钻井100句 下载本文

I A D C 100 句


钻 前 准 备

1、last anchor on rack at 06:00HR 六点最后一个锚上架 2、start of contract at 15:30HR 下午三点半合同开始 3、end of contract at 05:30HR 五点半结束承包合同 4、rig on tow 平台拖航

5、rig arrived well location at 10:00HR 10点平台到达井位

6、run anchors and first anchor on bottom at 11:00HR 抛锚.11点第一个锚到底 7、ballast rig to 70’ draft 压载到70英尺 8、deballast rig 卸载

9、adjust well location with pull No.1 and No.2 anchors gain 拉一、二号锚调整


10、anchor tension test No.3 and No.4 OK 锚张力试验.三、四号锚合格 11、wait slack tide 等平潮

12、replace upper kelly cock 替换方钻杆上阀

钻 进

13、spud time 开钻时间 14、arrived time 到达并位时间

15、drill 36” hole from 120m to 200m & pump 50BBLS mud each connection and

ream each connection once

从120米钻至200米每钻一根打50桶泥浆和扩眼一次 16、open 17 1/2” hole from 250m to 500m 用17 1/2”钻头扩眼 17、leak off test at 500m. MW 1.2sg leak off @ 625psi

第 1 页 共 7 页

破裂实验并深500米比重1.2sg泄漏压力为625 psi 18、ream hole from 450m to 500m 从事50米扩眼到点500米 19、core drill from 1300m to 1320m 取芯钻进从1300米到1320米 20、collect/remove core and service core equipment 回收岩芯及服务工作 21、sweep hole with 100 bbl HI-VIS mud台 清洗并用100桶高粘度泥浆 22、slug the hole with viscous mud 往井中泵入一段稠泥浆 23、pump 6000 STKS HI-VIS mud 打6000冲高粘度泥浆 24、circulate and working on pipe 循环活动钻具

25、circulate and wash hole from 100m to 200m 在100-200米井段循环冲洗 26、circulate bottoms up 循环井底出来 27、circulate for sample 循环取样

28、flow check at 2300m due to drilling break 钻至2300米时突然加快观察 29、circulate for flow check 循环观察 30、circulate and condition mud 循环处理泥浆 31、reverse circulate 反循环

起 下 钻

32、POOH no rotary and no drag 起钻没用钻盘也没拖挂 33、run in W/26” X 36” BHA tag seabed @ 117m

组合36”扩眼及26”领眼钻头上钻探泥面在177米 34、RIH to wipe trip 下钻通井

35、RIH to tag top of cement at 1000m 下钻探水泥面在1000米 36、short trip 0/pull 50klbs 短程起下钻过提50千磅 37、make up new BHA 重新组合下部钻具

38、drop survey pump slug POOH 投测打重泥浆起钻

第 2 页 共 7 页

39、retrieve/return survey 回收测斜仪

40、inside BOP drill at casing shoe 防喷演习在套管鞋

41、POOH circ. & fill annulars W/TR.TK.P no good. Suspect mud problems.

W/pull out other 5 stands & fill a time OK 起钻灌泥浆情况不好,怀疑是泥浆问题,每起五柱灌一次正常 42、POOH due to change bit 起钻换钻头

43、POOH due to lost pump pressure suspect washout D.C


44、POOH due to plan change 计划改变起钻 45、POOH for changing bottom hole 起钻组合钻具 46、POOH wet pipe and no slug 起钻喷泥浆(没打重泥浆) 47、POOH no rotary 起钻不转转盘

48、POOH and tight hole at 2500m max 0/pull 100klbs


49、slip and cut off drill line 110’ 滑移切割钻井大绳100英尺 50、RIH at casing shoe lubricate rig 下钻到套管鞋平台保养 51、POOH @ cas. shoe adjust break & wait hole stabilize


52、pull back 5 stands 5”D.P in derrick 起回五柱钻杆立于井架

复 杂 情 况

53、attempt retrieve 9 5/8” wire bushing but fail 试图回收9 5/8’抗磨补芯没成功 54、50 BBLS pit gain shut in well observe pressure 0-SIDPP 175psi SICP

泥浆池增量为50桶,关井,钻杆压力为0,套管压力为175psi 55、kill well as NHWOC’s request 按西部公司压井程序压井

第 3 页 共 7 页

56、CIRC. and COND. mud CIRC. out gas show from returns max gas 1700 units


57、D.P hang off on L.P.R. CIRC. through wide open choke while W.T up mud

钻杆悬挂在下闸板循环通过全开阻流阀同时加重泥浆 58、monitor well on trip tank 3 BBLS gain in 2HRS


59、circulate and inspect due to pressure lost 200 psi


60、CIRC. through choke holding 600psi back press on annulars while WT up mud

保持0psi套压循环通过阻流管同时加重泥浆 61、bleed off shut in pressure 20BBLS return still flowing


62、stuck pipe at 3020m and work on pipe with 100kibs 0/pull fire jar max pull

500klbs free


63、work overshot onto fish w/max 0/pull 50kib free & POOH


64、observe well on trip tank well static 倒向计量罐井内稳定

65、jump ROV and work for guide problems 下放潜水器帮助处理导向绳问题 66、attempt to re-establish guideline No.4 试图重新装置四号导向绳 67、ballast rig and pull anchors stable into 36” hole 压船 和拉锚对36”井眼

第 4 页 共 7 页

下 套 管 及 固 井

68、rig up run 9 5/8” casing 做下9 5/8’套管准备工作

69、pick up 9 5/8” hanger and R/tool mack up and torque up lay out same

拉起9 5/8”套管悬挂器和下入工具上扭矩甩下 70、pick up casing shoe joint and float M/U inspect ok RIH

拉起套管鞋,浮阀短节灌水检查没问题入井 71、run stinger string 下内管柱

72、run 9 5/8”casing fill mud for each 10 joints

下9 5/8”套管每10 根灌泥浆一次

73、P/U and M/U 9 5/8” casing head joint continue RIH W/5”D.P

接9 5/8”套管头用5”钻杆送

74、Hanger off 9 5/8” casing 悬挂9 5/8”套管

75、M/U cement line to the unit and pressure test same 2000psi ok

连接地面固井管线并且试压2000psi合格 76、pressure test casing 2000psi hold 10 mins ok


77、rig line to CMT unit & set CMT plug as per NHWOC programs


78、back off run tool POOH and break lay down same



79、rig up run/pull BOP 准备下/起防喷器

80、run TGB W/rig camera to seabed. land on seabed. inspect W/camera appeared

第 5 页 共 7 页