上海市松江区2018届九年级英语4月模拟考试(二模)试题 下载本文

the things you want, but can’t pay for right now. Sounds useful? Look at the following things before you start your budget:

1. Every week, there are things we have to pay for, like school lunches and buses. There are also things we like to spend money on just for fun! These are our weekly expenses (支出).

2. Since we can’t have money for everything, we have to make 77 . We need to ask if we really need something or just want it. Needs are what you must have in order to live, like food and water. Wants are things you would like to have or do, 78 you can still live without them. For example, CDs and cartoons.

3. List what you spend on needs---and if there is money left over, you will save for the things you really want. This is called a budget.

4. If you don’t have enough money for what you need and want, you may have to 79 one for the other.

No budget is fixed. Keep an eye on yours. Maybe you wanted a comic book, but now you want a video game 80 . Your needs may change into wants, or your wants may change into needs.

75. A) attractive 76. A) discover 77. A) choices 78. A) or

79. A) focus on

B) careful

B) money B) and

C) creative

D) important

D) changes

B) stop C) care D) control

D) but

C) efforts

C) so

B) give up C) rely on D) find out

80. A) ever B) again C) either D) instead

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的

词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Reading an English newspaper is a good way to improve a student's language ability. As there are many useful and common words in an English newspaper, it may help students i 81 their vocabulary as well as improve their reading skills. But what is a proper way to read an English newspaper? Do students need to look over all the content (内容) of the newspaper?

The first step is to choose a r 82 newspaper with good language. Then turn to the front page and read the h 83 to know what has happened. As the most important things are put on the front page, it's easy to find out what you're interested in and then turn to other pages to read it thoroughly. There is no need to read all the articles.

Secondly, read newspapers every day. Remember words t 84 context (上下文), in which these words may appear repeatedly. Once they appear several times, you will remember them easily. Don't look up e 85 unknown word in your dictionary. You can try to guess the meaning between sentences. Keep reading, and you will become familiar with the words a 86 you read them several times in different passages.

Reading English newspapers makes us knowledgeable. It can not only help us know what is happening in the world but also improve our language. Thus you can make your English learning


s 87 .

D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (12分)

A bookstore chain “Popular Bookmall” introduced their special style of book distribution (分销)in Shanghai back in November. This experimental store offers books at very low prices, and there is no staff to require customers to pay before taking books away. Sounds like a book lover’s paradise!

Popular Bookmall had already set up such a shop in Nanjing. The organizers of the Nanjing store report that it was a great success; enough customers voluntarily paid for their books. But most older “honesty stores” in China did not receive enough honest customers. For example, a self-service restaurant opened in Fujian province years ago. It allowed customers to pay whatever they chose, but about one-fifth of customers paid nothing. The organizers of the “honesty stores” say that their goal is to encourage people in China to remember how important honesty is.

Many Chinese are worried about dishonesty in China. Even at Popular Bookmall, not everybody chose to pay for their books. Is it a good way to solve it by law? Maybe not. We should listen to our conscience (良心). This has deep roots in Chinese culture. Confucius (孔夫子) taught Chinese to be conscientious and honest.

But there are also a great rational (理性的) reason for “honesty stores”: the more honest people there are in society, the more reasons we have to trust others. And if people trusted each other, they’d be more willing to share. For example, in a “sharing economy”, we do not have to think about saving or spending money all the time. We should try to help other people. In brief, society is built on trust, not only trade (商业). 88. What is the special style of book distribution in “Popular Bookmall”? 89. “Popular Bookmall” in Nanjing was a great success, wasn’t it? 90. Why did organizers open many “honesty stores” in China? 91. What are many Chinese worried about?

