2016年11月北京地区成人学士学位英语统一考试真题及答案 下载本文

第73题 A.negative B.careful C.shallow D.polite 答案:C

第74题 A.caught B.dropped C.grown D.reached 答案:A

第75题 A.risk B.sight C.visit D.Death 答案:A

英译汉 Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese.

第76题 Both sides show no signs of backing down. 答案:双方都没有表示妥协的迹象。

第77题 Twenty-eight people have been arrested since then and charged with interfering with the pipe-line construction.

答案:之后有28人被捕,并被指控妨碍了输油管道的建设。 第78题 They say their local economies depend on the use of these areas. 答案:他们说他们当地的经济依赖于这些土地的使用。

第79题 It may also severely limit activities such as logging, road-building, and hunting.

答案:这也会严格限制诸如伐木、修建道路和狩猎这样的活动。 第80题 The entire structure cost more than $ 2.5 million to build at the time. 答案:当时整个建筑花费了250万美元。

汉译英 Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.

第81题 他在这所学校任教多久了?

答案:How long has he been teaching in this school? 第82题 我希望我们的演出会成功。

答案:.I hope our performance will be a success. 第83题 春天是游览这个城市的最佳季节。

答案:The best season to go around this city is in Sprin9.

第84题 他们正在打篮球。 答案:They are playing basketball. 第85题 他十年前搬到这儿的。 答案:He moved here 10 years ago.