广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期期中试题 人教新目标版 - 图文 下载本文

the university(大学). ( )67. Maria is looking for a job. She has worked in a foreign company for five years and she is good at English. ( )68. Amy’s mother lost her job last month. She is good at doing housework. ( )69. Lee’s favorite star is Ella. He has collected many things about Ella. ( )70. Mike wants to buy a bike, but he has only $100. buy five, you can get one free. B.House for Sale A great house with a large garden, in the north of the town. Price: $160,000. Phone number: 5843-6964 C.For Sale Red Mountain bike, almost new, $80. Please call: 6789-5061. D.Teacher Wanted An English teacher with more than two years’ working experience. E. Babysitter(保姆) Wanted Babysitter for a 5-year-old boy, Monday-Friday. Mrs Adams, 6969-0536. F. Salesman Wanted We are looking for a salesman who has selling experience. Send a resume to 102 Steve Road, London. For further information call 5396-7588. G. For Rent A 2-bedroom house in University Park, $900/month.

第二卷 综合语言运用能力 (共40分)

五、根据句意写出单词的正确形式,或根据音标,中文或首字母提示补全单词。 (本大题10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分)

71. He is helping his mom in the _________________( ['k?t??n])

72. The little boy got ________________ (lose) and I helped him find his father. 73. I am afraid of _________________ (wait) for the bus at night.

74. His brother always ________________ ['eks?saiziz] on the playground after school. 75. Alan is lying on the grass in the park and feels ________________ (relax). 76. The last class in the morning ends at a q________________ to twelve. 77. After my mom comes home from work, she cooks dinner _____________(one).

78. He is having a great time ______________(study) with his friends in the library. 79. My family are also thinking about visiting some of the countries in ______________(欧洲). 80. There’re over six _______________ (百) students in each grade in our school. 六、翻译下列句子。(本题有5小题,每题1分,共5分。)

根据中文句子将下列句子补充完整。将答案填写在答题卷相应题目的答题位置上. 81. 别吵,妈妈在打电话!

Don’t be___________________,Mom is talking ______________________! 82. 我的好朋友经常帮我学习数学,所以我学到了很多。

My best friend often________________ my math, so I learn _____________________. 83. 对于一个两岁的孩子来说,穿衣服不是件容易的事。


For a ________________kid, it’s not easy for him to______________________. 84. 像中国其它任何一个城市一样,汕头也有太多的车。

There are also ________________ cars in Shantou like __________________city in China. 85. 谢谢你帮我实现我的梦想。

________________helping me make my dream ____________________.

七、短文填空 (本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Round eyes, round head, round ears! What is this animal? He (86)________ like a little bear but he is not a bear. He is the koala. Where are koalas (87)________? Australia is their home. People in Australia (88)________ these small animals very much. No one kills them for (89)________ beautiful fur(毛). They think the koala is a (90)________ of Australia.

When a koala is born, he has no fur and he is very (91)________, no bigger than an egg. The (92)________ koala has a warm pocket(口袋) in the front of its body. The baby stays there (93)________six months. When the little koala leaves the pocket, he has lots of fur. He climbs to his mother’s back and his mother (94)_________ him how to find food. The koala often (95)_______ during the day and at night he gets up and eats leaves.

八、读写综合:A) 信息归纳: (共5小题。每小题1分, 共5小题)

阅读上文,完成下面信息采集表。请将答案填写在答题卷相应题目的答题位置上。 Dear Lisa,

How is it going? I hope everything is fine with you.

It has been 8 months since I came to Canada last year. I live with my host family in town. Every morning Mr. Green drives me to school at 7:30. Life of a middle school student here is different from that of Chinese students. For example, classes here are smaller. Most classes have no more than 30 students. Students here don’t have to worry about passing exams all the time, so we can spend time doing sports or many other after-school activities. And the most exciting one is that there aren’t many school rules here. For example, we don’t have to wear school uniforms.

Everything seems fine here, but I still have a problem. I feel lonely (孤独的). Although my host family are friendly to me, I miss my family and friends like you a lot. I have few friends here, so I spend most of my free time by myself. Usually I stay at home to watch TV or play computer games on weekends. I really can’t stand it. What should I do?

Yours, Eric

Information Card How long has Eric stayed in Canada? Who does he live with? How does he go to school? 96.____________________________. 97.____________________________. 98.____________________________. The number of(的数量) the students in a class in Canada 99._____________________________. What is his problem? 100.____________________________. B.书面表达 :(12分)请将答案填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。

以上是你的小学同学Eric写给你的来信, 请根据他的来信内容给他写一封70词左右的回信,内容包括:

1. 简单介绍你的生活情况(上学的交通方式及所用时间,课余活动,校规校纪); 2. 请针对他的问题给他的一些建议(不少于两点); Dear Eric,


Everything is fine here. My life as a middle school student is wonderful.____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I hope things will be better for you soon.




一、 听力:1-5 CBBAA 6-10 CBCAA 11-15 BACCB 16-20 BCBAB

21.Last summer 22.mountains 23. (some) photos 25.expensive 二、单选:26-35. BDCCB CACDA 36-45 DCCBC ACBBC 三、完形填空ABABD CBCDC


五、词汇 71. kitchen 72. lost 73. waiting 74. exercises 75. relaxed

76.quarter 77. first 78. studying 79. Europe 80. hundred 六、翻译句子

81. be noisy, on the phone 82.helps (me) with; a lot

83. two-year-old; get dressed

84. too many; any other

85. Thanks for, come true 七、看图填词

86. is/looks 87. from 88. love/like 89. their 90.symbol

91. small 92.mother 93.for 94. teaches 95.sleeps 八、 信息归纳

96. For 8 months 97. The host family 98. By car 99. No more than 30 100. He is lonely. 作文:

3. 简单介绍你的生活情况:

上学的交通方式及所用时间 2分 课余活动 2 分 校规校纪 2 分

4. 请针对他的问题给他的一些建议(不少于两点, 每点 2 分,共4分)。 5. 语篇2分。


Dear Eric,

Everything is fine here. My life as a middle school student is wonderful. I get up early every morning and then I ride my bike to school. It usually takes me 10 minutes. I enjoy my school life at school. I play sports with my classmates every day after school. And I also join the art clubs to learn to draw pictures. But there are many school rules in our school. For example, we can’t run or shout in the hallway. We have to wear uniforms on school days.

I’m sorry to hear that you are lonely. I think you can call your parents or talk with them on the Internet. And also you can join some clubs to make more friends.

I hope things will be better for you soon.

Yours Lisa