现代大学英语精读一 TransBook1 Unit13 下载本文

Book1 Unit13 A

1. 这个项目听起来很令人鼓舞。你还在做吗?别停下来,继续干下去。

This project sounds very exciting/ inspiring. Are you still working on it? Don’t stop/give up. Keep at it! / Get on with it! / Carry on! 2. 他把杯子往桌子上一放,慢慢从椅子上站了起来。

He set the cup on the table and slowly rose from his chair.

3. 煤矿工人们要求对那些应该为这次可怕事故负责的人予以严惩。

The coal-miners demanded those people who should be held responsible for that terrible accident be severely punished. 4. 要不是当地政府的有力支持,那里的人们就不可能实现他们的愿望。

But for the strong support of the local government, the aspirations of the people there would not have been fulfilled.

5. 当局正在制定一个旨在让周围所有的山


The news that the authorities are drawing a plan aimed at getting all the surrounding hills covered with trees spread quickly and inspired many young people.

6. 天气预报说我们家乡的旱情可能还要持续下去。我不禁为今年的夏收担心。

Weather forecast says that the drought in our hometown is likely to continue/linger on. I can’t help worrying about this year’s summer harvest.

7. 要想实现社会和谐,我们必须倾听人们的抱怨,并实现必要的改革。

To achieve social harmony we must listen attentively to people’s complaints and carry out necessary reforms.

8. 我姐姐告诉我说,就因为她常批评她老板,他就把她看成捣乱分子,一直想要把她打发掉。

My sister told me that just because she often criticized her boss, he regarded her as a

trouble-maker and had always wanted to get rid of her. B

1. 在中国,这种草药广泛用来直通。

In China this herb is widely used as a painkiller.

2. 无论走到哪里,人们都介绍他是个电脑天才。

Wherever he went, he was introduced as a computer wiz.

3. 这是一个几百人为之工作了五年的项目。 This is a project on which hundreds of people have worked for five years.

4. 这位农民视自己的土地为世界上最珍贵的宝物。

The farmer regards his land as the most precious treasure in the world.

5. 这个国家的总理把最近的这次地震成为全民的灾难。

The Prime Minister of the country described the recent earthquake as a national disaster. 6. 这个城市发展的速度令来自全国各地的