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Oxford English Unit 1

1. “幽灵”对克里斯汀一见钟情。 (fall in love with) The Phantom fell in love with Christine at first sight. 杰克对凯特一见钟情。 Jack fell in love with Kate at first sight.

2. 五彩的鲜花可以使沉闷的房间恢复生气。 (bring back to life) Colorful flowers can bring a dull room back to life. 她擅长还原遗失的绘画艺术。 She is good at bringing back to life the lost/forgotten art of painting.

3. 这座古老的歌剧院建于数百年之前,位于地势较高的地方。 (elevated) The old opera house was built hundreds of years ago and stands in an elevated position. 4. 老师对他的行为感到震惊。 (be shocked at) The teacher was shocked at his behavior. 约翰获得一等奖的消息让我们感到很震惊。 We are shocked at John?s winning the first prize. 看到邻居对待孩子的方式,我很震惊。 I was shocked to see the way our neighbors treated their children. 5. 恐怖分子绑架了部长并向政府索要10万美元。 (kidnap)

Terrorists kidnapped the minister and demanded $100,000 from the government. 那位法国医生遭绑架并被索要赎金。 The French doctor was kidnapped and held for ransom. 6. 她非常同情他悲惨的经历。 (feel sorry about) She felt very sorry for/about his terrible/miserable/tragic experience. 吉姆的处境非常糟糕,我对他感到非常同情。 Jim is in a very bad situation and I feel very sorry for him. 深深同情幽灵的遭遇,克莉丝玎轻柔地吻了他的脸。(feel sorry about) Feeling sorry about his suffering, Christine gently kissed the Phantom?s face. 7. 校长在学校运营方面起着重要作用。 (role) The headmaster plays an important role in the running/managing/operating of the school. 我们不能让他走,因为他在这出戏里起着重要的作用。 We can?t let him go, because he plays an important role in the play.

在我国,妇女在社会中起着重要的作用。 In our country, women play an important role in society. 他在我们学校演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。

He played the role of the old king in our school play. 8. 他让我把难看的墙纸取下。( pull off ) He asked me to pull off the ugly wallpaper. 他脱下袜子穿上拖鞋。 He pulled off his socks and put on his slippers. 9. 那个女孩失忆很长时间了。(suffer from) The girl has suffered from the loss of memory for a long time. 10. 他终于在战后从狱中获释。(release)

He was finally released from the prison when the war was over. 在律师的努力下,警察最终释放了卡特。( release)

With the help of the lawyer, the police released Carter at last. 11. 警察突然闯进来,并且告诉每个人不要动。 (burst in) The police burst in and told everyone to stand still. 酒吧的侧门突然被撞飞,闯进来三个持枪男人.(burst)

The side door of the pub flew open and three men with guns burst in. 门突然打开,闯进来一群小孩。 Suddenly, the door opened and a group of children burst in. 附近的森林突发大火,灰色的浓烟直冲云霄。(burst into) A nearby forest burst into flames and grey smoke rose into the air. 12. 电视机的声音盖过了电话铃声。(drown out )

The noise from the TV drowned out the sound of the phone ringing. 女主持人的话被掌声淹没了。 The hostess?s words were drowned out by applause.

13. 玛丽是一位如此有魅力的老师,以至于学生们一见到她就喜欢她。(so…that) Mary was so charming a teacher that the students loved her at first sight. 这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(so…that) The historical novel about World War I is so attractive that I can?t bear to put it down. 14. 在战争中被严重损坏的名画已经都被修葺一新。 (restore)

The famous paintings which were badly damaged in the war have all been carefully restored. 这儿旧城的一些建筑经过整修已经恢复多年前的原貌。 Some buildings in the old city here have been restored to what they were many years ago. 15. 她花了好长时间才适应在那家公司的工作。(adapt) It took her quite a while to adapt herself to her new work in that company. 他努力使自己适应新的情況。(adapt) He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions. 16. 必须立刻派警察去事发现场救人。(rescue) Police must be sent to the spot to rescue the victims. 救生艇使得水手们得以逃离沉船。( rescue ) The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat. 17. 两个战士阵亡了,其余的都被俘虏了。( capture) Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.

18. 爱迪生喜欢把时间花在在公共图书馆看书上,而不是在观光上。(instead of, spend) Instead of seeing sights, Edison would spend the time reading in the public library. 19. 这时我不由得为祖国感到骄傲。(can?t help)

At this moment, I can?t help feeling proud of our motherland. 20. 一个四岁的小男孩今早被发现独自一人在街上流浪。 (wander)

A four-year-old boy was found wandering the streets alone this morning. 面试时,注意力别分散。

Don?t let your attention wander during the interview. 在回家的路上,他浮想联翩。

His thoughts wandered as he was on his way home. 21. 他们对那些人的苦难置若罔闻。 (suffering)

They turned a deaf ear to the sufferings of those people.


Tears came to her eyes when she talked of her sufferings. 22. 早起床就意味着准时到学校。(mean, schedule)

Getting up early means arriving at/reaching/getting to school on schedule. 23. 我们面临的困难是无法及时帮上他们的忙。(face)

The difficulty that we are facing/ are faced with is that we can?t help them in time. 24. 我们必须不使开支超出我们的支付能力。(limit) We must limit our expense to what we can afford. 25. 这栋房子建造在一个古代监狱的遗址上。(site) The house is built on the site of an ancient prison.

26. 在国境时,你可能被询问有关目的地和计划逗留的时间等问题。(destination) At the border/ when crossing the border, you will possibly be asked your destination and how long you plan to stay.

27. 水经过机器循环使用。(recycle) Water is recycled through machines and reused.

Oxford English Unit 2

1. 人们普遍认为他是NBA最优秀的球员之一。(regard…as) He is generally regarded as one of the best basketball players in the NBA. Do you regard it as necessary to wear new clothes during the Spring Festival? You shouldn?t regard yourself as of little value. 人们普遍认为他是美国最伟大的中距离跑选手之一。 He is widely regarded as one of the greatest middle-distance runners in America. 很显然,人们把他当作偷自行车的贼。 Obviously, people regarded him as the thief who stole the bike. 长期以来,人们一直认为基因和教育是影响智力的最大因素。新的研究表明疾病对智商 的影响更为深远。 Genes and education are often regarded as the biggest influences on intelligence, but a new study shows that disease has far more influence on IQ. 中国长城被认为是世界最伟大的奇迹之一。 The Great Wall of China is regarded as one of the greatest wonders in the world.


I object to/am against/oppose/ am opposed to being regarded as a kid who is always making mistakes. with regard to sb/ sth 关于,至于 regardless of: 不管,不顾,不理会 regarding: prep. 关于,至于 They have nothing to say regarding our complaints. 2. 他们攀登这座山的尝试成功了。 (attempt) Their attempt to climb the mountain was successful. They succeeded in the attempt to climb the mountain. 他试图在歌咏比赛中得头奖却失败了。 He failed in his attempt at winning/ to win first prize in the singing competition. 演员砍断绳索,试图把脚抽出来。 The actor cut the rope to make an attempt to set his feet free. 她试图说服其兄弟戒烟,但不奏效。