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Unit 2 Body language


1.disappointed adj. 失望的 -----disappointing adj.令人失望的 ------disappoint v.使 失望-------disappointment n. 失望

2.impression n. 印象-------impress v. 给......留下印象 短语:make a good impression on sb 给某人留下一个好印象

3.part-time adj. 兼职的-----full-time 全职的

4.speech n. 讲话----- speak v. 讲话------speaker n.演讲者,说话人 短语:make a speech 做演讲 5.appearance n.外貌-------appear v. 出现,好像------disappear v消失 6.contact n. 联系 短语:make eye contact with sb 与某人进行眼神交流 7.remind v.提醒 熟记:remind sb of sth 是某人想起

remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 remind sb that 提醒某人 8.look up 向上看,仰望 ;在(词典或参考书)查阅

注:look动词加up 副词组成的短语,其后跟名词时,名词可放于短语中间,也可以放于短语后面。其后若跟人称代词,人称代词必须放短语中间。 关于look:

look at 看看 look down 向下看,蔑视 look after 照顾 look for 寻找 look into向里面看,调查 look round =look around 观光,游览 look out 小心 look back upon 回顾 look through 温习,审查 look up to sb 尊敬,钦佩---------look down on sb 看不起 look forward to doing 期盼做某事 12.walk over to sb 向某人走去

13.cheerfully adv. 高兴地-----cheerful adj. 高兴的------cheer v.欢呼,喝彩 14.want to do =would like to do=feel like doing 想要做某事 15.What’s up?=What’s wrong?=What’s the matter?怎么了?

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16.decide to do=make a decision to do=make up one’s mind to do 决定做某事 17.at once =in no time 立刻

18.instead of =in place of +doing 代替…… 19.choose v.选择 choice n.选择

20.choose ……instead of =prefer……to……选……而不要…… 二.选择合适的词并用恰当的形式

gesture, rest, hesitation, remind , speech, impression, appearance 1.Dr Wang will make a ________in the hall of our collage this afternoon. 2.Please ________him not to watch TV too much. 3. Have you got any ________on Tom?

4.He left the classroom without _________because he was very angry. 5.You should pay more attention to your___________. 6.The dumb use _______to make communication. 7.Fenny ________her head on her mother's shoulder. 三.单选题

1.What you said reminds me _______my grandpa and it also reminds me ________visit him next vacation. A. of; to B. that; to C. to ;of D. of; that 2.----You're well-dressed today.

-----Thank you.I want to_________ a good impression _______the new teammates. A.give; on B. make; on C. make; to D. give; to 3.When he got to know the sad news, he____________.

A.gave a deep sigh B.gave a deep sign C.gave a deep breath D.gave a deep breath 4.He heard a big noise and _______at the sky.

A.looked up B.look up C. looked out D.look out

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5.---What about going shopping with me? ----Sorry,I prefer_______to_________. A.staying at home ;go out B.to go out;staying at home C.staying at home;going out D.going out;staying at home

6. My teacher has been a teacher for more than 20 years and now she is a _________ teacher.

A. well-dressed B. very old C. young D. senior

7. Now many people prefer playing vegetable-planting games______ the Internet.

A. to surf B. to surfing C. to surfing on D. than surf

8. You _______ happy. What’s the matter with you?

A. aren’t be B. don’t be C. aren’t look D. don’t look

9. ----Can you give me some advice____ how to make friends with others? ----First you must make a good impression_________ them.

A. on, on B. in,for C. for, for D. in, on

10. It’s polite to_________ your head up and _____ eye contact with your customers. A .set, keep B. hold, keep C. set, make D. hold, make 11. Those words reminded her ______ she left something at school.

A. that B. what C. of D. with

12. ----Tom was________ at the bad news that he didn’t pass the exam. ---He __________ OK tomorrow.

A. disappointing, is B. disappointing, will be C disappointed, is D. disappointed, will


13. Debbie greeted her ____________.

A. cheer B. cheerful C. cheerfully D. cheerfuly

14. ----Why is a first ____________ so important?

----Once someone ___ an idea of you, it’s hard for them to change that idea.

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