Learn General Secretary on \o learn a\hening \speech caused a strong reaction in the country. ime, watching \n of building the party back to power, how to strengthen services for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become the grass-roots party members and masses hot topic. Grass-roots party organizations \ce of party members and cadres, the pioneer spirit. Distribution of grass-roots party organizations in all walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the party organization and comments reputation has a direct perception of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the \hen the party members and cadres \does not have to be me\hardships, the last to\spirit to set the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-roots party organizations \nse all people not happy not to see \s\honest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the \osion of temptation, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corrupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to restore the party's fresh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansing \d,\ble and behaviour, \oss, hard and cold, push\oots party organizations \dinary party members, participating in consciousness, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of grass-roots party branches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party organizations have some lag. Two studies, is to focus on the grass-roots party branches \nd cadres, \orking\Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous \d\s special attention to party members and cadres \ning party of thought\ng\ned in the long-term development of our party's historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the party's construction of a new \nt.\Grass-roots party organizations should always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. \have three kinds of consciousness \ducation, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party members had a solid ideological basis. Only the %unity, to form a \n-do-do\cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization
earning education, need three kinds of consciousness: one is to establish an integrated awareness. \ng\car isTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoretician and man. Only by closely combining theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. \process, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awareness, that Constitution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the grass-roots work, water business learning series of speeches seen as window dressing. These \decadent\s learning lack
on, the Foundation is not strong, shaking; \net to net thousands of accounts. \s, going to \ning\ng\ck to standard, so that the majority of party members \ng theory of nutrients, in the \ctice party's purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. \ning\n, entirely different, but the organic unity of the whole. \ning education, we need to explore integrating \n \bit \ence\he \ng\ple room instruction, \o a monotone for doing. Should exploration \n\has \he has \n\ctice of carrier, makes general grass-roots members can in \he has \ of achievements sense, in \n the has \nse, real makes party of theory brain into heart, put for people service concept outside of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awareness. Style construction on the road forever, \d to catch the long-term. \o\Mill once said, only a basic element of human thought patterns change dramatically, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and————— 目 录 ————
一 规划背景……………………………………2 二 规划范围及区位……………………………2 三 规划依据及参考文献………………………2 四 规划设计原则………………………………2 五 规划目标……………………………………3
六 规划结构……………………………………3 七 规划布局……………………………………3 八 道路系统规划………………………………4 九 绿化景观系统规划…………………………4 十 建筑设计……………………………………5 十一 新型技术的运用……………………………5 十二 环卫规与划消防规划………………………6 十三 用地平衡表和综合技术经济指标…………6
on, by no means, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent education within the party. In recent years, the party's mass line education practice and \-three\l education in grass-roots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and cadres withstood the baptism of the spirit. \on longer hold long-term, to establish and perfect the effective mechanism of the education, focusing on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awareness-raising, antennas and atmosphere a discussion on how leading cadres of party members \nt, \n full swing up and down the country, party cadres as a \h a barometer and impetus. The \nough deep, is to determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the \he s motivation, a serious impediment to \ning\Learn General Secretary on \o learn a\hening \speech caused a strong reaction in the country. ime, watching \n of building the party back to power, how to strengthen services for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become the grass-roots party members and masses hot topic. Grass-roots party organizations \ce of party members and cadres, the pioneer spirit. Distribution of grass-roots party organizations in all walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the party organization and comments reputation has a direct perception of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the \hen the party members and cadres \does not have to be me\hardships, the last to\spirit to set the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-roots party organizations \nse all people not happy not to see \s\honest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the \osion of temptation, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corrupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to restore the party's fresh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansing \d,\ble and behaviour, \oss, hard and cold, push\oots party organizations \dinary party members, participating in consciousness, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of grass-roots party branches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party organizations have some lag. Two studies, is to focus on the grass-roots party branches \nd cadres, \orking\Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous \d\s special attention to party members and cadres \ning party of thought\ng\ned in the long-term development of our party's historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the party's construction of a new \nt.\-roots party organizations should always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. \have three kinds of consciousness \ducation, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party members had a solid ideological basis. Only the %unity, to form a \n-do-do\cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization高青县湖北社区修建性详细规划设计文本
一、 规划背景
随着高青县加大打造人居城市的力度,创造适合人类居住的城市,高青县对常家镇等三镇大芦湖区域进行了综合整治。高青县湖北社区就是在此背景下产生。高青县湖北社区力图打造风景优美、环境清新、功能齐全、结构合理的人类居住圣地。 二、规划范围及区位
西长约735米,南北长约580米,占地面积约为30.63公顷(约合459.48亩),整个小区地势北高南低。湖北社区位于高青县黄河生态旅游区域内,西邻艾李湖黄河生态休闲区,南邻大芦湖黄河商务度假区,地理位置优越,环境优美,这些旅游景点的存在为湖北社区的规划提供了有力的支持。 现状条件及评价
湖北社区现状条件较好,主要用地为耕地。该处地形平坦,整个社区地质状况良好,无需做人工改造即可施工。该小区内的地下水位较低,不必考虑地下水对建筑地基的影响。因此,从总体上讲湖北社区的现状为其能顺利的施工及竣工验收提供了重要的保证。 三、 规划依据及参考文献
1.《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》(2008年1月) 2. 《城市规划编制办法》(2006年4月) 3. 《镇规划标准》(GB50188-2007)(2007版) 4. 《淄博市城市规划管理技术规定》(2005年12月)
