2017_2018学年高中英语Unit5ThemeparksWarmingUp 下载本文

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1.There were various (vary) reasons why he decided to leave school. 2.Much to the amusement (amuse) of passers-by, the passengers in the bus are dancing and singing.

3.As you know, the beautiful beaches are the island's main attractions (attract).

4.The country depends on tourism (tour) for much of its income. 5.The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation (preserve). Ⅱ.完成句子

1.No_wonder_people_say (难怪人们说) that computers are taking over the world. 2.Remember you are Chinese wherever/no_matter_where_you_go (不论你到哪里). 3.It's clear that his painting style was_modelled_after (模仿) that of Vincent van Gogh.

4.The prediction made by the scientist seems to_have_come_true (已经变为现实).

5.The theme park you_are_probably_most_familiar_with (你可能最熟悉的) is Disneyland.

6.China is_famous_as_a_beautiful_country (作为一个美丽的国家而出名) with a long history.



When deciding to visit one of the many theme parks in England, you'll find many to select from. Whether you have small children who will have to ride a specific type or style of ride, or you have larger kids who want to ride the more frightening rides, there's a large selection to select from.

In Berkshire, you will find Legoland amusement park. It has not only rides but also huge Lego creations offering people the opportunity to have their photos taken in front of them. When in Legoland amusement park, your loved ones will also have the opportunity to create some imaginative pieces of work. There is a large variety of activities, like live entertainments as well as workshops offering your children


and the adults some entertaining hands-on activities while at the same time allowing you to have fun with the rides.

For people who like a large number of thrill rides, Thorpe Park is a good choice. For those who don't want to participate in the thrill rides, it also has a large number of additional rides to pick from. One of the things that you will not want to miss is the ultimate 4D experience that will take you directly into another time in history. You'll visit an entirely new type of world when watching this show.

If you want to go to a more traditional type of park, you should stop by Diggerland Kent. This theme park has a dozen rides for smaller children but also provides rides for older kids and adults. Also in the park people can dig for several hidden treasures or take their chances with the JCB robots.

In Paultons Park, you get the opportunity to ride more than 50 rides. You also have the chance to see some of the most exotic birds along with animals in the beautiful gardens.


1.What's the author's purpose in writing this passage? A.To introduce four parks in England. B.To tell us the do's and don'ts in parks. C.To show us his experience in England.

D.To explain the history of four parks in England.

解析:选A 作者意图题。作者写本文的目的是为了介绍英国的四个主题公园。 2.If the Smiths want to enjoy a ride and do some handcraft, which park should they choose?

A.Thorpe Park. B.Paultons Park. C.Diggerland Kent. D.Legoland amusement park.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第二段的 “When in Legoland amusement park, your loved ones will also have the opportunity to create some imaginative pieces of work.” 可知答案。

3.In Thorpe Park, people can ________. A.watch a 4D show B.see beautiful animals C.dig for hidden treasures


D.do some hands-on activities

解析:选A 细节理解题。 根据第三段的 “the ultimate 4D experience that will take you directly into another time in history” 可知答案。

4.What can we learn about Diggerland Kent? A.It is famous for the thrill ride. B.Visitors can see robots there. C.It isn't a traditional park.

D.It isn't suitable for smaller children.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第四段的 “Also in the park people can dig for several hidden treasures or take their chances with the JCB robots.” 可知答案。


Virginia is the hometown of George Washington,

the first president of the United States.And it is also a place where you can explore nature and history and learn about America and its beginnings.

Mount Vernon, Virginia

The perfect place to begin your trip is at George Washington's beloved home, Mount Vernon, Virginia.His home has been operated as a museum since 1858 and it is kept the way it was when he lived here.Visit the museums and learn things about George Washington beyond his military (军事的) and political life, such as the fact that he opened the first distillery (酿酒厂) in the country.

