2020中考英语一轮复习教材梳理第06练七下Unit10_12(含解析) 下载本文

第06练 七(下)Unit 10—Unit 12


1.【2019 ?镇江市】Last Monday was a (特殊的) day for me because I gave a talk on Flag Raising Ceremony.

2.【2019 ?镇江市】Don’t give Eddie anything to eat. I (喂,喂养) him just now.

3.【2019 ?山东省青岛市】Don’ t worry! We are old enough to look after (我们自己) .

4.【2019 ?江苏省苏州市】 He went (野营) with us and taught us how to put up a tent.

5.【2019 ?江苏省无锡市】Please put all the books back in the right (顺序) before you leave.

6.【2019 ?广西河池市】For breakfast. Tina would like some milk and (蛋糕) 7.【2019 ?安徽省】It is helpful to have a clear i (想法)of what you want. 8.【2019 ?广安市】I haven’t (收到……来信) from Sally before. 9. There are many k of noodles in this shop.

10. –What s bowl of beef noodles do you want?—A small bowl of beef noodles. 11. China is a l country with long history.

12. John likes (粥), pizza, salad, and ice tea very much. 13. I can’t afford the skirt, it is vey e .

14. There is an English test today. Many students s it for it last night. 15. Many kinds of animals live in the f . 16. Lan Zhou beef n is very famous in China.

17. Chinese people make and eat d on Spring Festival. 18.It’s so hot. I’d like something to d . 19. listen! Someone is s “Help”.

20. I visited the science m last Sunday with my friends. 答案

1. special


day。 2. fed

【解析】句意:不要给Eddie任何东西吃,我刚才喂过他了。根据句意和所给单词的汉语意思可知,这里考查的是feed,是一个动词。根据句中的时间状语just now“刚才”可知,这句话应用一般过去时,故这里填过去式fed,是不规则的变化。 3. ourselves

【解析】句意:别担心!我们已经长大了,可以照顾自己了。look after oneself照顾自己,根据汉语提示可知,答案要填写反身代词ourselves。 4. camping

【解析】句意:他和我们一起去露营,教我们如何搭帐篷。go camping去野营;根据句意语境和汉语提示,可知填camping。 5. order

【解析】句意:离开前请把所有的书按正确的顺序放回原处。由语境和汉语提示可知,填:order;the right order:正确的顺序;所以答案为:order。 6.cakes

【解析】考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:蛋糕.英语表达是: cake.some接复数形式,句意:早餐.蒂娜想要一些牛奶和蛋糕.故答案为 cakes. 7. idea

【解析】句意:清楚的知道你想要什么是有帮助的。根据所给单词的意思和首字母可知,这里考查idea想法,主意,是一个名词。空前有不定冠词a修饰,故填单数形式idea。 8. heard

【解析】句意:我以前没有收到莎莉的来信。根据空前haven’t 可知,此句是现在完成时态,此空应填过去分词,根据句意和汉语提示可知,此空故填 heard。 9. kinds

【解析】句意:这家餐馆有很多种面条。Kinds of 种类,故答案为kinds。 10. size

【解析】结合答语“一小碗牛肉面”,可知对方再问:你想要什么尺寸的牛肉面?故答案为size。 11. large


12. porridge

【解析】porridge粥不可数名词,故答案为porridge。 13. expensive

【解析】我买不起这件裙子,是因为它太贵了,故答案为expensive。 14. studied

【解析】句意:今天有一场英语考试,很多学生昨晚都学习了。Study for 为...... 学习,因为时态为一般过去时,故答案为studied。 15. forest

【解析】句意:森林里生活中好多种动物。结合句意以及所给首字母,可知答案为forest。 16. noodles

【解析】句意:兰州牛肉面在中国非常出名。Noodle 面条为可数名词,故答案为noodles。 17. dumplings

【解析】句意:中国人喜欢在春节包饺子。结合句意以及所给首字母,可知答案为dumplings。 18. drink

【解析】前一句天太热了,可知要喝东西。再结合所给首字母,可知答案为drink。 19. shouting

【解析】句意:听!有人在喊救命!listen为现在进行时的标志,故答案为shouting。 20. museum



1.【2019 ?四川省广元市】 (lucky), people tried their best to put out the big fire in the forest。 1. luckily


2.【2019 ?甘肃省敦煌市】Would you like something drink)? 2. to drink

【解析】句意“你想要一些喝的东西吗?”。本句话考查动词不定式作定语,to do修饰something,故填to drink。