高中英语Unit17LaughterSectionⅣCommunicationWorkshop课后限时训练北师大版 下载本文

Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop


1.A dog rushed out of its house and scared (惊吓) me.

2.He had not realized the depth (深度) of their feelings for each other. 3.Each of the components (成分) in the units is useful in its degree. 4.After you accomplished the task, you can have a long holiday. 5.Are you sure you are physically tough enough for this job? Ⅱ.选词填空

in advance,thanks to, come up, no wonder, get loose

1.When the big,bright moon came up slowly,we were ready for the party. 2.The film is so boring. It's no wonder the children are bored. 3.Thanks to our teacher's timely help, we finished the work on time. 4.If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please inform us in advance.

5.The woman managed to get loose from her attacker and run for help. Ⅲ.完成句子

1.Our scientists have accomplished great advances in exploring outer space. 我国科学家在探测外太空方面取得了巨大进展。 2.They are twins, so they are of the same age. 他们俩是双胞胎,因此他们一样大。

3.With a lot of work to do,I have no time to go on holiday. 有许多工作要做,我没有时间去度假。

4.The housing problems came up at the meeting once again. 住房的问题又一次在会上被提出来了。 Ⅳ.完形填空

Although the argument has been made that money spent on pets could better be directed to programs that provide assistance for needy people,I 1 that pets should be treated like family members because they 2 us and interact (交往) with us like family members do.Often parents allow children to have pets in order to 3 them to be responsible.By feeding,walking,and 4 a dog,children learn to be dependable and 5 .Parents expect their children to 6 the pets as if they were family members to learn these valuable lessons.For many children,a pet is also a best friend

and a 7 way to learn how to treat a(n) 8 brother or sister when the family expands.

Besides the 9 that children enjoy with animals,pets can substitute(代替)for the absence of other family members.Sometimes a couple who is 10 to have children will keep pets.They shower the 11 on their pets that they might have provided a child,and receive companionship(陪伴) in return.Many people who are living 12 enjoy the companionship of a pet instead of loved ones who are at a distance or have 13 .The pet becomes a family member for these people and deserves the same kind of treatment that a family member would get.

Many articles have appeared 14 the benefits of pets to the disabled and the elderly.In addition to the 15 services that pets may provide,such as bringing objects to their owners or helping a blind owner to walk in unfamiliar 16 ,there is evidence that people who keep pets live 17 than those who don't have pets.In a real sense,these pets are caring for their 18 like family members would,and for this reason,they should be treated like family.

At every 19 in life we interact with our pets in the same ways that we interact with family.Children, young married couples,and elderly people have 20 to treat their pets like family members.

[语篇解读] 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要讲了宠物对孩子们、残疾人、老人等的好处,我们应该将宠物当作家人一样对待。

1.A.agree C.doubt

B.explain D.demand


答案:A 2.A.turn to C.live with

B.pay attention to D.keep up with

解析:根据后面的interact with us like family members do可知,宠物和饲养它们的人“住在一起(live with)”。

答案:C 3.A.teach C.force

B.advise D.allow

解析:根据后面的to be responsible可知,家长们允许孩子们养宠物是为了“教(teach)”他们学会负责任。


4.A.looking at C.learning from

B.taking notice of D.taking care of

解析:根据文中的feeding,walking及learn to be dependable可知,通过喂狗、遛狗以及对狗狗的“照顾(taking care of)”,孩子们能学着成为可靠的、“善良的(kind)”人。

答案:D 5.A.strict

解析:参见上一题解析。 答案:B 6.A.treat C.trust

B.serve D.respect

B.kind C.brave D.curious

解析:根据后面的as if they were family members to learn these valuable lessons可知,家长们希望孩子们能把宠物当作家人来“对待(treat)”。下文中的they should be treated like family和treat their pets like family members为提示。


7.A.traditional C.similar

B.quick D.good

解析:根据文中的learn these valuable lessons及For many children,a pet is also a best friend可知,对于孩子们来说,宠物不仅是他们的好朋友,而且还是他们学习的“好(good)”途径。

答案:D 8.A.new

B.smart C.ill D.single

解析:根据后面的when the family expands可知,孩子们通过养宠物能学会如何照顾他们的“新(new)”兄弟姐妹。

答案:A 9.A.talk C.friendship

B.trip D.holiday

解析:根据上文中的For many children,a pet is also a best friend可知,宠物不仅能与孩子们建立“友情(friendship)”,还能弥补某些家庭成员的缺席。

答案:C 10.A.afraid C.ready

B.unable D.pleasant

解析:根据本段中的They shower...on their pets that they might have provided a