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1.A contractor installs the last product and receives payment. The project manager discovers flaws in the installation and requests that the contractor complete the repairs at no cost. Which of the following arguments should the contractor use to refuse the project manager’s request? A. contractual closure was approved

B. installation was improperly performed by the project team C. contractor’s quality policy does not allow for this situation D. financial closure was approved

1. 承包商安装最新产品并接收付款。项目经理发现安装有缺陷,并要求承包商免费完成修

理。承包商应使用下列哪一个论据,拒绝项目经理的请求? A. 合同收尾已批准

B. 项目团队执行的安装不当

C. 供应商的质量政策不允许发生这种情况 D. 财务收尾已批准

2.A business analyst collects requirements for a new project. Stakeholders are from different departments and have various requirements. The project budget is limited and can only deliver half of the requirements A. Facilitated workshops B. Focus groups

C. Group decision making techniques D. Group creativity techniques

2. 业务分析员为一个新项目收集需求。干系人来自不同部门并且需求也各不相同。项目预


为确保应包含那些需求,业务分析员应使用下列哪一项? A. 引导式讨论会 B. 焦点小组 C. 群体决策技术 D. 群体创新技术

3.After a quality assurance audit, a project manager receives a formal change request proposing a modification to a component drawing. which of the following plans should the project manager review first?

A. Project management plan B. Change management plan

C. Configuration management plan D. Quality management plan

3. 在质量保证审计之后,项目经理收到一份正式的变更请求,提出修订一封部件图纸。项

目经理先查看下列那一份计划? A. 项目管理计划 B. 变更管理计划 C. 配置管理计划 D. 质量管理计划

4.To increase trust and improve interpersonal relationships, the project manager of virtual team

schedules an off-site building activity. However, due to a scheduling conflict, a key team member cannot attend the activity.

To avoid this conflict, what should the project manager have reviewed? A. Project staff assignment B. Resource calendar C. Project schedule

D. Project organization chart

4. 为提高信任度和改善人际关系,一个虚拟团队的项目经理安排了一次非现场团队的建设

活动。然而,由于进度冲突,一名关键团队成员不能参加活动。 为避免这个冲突,项目经理应已经审查那些内容? A. 项目人员配备 B. 资源日历 C. 项目进度 D. 项目组织图

5.A project manager negotiates contract terms with an external vendor that will provide additional resources to complete a critical project task. To minimize project risk, what type of contract should the project manager select? A. Cost-reimbursable B. Firm-fixed-price

C. Fixed-price-incentive-fee D. Time and material

5. 项目经理与将提供额外资源完成关键项目任务的外部供应商协商合同条款。为了减少项

目风险,项目经理应选择什么合同类型? A. 成本补偿合同 B. 固定总价合同

C. 总价加激励费用合同 D. 工料合同

6.A project team completes a project to transition from an old database to a new database. Regarding lessons learned, what should the project manager do next? A. Present to the sponsor at the stakeholder closeout meeting B. Present to the client to ensure agreement C. Ensure information is stored in a project file

D. Ensure information is stored in a corporate knowledge base

6. 项目团队完成了一个从就数据库转变到新数据库的项目。在经验教训方面,项目经理下


A. 在干系人收尾会议上提交给发起人 B. 提交给客户确保协议

C. 确保信息储存在一份项目文件中 D. 确保信息储存在公司知识库中

7.During the project execution phase, a project manager learns that the customer’s organization could be acquired by another organization. What should the project manager do next?

A. B. C. D. Revisit the project charter Perform a risk reassessment

Ask for the project sponsor’s guidance Discuss the issue with stakeholders

7. 在项目执行阶段,项目经理了解到客户所在组织可能被另一个组织收购。项目经理下一

步该怎么做? A. 查看项目章程 B. 执行风险再评估

C. 寻求项目发起人的知道 D. 与干系人讨论这个问题

8.How should the effectiveness of a project’s quality control activities be determined? A. Evaluate the quality assurance plan against market benchmarks B. Implement a quality audit strategy

C. Conduct a quality audit of the deliverables D. Evaluate the cost of quality

8. 应如何确定项目质量控制活动的有效性?

A. 对照市场标杆评估质量保证计划 B. 实施质量审计策略

C. 对可交付成果实施质量审计 D. 评估质量成本

9.At a project kick-off meeting, the chief executive officer(CEO) requests changes that will impact the project scope. How should the project manager respond?

A. Advise the ceo that the project team will estimate the impact of the change request

B. Inform the CEO that the scope cannot implement the change because the project scope is


C. Accept the changes according to CEO’s request

D. Consider the CEO’s change during the project execution phase-

9. 在项目启动大会上,首席执行官(CEO)提出的变更将会影响项目范围。项目经理应如


A. 通知CEO项目团队将调查所建议变更的影响 B. 通知CEO,范围已最终确定,无法变更 C. 按CEO请求,接受变更

D. 在项目实施阶段考虑CEO的变更

10.Which task has the correct assignment in the RACI chart? 序 1 2 3 4 Task Unit test Integration test Team member #1 Team member #2 Team member #3 Team member #4 Team member #5 R I I R A A R A I C C C C A I I A R A A System test User acceptance test A. Task 1 B. Task 2