Fort Hunt Park, Virginia

Fort Hunt Park is a great place to have a picnic lunch today, but in the past it has played an important part in the military history of the country.In World War Ⅱ it was the site of very secret meetings.

Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve, Virginia

Wetlands are an important part of the ecosystem and are beautiful, a joy to explore because of all of the plants and animals that live there.You can explore over 300 acres on foot or by canoe (独木舟), or both.

Jones Point Lighthouse, Virginia

The lighthouses (灯塔) along Chesapeake Bay are not like others that you may be familiar with, and for that reason alone, this one is well worth a visit.It was first used in 1856 and was almost torn down.Today it is a 50-acre park with bike


trails and picnic tables.Come at night and see the light shine once again.

语篇解读:本文介绍了华盛顿的故乡Virginia的一些游玩景点,有Fort Hunt Park,Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve等。

5.What can we learn from the text about George Washington's home? A.It was the site of very secret meetings in World War Ⅱ. B.It has been used as a distillery since 1858.

C.It remains the same as when George Washington lived there. D.There are a lot of animals and plants there.

解析:选C 推理判断题。由Mount Vernon, Virginia部分中的第二句话 “... kept the way it was when he lived here”可知C选项是正确的。

6.If you want to go for a picnic, you can go to________. A.Mount Vernon or Fort Hunt Park

B.Fort Hunt Park or Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve C.Jones Point Lighthouse or Mount Vernon D.Jones Point Lighthouse or Fort Hunt Park

解析:选D 细节理解题。由Fort Hunt Park, Virginia部分中的第一句话“Fort Hunt Park is a great place to have a picnic lunch today ...” 和最后一段倒数第二句话“Today it is a 50-acre park with bike trails and picnic tables.” 可知D选项是正确的。另外两个地点的介绍中没有提到与野餐有关的事情。

7.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.You can explore Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve on foot or by car.

B.Jones Point Lighthouse played an important part in the military history of the country.

C.George Washington opened the first distillery in the world.

D.If you go to Jones Point Lighthouse at night, you can see the light shine once again.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve, Virginia部分中的最后一句话“You can explore over 300 acres by foot or by canoe, or both.” 可知A选项是错误的。B选项内容在文中并没有提及,故B选项错误。根据Mount Vernon, Virginia部分中的最后一句话“ ... he opened the first distillery in the country.” 可知C选项是错误的。根据最后一段的最后一句话“Come at night and see the light shine once again”可知D选项是正确的。

8.In which column (专栏) of a website might this text appear? A.Nature.



C.Medicine. D.Health.

解析:选B 文章出处题。文章介绍了华盛顿故乡的几个游玩景点,所以本文应该会出现在网站的旅游专栏中。


Dick:Come and read this. Sarah:What's it about?

Dick:Labor Day celebrations in different countries. Sarah:__1__ (sound) interesting. What does it say?

Dick:(Reading ...) Different countries or even different parts of a country celebrate Labor Day on different days. Most countries, China and Germany for example, celebrate it on May 1, __2__ (know) as May Day. But in the United States and Canada, Labor Day __3__ (celebrate) on the first Monday of September since the 1880s. In New Zealand, Labor Day is celebrated on the fourth Monday of October. In Australia, it falls on October 1 in the Australian Capital Territory ...

Sarah:Wow, seems a bit __4__ (confuse). You know, our Chinese May Day holiday is just a few days away.

Dick:Yeah, pity we don't have a long holiday, only one day plus the weekend. Sarah:I agree. What __5__ we do in three days? __6__ won't be enough for us __7__ (go) to the seaside.

Dick:We can go somewhere __8__ (near), though. Somewhere beautiful and not crowded.

Sarah:Do you have some place in __9__?

Dick:Not yet. Why don't we __10__ (log) onto the Internet and search for a great place to go?

Sarah:Good idea. Let's do it right now. 答案:1.Sounds 2.known 3.has been celebrated 4.confusing 5.can 6.It 7.to go 8.nearer 9.mind 10.log