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2. Be a little dietician. 七、作业设计

Copy the new words. 1. Read the text.

2. Finish the exercise. 八、板书设计:

Unit 3 A healthy diet Date weather A lot of some a little a few


Unit 3 A healthy diet ( Grammar time & Cartoon time ) The 2nd period 一、教学内容:

Unit 3 A healthy diet (Grammar time & Cartoon time) 二、教学目标:

1、能理解并且熟练运用可数名词和不可数名词a lot of, some, a little, a few的用法。

2、能听懂、会说、会读cola。 三、教学重点:

1、能理解并且熟练运用可数名词和不可数名词a lot of, some, a little, a few的用法。


3、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的道理,能在教师的指导下表演故事。 四、教学难点:

1、能理解并且熟练运用可数名词和不可数名词a lot of, some, a little, a few的用法。

2、能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的道理,能在教师的指导下表演故事。 五、教学准备: PPt、 黑板 六、教学过程 Step 1 Revision 1. Warming up

Game: Rules(游戏规则):

Say ‘Yeah, Yeah, Yeah’, if you think it is true, Say ‘No, No, No’, if you think it is false . T: You all like English. You like eating ice creams. I’m a Chinese teacher. You’re from Nanjing. I’m beautiful.

Pikachu is tall and thin.

2. Look at the picture of Picachu, say sth about him. For example: He is short and fat. He eats a lot... 3. Let’s review.

Breakfast: a lot of milk

some bread, some eggs. Lunch: a lot of rice, a lot of meat a few vegetables. Dinner: a lot of rice, a lot of meat

a few vegetables.

Step 2 Presentation 1.A little和a few

出示He eats a few eggs. She drinks a little water.

T: Egg is countable noun, water is uncountable noun, so what’s the difference between a few and a little? S:a few

T:Can you say some countable noun and some uncountable noun? S: countable noun :egg, apple, mango, banana…

uncountable noun: bread, juice, meat, milk, rice, water… 齐读He eats a few eggs. She drinks a little water. 1、 2、 3、

Game:(PPT) A lot of 和some

T:出示句子I eat a lot of noodles.

We eat a lot of meat.

They have some vegetables. You have some bread.

T: Look at noodles, meat, vegetables and bread, What’s the difference between a lot of and some? S:a lot of 、 some 4、

Cartoon time

1)T: There is not much food in the fridge. What food do they buy? S: Cola, fish and rice.

T: Can Sam drink too much cola? S: No, he can’t.

2)复习 should shouldn’t

3) They buy so many things. Is Sam happy at last(最后)? S: I think he is sad at last. 4) 跟读全文


6)Summary:They have a healthy diet. They have healthy bodies.

Step 3 Consolidation 1、设计健康小贴士

Tips:1. 4人小组讨论健康小贴士。

2. 每人写1~2条,贴到纸上。

2、Summary: Junk food, they are bad for us, we shouldn’t eat a lot. Healthy diet , healthy life.


1、Make a healthy eating table for your family. 2、Read and recite Cartoon time.


Unit 3 A healthy diet

a few a little a lot of some


Unit 3 A healthy diet (Sound time Fun time & Culture time) The 3rd period 一.


Unit 3 A healthy diet (Sound time Fun time & Culture time) 二. 教学目标:

1.能理解并体会字母组合ou在单词中的发音。 2.能理解culture time的内容并适当拓展。 三.教学重点:

1.能理解culture time的内容并适当拓展。

2.能在前两课时的基础上正确并熟练地掌握a little , a few , some 和a lot of 并且可以正确使用。 四、教学难点:

能在前两课时的基础上正确并熟练地掌握a little , a few , some 和a lot of 并且可以正确使用。 五、教学准备:

图字卡, 课件多媒体, 《补充习题》 六、教学过程:

Step 1 Review: Let’s talk

T: What do you have for breakfast? S: I have…

T:What about lunch and dinner? S: For lunch and dinner, I have…

T: Does ** have healthy diet everyday?

Step 2 Do a survey

1.T: Now ** has very healthy diet everyday now and how about you? Let’s do a survey.

2.学生了解阅读P30 调查表和范例对话,了解活动步骤。