2017届常州市高三英语期末考试试题 - 图文 下载本文

That means you will not rule forever. The other parts of the statue represent other kings that will come after you. The big rock stands for the kingdom God will set up. It will destroy all other kingdoms and it will last forever!”

Then king Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that wise men of Babylon be pardoned from death. And the king made Daniel governor over all the provinces of Babylon, a much higher position than his former one. Feet of Clay Story Outline The climax The ___73___ The conflict The beginning ? The king had a dream which made his spirit in the state of __71__. ? To explain the dream, wise men of Babylon asked for the content of it but the king disagreed. ? Unable to solve the problem, all the wise men were facing the death ___72___. ? ___74___ his hearing the matter, Daniel came to help. ? First he prayed to his ____75____, and then he got the solution. ? Daniel miraculously told and interpreted the king?s dream: * He dreamt of a great statue made of hard metals falling into pieces. * The statue?s half-iron-half-clay feet, the ___76___ parts of it, were the first to be destroyed by the stone from nowhere. * Interpretation of the dream: the Babylonian kingdom would break into small kingdoms, which would be ____77____ by a long-lasting one set by the God. The ending Additional Elements The ___79___ The original source One influence ? “Feet of clay” becomes an ___80___ meaning a failing or weakness in a strong person's character. 第五部分: 书面表达(满分25分)

高三英语 第13页(共17页)

? All the wise men were saved and Daniel was ____78____ to governor of all provinces as well. ? In 604 BC, in the ancient kingdom of Babylon ? The Bible 请阅读下面一篇短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Dear Uncle,

I am a senior three students who is facing great difficulty in English learning. My problem mostly lies on the learning and memorizing of English words.

You know, in order to achieve a good score in the College Entrance English Examination, we are supposed to have a vocabulary of around 3500 English words. However, it seems impossible for me to remember all of them, even half of them.

Every week, we have to learn around 10 new words and review 20 words from our textbook. To help us, my teacher Miss Li usually first explains the meaning and usages of them in class. Then, I will spend a lot of time trying to memorize my notes taken in class. What troubles me is that I am always slower than most of my classmates who seem never to fail the next day?s dictation given by the teacher to test our vocabulary mastery. Instead, I have been a frequent visitor to her re-dictation room. Watching her worried and tired face, I always think to myself, “Why am I so stupid as to trouble both her and me so much?” Or rather, there is something wrong with my strategies and the way my teacher helps me?

I know you are good at English learning. Hope you can rescue me.

Best regards! Weifang [写作内容]

1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要,写在下面回信的第一段空格处。 2. 用约120个单词发表你的看法,你应当:

(1)结合对魏芳同学词汇学习方法的分析,谈谈你认为较为有效的词汇学习策略; (2)结合对魏芳老师教授词汇方法的分析,谈谈你认为老师在课堂内外该怎样进

行词汇教学。 [写作要求]

1. 写作时不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; [评分标准]

内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 Dear Xiaofang

In your letter, _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.

高三英语 第14页(共17页)

Hope my opinion will be of some help to you.

Yours sincerely


一、 听力:(每小题1分,满分20分)

1~5 BCACB 6~10 ABACB 11~15 BAACA 16~20 BACBC 二.单选 21-25 BDCBA 26-30 DCADA 31-35 ACBDB 三.完形

36-40 BCACB 41-45 ADDAC 46-50 BADBD 51-55 ABCAD 四.阅读

56-57 BD 58-60 BAB 61-64 DCBA 65-70 BCBABC 五.任务型

71. restlessness 72. penalty/sentence 73. development 74. Upon/On 75. God/god

76. weakest 77. destroyed 78. promoted 79. setting/background 80. idiom

六.作文 Dear Xiaofang In your letter, you talked about your difficulty in English vocabulary learning and asked me for help. You also described your learning methods and how your teacher helped you, both in class and after class.

You are not stupid at all. The problem lies in your method. Memorization, which you adopt, is not the sole solution. For a word to really become a part of your vocabulary, you?d better see more about how it is used in more reading and listening. Besides, don?t forget to use it in your speaking and writing whenever you have chances. The more frequently you see it and use it, the better it can be remembered.