earning education, need three kinds of consciousness: one is to establish an integrated awareness. \ning\car isTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoretician and man. Only by closely combining theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. \arning\on, the Foundation is not strong, shaking; \net thousands of accounts. \s, going to \so that the \ng\ck to standard, so that the majority of party members \ng theory of nutrients, in the \ce party's purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. \ning\organic unity of the whole. \ning education, we need to explore integrating \ning\\Science\d the \ng\ple room instruction, \o a monotone for doing. Should exploration \n\ce of carrier, makes general grass-roots members can in \he has \nts sense, in \he has \
process, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awareness, that Constitution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the grass-roots work, water business learning series of speeches seen as window dressing. These \decadent\s learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment to \o\Mill once said, only a basic element of human thought patterns change dramatically, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and2
5. 《山东省村庄建设规划编制技术导则》(试行) 6. 《高青县城市总体规划》(2004-2020) 7. 《高青县黄河生态旅游区旅游开发规划》 8. 地形图
9. 国家、山东省、淄博市其它相关的法律、规范和条例
2、满足住宅的居住性、舒适性、安全性、耐久性和经济性 规划根据物业管理需要确定组团规模和服务设施内容。服务设施配套齐全,位置得当,符合居民生活要求和行为轨迹,便于在保安、清洁、绿化、水电、家政等方面推选规范化服务,为物业管理及服务提供了便利条件,提高了工作质量,降低了管理成本。
ory brain into heart, put for people service concept outside of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awareness. Style construction on the road forever, \o catch the long-term. %udy and education, by no means, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent education within the party. In recent years, the party's mass line education practice and \-three\al education in grass-roots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and cadres withstood the baptism of the spirit. \stablish and perfect the effective mechanism of the education, focusing on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awareness-raising, antennas and atmosphere a discussion on how leading cadres of party members \n full swing up and down the country, party cadres as a \ometer and impetus. The \ning enough deep, is to determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the \he 四、规划设计原则Learn General Secretary on \o learn a\hening \s\speech caused a strong reaction in the country. ime, watching \n of building the party back to power, how to strengthen services for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become the grass-roots party members and masses hot topic. Grass-roots party organizations \nd cadres, the pioneer spirit. Distribution of grass-roots party organizations in all walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the party organization and comments reputation has a direct perception of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the \dal\hen the party members and cadres \does not have to be me\d \hardships, the last to\spirit to set the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-roots party organizations \nse all people not happy not to see \s\honest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the \osion of temptation, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corrupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to restore the party's fresh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansing \d,\ble and behaviour, \oss, hard and cold, push\oots party organizations \dinary party members, participating in consciousness, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of grass-roots party branches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party organizations have some lag. Two studies, is to focus on the grass-roots party branches \em, advance the party members and cadres, \orking\Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous \d\special attention to party members and cadres \ning party of thought\ng\ned in the long-term development of our party's historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the party's construction of a new \on movement.\-roots party organizations should always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. \have three kinds of consciousness \ducation, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party members had a solid ideological basis. Only the %unity, to form a \n-do-do\cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization高青县湖北社区修建性详细规划设计文本
间序列,并通过小区主入口以及组团、单元入口的标志性景观进一步加强空间的领域感和归属感,从而提高了居住环境的安全性。 4、坚持可持续发展原则,按照动态体系进行规划。
坚持以人为本,创造舒适、优美、卫生、安宁的生活环境。规划的用地布局及空间组织以人的需求为依据,充分考虑人的可达性、便捷性及舒适性,做到以人为本,为人服务。在满足日照、采光和通风的基础上,着重进行绿地系统规划,强调绿地景观系统的均好性,使居民最大程度接近自然、享受自然,保证居民的身心健康。 五、规划目标
earning education, need three kinds of consciousness: one is to establish an integrated awareness. \ning\car isTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoretician and man. Only by closely combining theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. \arning\on, the Foundation is not strong, shaking; \net thousands of accounts. \s, going to \so that the \ng\ck to standard, so that the majority of party members \ng theory of nutrients, in the \ce party's purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. \ning\organic unity of the whole. \ning education, we need to explore integrating \ning\\, exhibit \nce\d the \ng\ple room instruction, \o a monotone for doing. Should exploration \n\ce of carrier, makes general grass-roots members can in \he has \nts sense, in \he ha
process, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awareness, that Constitution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the grass-roots work, water business learning series of speeches seen as window dressing. These \decadent\s learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment to \o\Mill once said, only a basic element of human thought patterns change dramatically, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and3
能的通信设施和协调的道路交通系统,建设高效能的上下水、清洁能源供应、消防及垃圾回收加工等市政设施。 2、高质量的生态环境
加强绿化,保护生态环境污染,充分利用原有地形地貌,防止污染。 3、高品质的物质形态环境
功能与形态并重,合理进行功能组合与用地布局,塑造富有特色的形态环境,构造一个空间层次丰富、具有时代感的居住小区。 4、高水平的规划管理
商业功能区沿广青路布置,在经济效益上增加了沿街商铺的经济价值和经济活力,也大大方便了居住区内部居民的生活和消费,并能受周边的经济带动共同发展,商业建筑设计的中心是营造特有的商业氛围,带动区域物流经济的发展。居住功能区在商业带内部形成丰富的居住形式。 七、规划布局:
ory brain into heart, put for people service concept outside of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awareness. Style construction on the road forever, \o catch the long-term. %udy and education, by no means, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent education within the party. In recent years, the party's mass line education practice and \-three\al education in grass-roots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and cadres withstood the baptism of the spirit. \focus on longer hold long-term, to establish and perfect the effective mechanism of the education, focusing on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awareness-raising, antennas and atmosphere a discussion on how leading cadres of party members \n full swing up and down the country, party cadres as a \ometer and impetus. The \ning enough deep, is to determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the \he s \