sufficiently D. essentially 48. A. existing B. progressing C. upcoming D. everlasting 49. A. explore B. investigate C. spot D. remind 50. A. detect B. prevent C. protect D. adjust 51. A. privacy B. accuracy C. fluency D. currency 52. A. convinces B. insures C. highlights D. strengthens 53. A. innovation B. consumption C. emission D. exhibition 54. A. decorated B. furnished C. equipped D. connected 55. A. respects B. instructs C. inspects D. expects Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the