PMP考试官方样题 下载本文

D. Establish a benchmark

64. 完成定义范围过程后,项目经理应使用哪项技术来生成可靠估算并管理成本和活动持续

时间? A. 分解

B. 紧前关键绘图法 C. 挣值管理 D. 确立基准

65.At a project status meeting, the vendor reports that they will miss the deadline to release software, which will be required for the project to move forward. What should the project manager do first? A. Update the project management plan

B. Negotiate a new release date with the vendor C. Perform the change control process D. Issue a change request for approval

65. 在状态会上,供应商报告他们将会延误软件发布期限,而发布软件是项目继续推进的一


项目经理首先应该做什么? A. 更新项目管理计划

B. 与供应商协商一个新的发布日期 C. 执行变更控制过程 D. 签发变更请求获得批准

66.A web development firm delivers a product to the client on time and 20% over the original budget. The client is currently soliciting bids for a new web project. What should the web development firm’s project manager do during the closure phase to enhance customer relations?

A. Request requirements for the new web project B. Conduct a stakeholder analysis

C. Meet with the client to review lessons learned

D. Implement corrective actions of the budget controlling

66. 一家网络开发公司按时向客户交付产品,但超出原始预算20%。客户目前正在为一个新

网络项目投标。若要增强客户关系,网络开发公司的项目经理在收尾阶段应怎么做? A. 索取新网络项目的需求 B. 进行干系人分析

C. 与客户开会,审查经验教训 D. 执行预算控制的纠正措施

67.Theproject manager begins to close a supplier contract. In order to ensure the correct acceptance of the contract, which of the following completing sequence should the project manager follow?

A. Verify completed work, close financial work, close contract B. Close contract, verify completed work, close financial work C. Close financial work, close contact, verify completed work

D. Verify completed work, close contract, close financial work

67. 项目经理开始收尾一个供应商合同。为确保这些合同正确验收,应按照下列哪一个顺序


A. 核实已完成的工作、财务收尾、合同收尾 B. 合同收尾、核实已完成的工作、财务收尾 C. 财务收尾、合同收尾、核实已完成的工作 D. 核实已完成的工作、合同收尾、财务收尾

68.Due to a budget reduction, a project is terminated in the implementation phase. The project manager is asked to formally close the project What should the project manager do next?

A. Update the change management plan as part of project closure

B. Draft lessons learned with the team and add to the historical database C. Request an increase in the budget so that the project can continue D. Continue to manage project communications

68. 由于预算减少,项目在执行阶段终止了。项目经理被要求正式收尾项目。


A. 更新变更管理计划,作为项目收尾的组成部分 B. 与团队起草经验教训,并添加到历史数据库 C. 请求增加预算,让项目继续 D. 继续管理项目沟通

69.A division of a corporation undertakes a one-year integration project. At the end of the second month, the project status report shows the project is progressing according to plan. The corporate office announces this division will be sold in three months

What should the project manager do next?

A. Communicate with the project sponsor and the key stakeholders to validate if

the project is still relevant B. Suspend the project immediately and wait for the final outcome of the division’s


C. Cancel the project immediately as there is no need for integration with the

corporation’s systems

D. Continue with the project until the division’s sale is finalized

69. 公司的一个子公司承接了一个为期一年的集成项目。在第二个月底,项目状态报告显示

项目按计划进展。公司办公室宣布该子公司将在三个月内出售。 项目经理接下来应该怎么做?

A. 与项目发起人和关键干系人沟通,核实项目是否仍然有关 B. 立即终止项目,等待子公司出售

C. 立即取消该项目,因为不在需要该集成项目 D. 继续进行该项目,知道该部门最后被收购

70.Before developing a project charter, the project manager works with a consultant and subject matter experts to determine any constraints. Which of the following techniques did the project manager use? A. Lessons learned

B. Historical information C. Strategic plan D. Expert judgment

70. 制定项目章程之前,项目经理与一名顾问和主题专家一起合作确定任何制约因素。项目

经理使用了下列哪一项技术? A. 经验教训 B. 历史信息 C. 战略计划 D. 专家判断

71.To report the quality test results on the deliverables, what should the project manager take to the stakeholders meeting? A. Work performance reports

B. Updated quality management plan C. Process improvement plan D. Quality control measurements

71. 为了报告可交付成果上的质量测量结果,项目经理应该携带什么材料参加干系人会议?

A. 工作绩效报告

B. 更新的质量管理计划 C. 过程改进计划 D. 质量控制衡量

72.A project manager assigns an activity to a team member. The team member performs the activity as the understood. However, the results do not meet the project manager’s expectations

To avoid this situation, what tool should have been used? A. Interactive communication B. Active listening C. Encode and decode D. Push communication

72. 项目经理将一项活动分配给团队成员。团队成员按其理解执行活动。但是,执行结果未


为避免这种情况,项目经理应该事先使用什么工具? A. 交互式沟通 B. 积极倾听 C. 编码和解码 D. 推式沟通

73.Due to unavoidable circumstances, a project is terminated before it is completed. What should the project manager do to close the project?

A. Prepare the change management documentation

B. Prepare formal documentation indicating why the project terminated C. Update the benefits realization documentation D. Reassign the team members

73. 由于不可避免的情况,项目在完工前终止。收尾项目时,项目经理应该做什么?

A. 准备变更管理文档

B. 准备正式文档说明项目为何终止 C. 更新效益实现文档

D. 为团队成员重新分配任务

74.A US$150,000 project requires the completion of the following tasks: Task 1 starts today and has an estimated duration of 2days

Task 2 cannot start until task 1 is finished and has an estimated duration of 8 days Task 3 cannot start until task 1 is finished, must be completed before task 4 starts, and has a duration of 4 days

Task 4 cannot start until task 2 is finished and has an estimated duration of 8 days Task 5 cannot start until task 4 is finished and has an estimated duration of 1 days What is the duration of the critical path? A. 15 days B. 17 days C. 19 days D. 23 days

74. 一个价值150,000美元的项目要求完成以下任务:




任务4要在任务2结束之后才能开始,且估算持续时间为8天。 任务5要在任务4结束之后才能开始,且估算持续时间为1天。 关键路径的持续时间是多少 A. 15天 B. 17天 C. 19天 D. 23天

75.Due to scope creep, project team members must work long hours which results in low morale. After a team member resigns, other team members must postpone vacations to maintain the project schedule

At the next projectreview board meeting, the project manager should do which of the following

A. Use the human resource management plan to request additional resources

B. Use the project management information system to request an extension to the

project schedule

C. Propose a change in scope to reduce the team’s workload