模块7.3 The world online(测)-2016年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(译林牛津版)(解析版).doc 下载本文

2016届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块七 Unit 3


Unit 3 The world online


1. We’ve still got to carry out an (evaluate) of the results.

2.Don’t be too positive, for the success is merely based on the ________(assume)that everything goes smoothly.

3.As a scientist, he thinks that ________(accurate) is more important than speed in research. 4.People laughed at the because he praised his too much. (invent) 5. He would not make any gesture that would show (weak).

6. My mother made an with the doctor and they met at the time.(appoint)

7. I think she is to do the task as she has proved her to deal with such issues.(competence)

8.The librarian all the books into different . (classify) 9.The training course can you to be a journalist. After you finish it, you will have the for interview. And with your hard work, you are sure to be a qualified reporter.(qualification) 10.I have made several small in your composition. Now it is your turn to correct it and make sure all the sentences are .(correction)


1. Each of the two sides declared that it would never (放弃) its principle.

2.You can refer to the telephone d ________. We have all the telephone numbers of the residents living in this community.



3. This report offered the most (具体的) and accurate description of the problems.

4.He ________ (梳理)through almost all the stores and at last selected a ring for his wife. 【答案】combed

【解析】comb through仔细搜寻

5.He stated that all foreign forces would (撤回) as soon as the crisis ended

6.Don’t believe her, for what she says seldom c________ with what she does.

7.The Internet provides people with a________ information, from stock prices, news pages to leisure reading.

8.Anne’s father used his authority and c________ her to come home earlier.

9.They could provide communities with d sources of news reporting. 【答案】diverse/different 【解析】不同的新闻报道的来源。

10.With so much evidence against him he had to a his error.


1.(2014湖北省八校联考)However ________certain natural resources may be, they are bound to run out one day if not taken care of.

A. optional B. convenient C. efficient D. abundant

2.(2015届江西九江外国语学校高三8月暑假英语试卷) I In a society full of challenges and opportunities, in my opinion, it is a must to have a good _______ of a foreign language. A. communication.

B. comprehension

C. command.

D. competence.

3.(2015年江苏省高考英语模拟)The man, suspected of killing a 2-year-old girl, presented fresh evidence to the court in support of his that he did not harm the child. A. claim

B. belief

C. concept

D. intention

4.(2014届吉林通化第一中学高三第一次月考) The written record of our conversation doesn’t

______ what was

actually said. There are a lot of mistakes. A. correspond with communicate with

B. relate to

C. compare with D.