As to how your teacher helps you, I think she also should make a change. For example, introduce and consolidate the target words in a rich context and allow you more time for practice in class, in stead of endless explanation and dictation.

Hope my opinion will be of some help to you.

听力原文: Text 1

高三英语 第15页(共17页)

W: How is your brother feeling these days?

M: Much better, thanks. He should be coming home in a few days. The operation was a success and the doctors said he would recover in no time. Text 2

W: Excuse me, Sir. What does this word mean?

M: You?d better learn to guess from reading it in context. Text 3

W: Shall we go to Munich for the holiday, darling?

M: Sounds great. But what about our children, Spark and Fiona? W: Why not take them? Text 4

M: It?s already 6:30. Shall we go now?

W: No, I just had breakfast about five minutes ago. Give me five minutes to pack my school bag. But we will try to get to school within a quarter of an hour. Text 5

W: Hello, this is Linda from Siemens. Can I talk to Mr. Johnson?

M: I?m sorry he is at a meeting now. I think you can call him after it. W: OK. Could you tell me when the meeting will end? M: About ten. Text 6

W: Excuse me, Sir. ⑥Is there a fruit market near here? M: Oh, yes, there?s a very large one around here. W: Where is it?

M: It?s behind the supermarket.

W: Thanks, but is there a car park around the market?

M: Yes. ⑦There is a parking area in front of the supermarket. W: Thank you very much, Sir. M: That?s all right. Text 7

M: You look upset. What?s wrong?

W: ⑧My daughter can’t decide about college. M: Don?t worry. That?s just part of being a teenager.

W: ⑧I don’t mind that. But she disagrees with me about everything. M: It doesn?t mean you?re a bad mother. I felt the same way about my son. W: Really?

M: Yes. He used to argue with me. ⑨It turned out he was just trying to be independent. W: I guess you?re right. Everything will be OK. Text 8

M: ⑩Are these your parents?

W: ⑩Yes. That’s my whole family.

高三英语 第16页(共17页)

M: Oh. You look a lot like your mom… especially your eyes. Very deep beautiful eyes. And the same figure.

W: Hey, I don?t want to hear that. I may look like my mom. But I really take after my dad. M: Really, in what way?

W: (11)We both have a thirst for adventure. My dad was crazy about motorcycles when he was young, you know. But that was before he was married. I?ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17. M: You? No way!

W: Yes,I?ve always done things like that,like surfing, snowboarding. We didn?t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us. Text 9

M: So you?ve ordered your hamburger and chips, what will you drink? W: Orange juice.

M: Er? You?ve changed your taste? Not Coke again?

W: (14)Well, my favorite is Pepsi, but there’s no Pepsi here. M: Can you tell the difference between the two?

W: Actually not, but they say Pepsi is a little bit sweeter. I drink it because of Beckham. M: Beckham? You mean that handsome guy? W: Exactly! I?m a big fan of his.

M: Then Beckham made an ad for Pepsi? Those sportsmen? W: (15)My sunglasses are also advertised by him.

M: Why does he make so many ads? He?s already a rich man!

W: Of course for money. Anyway, I don?t care. It doesn?t hurt anyone, right? M: But you seem to be much influenced by him. W: Yes, and I like to be fashionable.

M: (16)Poor girl! I only listen to myself. Text 10

M: Good morning, students. Before we begin our class today, (20) I want to tell you about five computer courses that we will be having in September.

The first course is called Better Computer Skills. (18)This course will teach you new ways to use your keyboard. The second course will be held on 5th Sept. It is for students who want to learn about how to use a mouse and how to choose the best mouse for your computer.

The third course, Using Software, will be interesting for students who have problems with computer viruses. You will learn how to protect your programs from viruses. (19)Then on the 8th, you can learn how to use the Internet to communicate with people around the world. Finally, if you want to learn about the newest types of monitors for your computer, you should go to the course on the 12th of Sept.

高三英语 第17页(共17页)