2017届高三上学期第二次质量检测英语试题(附答案) 下载本文

two weeks before the date set for our own journey. The pony completely resigned me to the situation. The pony’s name was Gitana, which is the Spanish for “gypsy”, so I always called her Gypsy.

Finally the time came to leave the vine-covered mansion among the orange-trees, to say goodbye to little Sam(I am convince he was heartily glad to get rid of me), and to part with Aunt Chloe. I imagine them standing by the open garden gate; the tears are rolling down Aunt Chloe’s cheeks; they and the old home fade away. I am never to see them again!

61. The underlined word “cordially” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “________”. A. sincerely B. unbelievably C. officially D. closely 62. The second paragraph is intended to _______.

A. support Tom’s opinion that he is a “faultless young gentlemen” B. show just how much confidence Tom possesses

C. contradict other people’s belief that Tom is not a well-behaved, friendly boy D. provide an example that Tom is friendly and not an angel

63.Tom Bailey’s feeling on moving to Rivermouth can best be described as _______. A. cold, as he was too young to know any better

B. unwilling until his father corrected his misunderstandings about life in the North C. angry because he would be forced to leave his pony, Gypsy, behind

D. excited until he realized that he would have to part with Aunt Chloe and little Sam 64. It can be inferred from “a Northern man with Southern principles” that ______. A. Tom is a Yankee, unwilling adapting to a Southern lifestyle

B. even though Tom now lives in the South, he is proud of his Northern heritage C. Tom has successfully subscribed to some Northern values and some Southern values D. although Tom was born in New England he liked the way of life and culture in the South


The First Hello

The man from the telephone department got off the bus, and made his way to the tea stall, wiping the sweat off his head, face, then slipping his handkerchief under his shirt to wipe his neck and back. It was a year ago that the phone line had been installed, six months later men from the public works department had come to put up the phone booth—a neat box-like structure, with a

glass window, and wooden ledges, yellow in colour. And days after that, a painter had taken an entire day to colour in broad, black brushstrokes, the words: STD Booth, local and STD allowed. No one could tell that the last word had been misspelled. Besides, he had taken the entire day. After he had a cup of tea, he left, waving cheerfully. And now months later, someone else was here again.

Everyone watched the man as he sat on the bench. No one said a word, and soon the sound of him slurping his tea filled the hot afternoon. A few leaves fell, heavy in the heat, and sometimes a car passed, on its way to the main city farther away.

When the man had finished, he tried to pay but the tea shop owner who sat behind his steaming kettle and the washed upturned cups, waved him away. “You are our guest here.”

So the man took his handkerchief out again and wiped his face.

They crowded around him as he shut himself up in the phone booth. When the children pressed their nose against the glass, he shooed them away, as he took out a shiny black instrument and placed it on the narrow shelf. A sigh of satisfaction passed through everyone that soon changed to an excited yell as they saw him dial a number, pressing a finger into the ringed dialer of the phone and letting it go all the way in a half-circle. A while later, they hear him say into the mouthpiece, “Hello.”

“Hello,” the children around the booth took up the cry, the teashop owner broke into a smile and the men waiting for a bus smiled and said hello to each other. The sadhu(印度的僧人) who sat under the banyan tree nodded wisely. As the sound carried, more hellos were heard. The women winnowing grain giggled as they tried the word tentatively, the shepherds feeding their flocks called out to their sheep, laughing as they used the word. “It’s a big occasion,” said the headman, in an awed(敬畏的) voice.

“It is.” agreed those around him. The telephone man emerged and handed over a small chit of paper to the headman. “This is the telephone number.”

The headman looked at it respectfully as if it were a mantra(符咒). The others around him read out the numbers slowly, digit-by-digit.

The telephone man was now too tired to notice the cheering around him. He knew he had to wait long before the bus to take him back arrived. As he sipped his second cup of tea, he

remembered something else.

“Oh, you can’t start using the phone now. The minister will come next month and inaugurate it.”

No one said a word. No one was surprised. They had waited so long; a month more did not really matter.

65. In the story, fitting a working telephone booth __________. A. was a process that had already taken 12 months B. was in the charge of the headman C. was finished more than a year ago D. was an artistic challenge for a local painter 66. A misspelled word on the booth __________.

A. was a joke shared by the painter and the local people B. made the painter miss his tea break C. went unnoticed by the local people D. kept everyone occupied for an entire day

67. When the man from the telephone department arrived, __________. A. the hot afternoon was filled with quiet expectation B. there was a sudden rush of activity in the village C. he was greeted like a regular customer

D. he learned about the village while having a nice drink 68. What can be inferred from the story?

A. The man from the telephone department had a mentally demanding job. B. Only the minister had the authority to make the first call. C. It was a distant village free from modern technology. D. Few of the local children went to school for education.

69. The examples of the children, the teashop owner, the men waiting for the bus, the women

and the shepherds are given to illustrate __________. A. the local people’s curiosity for the new thing B. the ignorance of the local people

C. the local people’s enthusiasm for English learning

D. the popularity of the man from the telephone department 70 What words can be used to best describe the local people? A. Innocent and cooperative. C. Patient and competent.

B. Friendly and respectful.

D. Independent and admirable.

第二卷(非选择题 共35分)

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 .. 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

ID systems are used as a means for people to prove their identity, as a means of access control, or for many other situations. ID cards also contain a lot more information than simply the name of the holder. All ID cards contain information that is relevant to the institution that released them, so there is no single model that applies to all ID cards.

Different institutions have different rules when it comes to ID cards, and ID cards used by students, in universities, will not have the same security features as those used in the military, for example. The more important the institution is, the more important the security is, and the more security features will be used to prevent duplication(复制) of an ID card.

Anyone with a printer that can print ID cards can duplicate in ID card, if it does not have any security measures. There have been lots of cases, especially in low security institutions, where ID cards have been duplicated and this was not noticed, since the person holding the card usually flashed it when it was requested, and that was not enough to notice that it is a fake.

That may not be extremely important when it is simply a case of a student trying to enter the campus of another university, but it can be of vital importance if it happens in a military institution. Checks in military institutions are much stricter and the personnel checking the card are always trained to spot fakes in a short amount of time.

Some may think that creating an ID card is extremely difficult, but it is not. All it takes is a special printer that can print ID cards, a model and a photo ID. The fact that such printers can be freely ordered online has raised security issues with lots of companies and institutions, and most have decided to either create their own ID cards, or simply use more advanced security features that regular home-users do not have access to. This includes magnetic stripes(磁条), chips,

barcodes(条形码),and other methods. This does increase the cost of the card per person, so the total cost of the cards increases based on the number of employees the company has, but it also reduces security risks to a minimum.

So ID systems, as basic as they seem, are an excellent security measure for any institution. To ensure that the IDs look good and function properly, the company that handles the card printing services should be top-class. Trying to save some money by choosing a cheaper provider is not really wise. While some companies offer bonuses for large orders, if the quality provided is not of the highest standard, it is not worth it.

ID systems Passage outline Supporting details (71) ______ to ID system There is not a single model (72)______ to all ID cards because of different information contained in different ID cards. Different security features are decided by the degree of the (73)_____ of the institutions Security features of ID With no security measures quite a lot of (74)_______ of ID card cards duplication have happened. In a military institution ID cards are (75)_______ more strictly (76)_______ of ID It is not (77)_______ to make ID cards with special printers. cards Using magnetic stripes, chips and barcodes (78)_______ the safety of ID cards. The author’s advice (79)_______ basic and simple, ID systems are an excellent security measure. It’s wise to (80)_______ top-class providers or services to ensure ID cards of a fine quality.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
