七年级英语下册教案:M6 U1七、下 下载本文


编号: 课题 Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? 课型 Listening and speaking 课时 The first period 1. To understand conversations about asking for and giving directions. 2. To learn how to ask for and give directions. 3. Key vocabulary: along, across, excuse, excuse me, 知识与技能 源:Z.xx.k.Com][来源:Z。xx。k.Com][来street, turn, third, right, why not…?[来源:学科网ZXXK] 4. Key structures: Can you tell me the way to…? Go across… go along the street and turn left at… Is there a(n)… near… How can I get to…? Could you tell me how to get to…?[来源学*科*网Z*X*X*K][来源学#科#网][来源:学#科#网][来源:学科网]三维目标 [来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K][来源:学&科&网] 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 教学 重点 教学 难点 教学 手段 教学 准备 1. Interactive approach 2. Bottom-up approach Be willing to speak English in activities. Learn to love our homeland. 1. To get to know the key vocabulary. 2. To understand the dialogue. 3. To be able to ask for and give directions. 1. Function: How to ask for and give directions. 2. Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense. Practicing and consolidating 教学 方法 Listening, speaking, Pair work and Group work Tape recorder, video, OHP, PPT


教学过程 教学 环节 Step1 教师活动 学生活动 1. Guess what places they are. 2. Read the words after the teacher. 3. Learn to use the new words. 4. Read the words after the tape and repeat chorally. 备注 1. Show some pictures of places. Warming-up bank, museum, restaurant, station 2. Read the words. 3. Introduce the new words. 4. Play the recording. 1. Get three students to stand Step2 in front of the classroom and Talk about give instructions. in front of, on the left/right, positions between…and…, opposite, behind, in the middle of, go along…, go across…, turn left/right 2. Guide other students to guess the prepositions of position. 3. Read the words. 1. Give questions. Step 3 -What does the tourist want Listen and to buy? get -Can you name the places information he wants to visit? -Who does the tourist ask for the way to the National Stadium? 2. Play the recording. 3. Get the students to answer the questions and check the answers. 4. Show a map. Play the recording again and get the students to read the conversation. 5. Check the answers.

1. The three students do actions according to the teacher’s instructions. 2. Other students guess the prepositions of position. 3. Read the words after the teacher. Then repeat chorally. 1. Read the questions together. 2. Listen to the tape and give the answers to the three questions. 3. Answer the questions. 4. Listen and read the conversation and complete the map. 5. Show the answers. ??

4 1. Ask the students to read the conversation silently. Listen and 2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read read the conversation. 3. Read the conversation. 4. Act it out. Step Step 5 1. The students read the conversation silently. 2. The students to listen and read the conversation. 3. Read the conversation. 4. Act it out. 1. (A5) Play the recording 1. The whole class listens. once without stopping. 2 2. Read the sentences after the Read and 2. Play the recording again tape. and ask the whole class to 3. Classify the sentences. Summarize repeat chorally. 4. Read the conversation in A2 3. Ask the students to classify and find more sentences the sentences according to the 5. Show the answers. table in A6. Then read the sentences 4. Ask the students to read the conversation in A2 and find more sentences according to the table. 5. Check the answers and get the students to read. 1. Get the students to draw a 1. Draw a map our school and Step6 map our school and show show places. Work in places. The student asked draws the Then get one student to map on the blackboard. pairs draw the map on the 2. Make a conversation about blackboard. asking for and giving directions 2. Give the students help if to places on the map. they need. 3. Act out the conversation. 3. Act out the conversation. 1. Finish Activity 4 in the 1. Finish Activity 4 in the Step 7 textbook. textbook. Homework 2. Finish related exercises. 2. Finish related exercises. 3. Read the conversation and 3. Read the conversation and words in this unit. words in this unit.