92. According to Confucius, how should we encourage ourselves to be honest?

93. What does the underlined part “society is built on trust, not only trade” try to tell us? VII.

Writing (作文) (共20分)

94. Write at least 60 words on the topic “A personal habit I'd like to change”. (以“我想改变的一个个人习惯”为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。) (注意: 短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。) ............................The following points are only for reference: ① 简述你想改变的这个个人习惯; ② 说明你改变这一习惯的理由及措施。





Part 1

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) 1. It took the passengers a long time to get on the plane. (C)

2. Jack often relaxes himself by reading newspaper when he is off work. (D) 3. How wonderful it’s to go camping with my friends in the countryside. (E) 4. Having a rich breakfast in the morning is very important for our health. (G) 5. After school, Mary loves feeding and playing with her little puppy at home. (B) 6. Lily is good at cooking and she always cooks delicious food for her family. (A)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分)

7. M: It is Monday today. Are you going to leave for Beijing tomorrow? W: No, I’m going to leave for Beijing the day after tomorrow. Q: When is the woman going to leave for Beijing? (B) 8. M: Hey, Sue. How was your trip to London?

W: Very good. But it rained a lot. What was the weather like in Shanghai when I was away?

M: Oh, it was very hot and sunny.

Q: What was the weather like in London when Sue was there? (A) 9. M: I am traveling to Paris on Flight AF115. Do I check in here?

W: That’s right, Sir. Can I see your ticket and your passport, please? M: OK.

Q: How is the man traveling to Paris? (C)

10. M: Excuse me, madam, I’d like to complain something to you. W: What has happened?

M: I bought this book here yesterday. But when I read it, I found some pages missing. W: Oh, I’m sorry about that. I’ll give you a new one. Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place? (A) 11. W: I feel bored. Shall we go shopping?

M: I’d rather stay at home. Men hate shopping, you know. W: Then let’s go to the museum. M: Sounds good.

Q: What are they most probably going to do? (B) 12. M: Alice! Alice! Wake up, don’t cry!

W: Oh! I saw a huge dog running after me. But I couldn’t move! M: Don’t worry! It was just a dream. Go back to sleep. Q: Why did Alice cry? (B)

13. W: I am feeling tired and can’t sleep well. M: How long have you been like this? W: Two or three days.

M: You need to have a blood test.

Q: What’s the relationship between the two speakers? (B)


14. M: I went to watch the performance at Shanghai Grand Theatre yesterday. W: What did you think of it?

M: To tell you the truth, I played games on my iPad mini from the beginning to the end. Q: What does the man mean? (A)

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) “A garden sale” is a popular activity in America. When people do not want their old books or clothes, they collect them and sell them in the garden outside their home. Sometimes it takes place in a garage where cars are parked, so it is also called a “garage sale.” “A garden sale” doesn’t have to be huge. One family, or even one person, can hold “a garden sale”. They may publish the news of the sale in a local newspaper. Some families also put signs on nearby streets to direct people to their house. And, as simple as that, they have a garden sale. For people with little money, garden sales are a good way to find useful things for their family. They can buy their kid a toy car or a football at a very low price. Other people go there to find something special for their collection, like stamps and old money. Businessmen also go to garden sales. They may find a beautiful old carpet. After it is repaired, it will be worth a lot of money. Garden sales are an important part of American’s lives. They are fun and help protect the environment. Old things find new homes, so they are not thrown away.

15. T 16. F 17. T 18. F 19. T 20. F

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词) (10分)

If you are sitting at a desk, writing an article, stop for a moment and think: Could a robot or machine do this job better? The answer might be yes. Here are three jobs that robots are likely to take the place of in the coming future. Believe it or not, writers are among them. Many of the news articles you’ve read over the last few years might have been written by software. Some of the world’s most famous magazines such as Forbes《福布斯》, for example, regularly run computer-written articles. Does this mean we’ll see a future with no human writers? Well, it could be. Drivers are also probably less needed, because driverless cars are here. And they are being tested in a few U.S. cities. They’re better than human drivers in some ways: They don’t have blind spots, they don’t get sleepy and they don’t get distracted. So driverless cars seem to provide a safer and cheaper performance. Cashier seems like a clear example of an occupation that a robot machine can also take the place of. Today, many supermarkets and department stores have cashiers with self-checkouts. It’s said that the number of self-checkout machines may be as high as 335,000 by 2020. They do help the check-out lines move quickly although they have some problems.

21. three jobs 22. famous magazines 23. less needed 24. to provide 25. move quickly

Part 2