4.(既不知道也不关心)neither knows nor cares for 5.(表达了担忧)expressed concern about
1.(令我们情绪低落) depressed us that
2.(落入敌人手中). fall into the hands of the enemy 3.(忽视教育). neglect education 4.(取出所有的钱)drew out all money
5.(而有些人却赞扬他).while others praise him
1. (冒着生命危险 ) ventured their lives 2.(商业广播电台 ). commercial radio station 3.(赞助) sponsored 4.(意义重大 ). significant 5.(惯例) Convention 作文范围: 1.食品安全 2.动物保护 3.体育运动 4.过度包装 5.休闲娱乐